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Re: You guys can start paying me now

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:33 pm
by DC Smackmaster
I'm starting to think the powers that be ought to make the default font setting like fuckin 72 so these blue hairs that are waiting for sweet merciful death can continue to enjoy this place.

I just turned 40. 62 may as well be 150 to me right now. I seriously cant imagine the depression that goes along with going to bed each night wondering if tonight is the night my heart decides to get run. Fuck that.

Let us know when you get featured brother Roach!


Re: You guys can start paying me now

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:39 pm
by Mikey
Roach wrote:You guys will start paying me anytime I feel like it.

This is in response to Goober's question in another thread, if I am as old as he. I don't know Goob's age, but I just hit the big one where I could start collecting social security if I wanted. I think I'll wait another four years (66) but I just wanted you to know that you will be financing my leisure, recreation, health care, and right wing activities as I see fit.

To the younger guys who will never see a dime from SS: Thanks! :hfal:

Anybody else care to fess up about their age?
If you wait you may never see a dime.

Re: You guys can start paying me now

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:41 pm
by Mikey
DC Smackmaster wrote: I seriously cant imagine the depression that goes along with going to bed each night wondering if tonight is the night my heart decides to get run. Fuck that.
Fuck the heart thing. If it happens in your sleep you'll never know. I go to bed each night wondering if I'll have an awesome dump in the morning.

Re: You guys can start paying me now

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:42 pm
by Wolfman
73. I started drawing from my SS money at age 62.OK so there really wasn't any of the money in any real account I've been doling out since my first job. At that time it worked out you had to live to 75 before there was a negative side to it. Since then I have worked again and put more money in while taking a heavy tax hit because I was still drawing money out.
Check out the convoluted formula for calculating your tax on your SSI benefits. Yes you can be paying taxes on your taxes. You want a real eye opener? Go to your nearest Social Security office. I bet you will be the only one over age 50 in the place.
In a perfect world, Barry Goldwater would have been elected in 1964 and a Republican Congress would have set up real growth investment funds for social security. Instead the next generation is stuck with the shitty end of a big Ponzi game. Sucks to be them as the current politicians in DC keep kicking the can down the road.