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Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 12:57 am
by mvscal
Yep. You voted for Obama in 2008 and/or are planning to vote for him in 2012. The question is...why? Perhaps I've been wrong the whole time. This is your opportunity to explain your vote in rational terms. Since you might be a little shy and embarassed, I'll help you get started.
Did you vote for Obama because he:
Promised to close Gitmo?
Promised to turn the economy around?
Promised not to raise taxes on those making less than $250K?
Promised the most transparent adminstration in history?
Promised that your energy costs would "necessarily skyrocket"?
Promised vague, ambiguous numbers of "shovel-ready jobs"?
Promised to "slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet"?
Promised to "reset" our diplomatic relations with the world?
Promised to "cut the deficit in half by 2013"?
How is all this working out for you?
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:00 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
That's pretty deep for a Friday night, dude. Aren't you getting your CZ on?
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:04 am
by mvscal
Absolutely. Please don't misconstrue this as some kind of an attack. I'm merely extending an olive branch in an effort to increase understanding across this all too frequently acrimonious political divide.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:06 am
by Diego in Seattle
mvscal wrote:Absolutely. Please don't misconstrue this as some kind of an attack. I'm merely extending an olive branch in an effort to increase understanding across this all too frequently acrimonious political divide.
I haven't smelled this much bullshit since the last time I drove through Kettleman City on I-5.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:08 am
by Bizzarofelice
I'm rocking a Schlafly Helles style Summer Lager. Not too hoppy. Grilled chicken and Kale for dinner. and Twizzlers.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:14 am
by mvscal
Anchor Liberty Ale and some Tahoe OG indica here. Dinner is undetermined at this point.
So, bace. Perhaps you would care to share some of your reasons for voting for Obama. No pressure, just a friendly, open forum type of sharing.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:46 am
by Truman
Bizzarofelice wrote:I'm rocking a Schlafly Helles style Summer Lager. Not too hoppy. Grilled chicken and Kale for dinner. and Twizzlers.
Last of the Boss Tom's here.
Tom was a Goat. And a Democrat. Rack the Kansas City machine... And Boulevard's Best seasonal.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 2:37 am
by mvscal
What? No Obama voters willing to share their reasons for voting for the jug-eared cretin? I promise I will treat your opinions gently and with respect.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 2:49 am
by dingus
I never believe anything any asshat running for the presidency say they will or won't do. They're all some variety of liar, that's what they do. I try to discern who will fuck things up the least the next four years. I was wrong.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 3:46 am
by War Wagon
mvscal wrote:What? No Obama voters willing to share their reasons for voting for the jug-eared cretin? I promise I will treat your opinions gently and with respect.
sorta' like Bsmacks suck it dittochumps thread title.
you draw more flies with honey than vinegar.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 3:56 am
by mvscal
I'm sorry, Wags. I just wasn't sure what else to call them. Is there a polite or politically correct term for low IQ feebs? I am trying my best to establish a dialogue here. I honestly would like to know why.
Nobody seems to want to own their vote, though. I can't say that I blame them for feeling ashamed. The truly inexplicable thing is that they are about to do it again. What fuels this irrational optimism? What promises will suffice to lure the piggies back to the trough?
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 5:01 am
by Ana Ng
I voted for my dog last election.
Promised me nothing. Gave me everything.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 3:03 pm
by Truman
Jsc810 wrote:(2) I want Obama to make the next appointments to the SCOTUS.
I trust that is sufficient material for you to come up with another creative insult.
I see
somebody is holding out hope for a bit of judicial activism from the High Court on a gay marriage ruling to usurp the Will of the People... Which most-likely would, indeed, be another sufficiently creative insult to this country.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 5:38 pm
by smackaholic
Jsc810 wrote:I voted for McCain last time but will be voting for Obama this time. I'll give two reasons:
(1) the Republicans disgust me; and
(2) I want Obama to make the next appointments to the SCOTUS.
I trust that is sufficient material for you to come up with another creative insult.
I just don't get you Chip. You did seem to be a middle of the road republican, awhile back. Now, you appear to be a hard left lib.
WTF happened.
How could anyone who didn't vote for Barry first time around decide, y'know, I had that fella wrong. He's done better than what he told me he would.
On every imaginable level, he has been a failure.
And just what is it that today's SCOTUS is not doing for you?
What do you fear a more conservative court would take away?
Is full blown federal power to do whateverthefukk it pleases an acceptable price to pay for gay marriage and no questions asked abortion, whenever and for whatever reason?
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:02 pm
by Atomic Punk
So you're going to vote a complete fraud and liar back into office because of that link? I can understand a pedo and the joke Bace voting that way, but you? Really?
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:07 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
mvscal wrote:The question is...why?
Because registered democrats are going to vote for the democratic candidate, same as registered republicans voted for 8 years of this:
What do I win?
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:11 pm
by R-Jack
I voted for Obama for the same reasons I voted for Bush in '04. My X factor is which person is going to make the other side melt the hardest.
Obama has filled three terms of vitriol into one. I'd say I got the most out of my vote. I would like to switch things up, but I doubt Romney is loathsome enough to get my vote.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:12 pm
by Bizzarofelice
so the question is why would I vote for Obama instead of Romney?
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:20 pm
by Atomic Punk
Neither is a "win" Bace. However, re-electing a complete fraud and liar back into office is a good idea?
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:27 pm
by ChargerMike
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:29 pm
by ChargerMike
Diego in Seattle wrote:mvscal wrote:Absolutely. Please don't misconstrue this as some kind of an attack. I'm merely extending an olive branch in an effort to increase understanding across this all too frequently acrimonious political divide.
I haven't smelled this much bullshit since the last time I drove through Kettleman City on I-5.
..especially right after the yards have been watered down...yooooeeee
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:37 pm
by Wolfman
- Privatize Social Security and give an opt out to anyone in the system to convert it to a private IRA. This does a couple things – Not the least of which should give an overall boost to the stock market when folks actually have more than a few shit mutual funds to decide from
I remember when Barry Goldwater suggested similar changes and got clobbered for even thinking of it. I can only dream about how much better off we all would have been had he been elected and not LBJ.
My favorite political line at the time was "vote for Goldwater is a vote for getting us into a ground war in Viet Nam." I voted for AuH20 and we were in the war full time.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:50 pm
by War Wagon
Jsc810 wrote:
I told you, I became disgusted with the Republicans.
I posted this link in another thread,
here it is again.
That article speaks primarily towards right wing
media, not necessarily Republicans or conservatives in general. Not every conservative buys into what paid political hacks are selling, at least not every bit of it.... just as every liberal doesn't always buy what MSNBC is selling either.
I can make up my own mind about where to stand on issues and separate the wheat from the chaff.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:00 pm
by Cuda
Toddowen wrote:smackaholic wrote:
WTF happened.
So... Ned Braden
is a fag.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:16 pm
by Diego in Seattle
smackaholic wrote:Jsc810 wrote:I voted for McCain last time but will be voting for Obama this time. I'll give two reasons:
(1) the Republicans disgust me; and
(2) I want Obama to make the next appointments to the SCOTUS.
I trust that is sufficient material for you to come up with another creative insult.
I just don't get you Chip. You did seem to be a middle of the road republican, awhile back. Now, you appear to be a hard left lib.
WTF happened.
I think your first question should be where would Reagan fit into the republican party (Reagan himself, not his admin).
IOW, Jsc may not have moved anywhere near as much as the republicans have.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:21 pm
by Atomic Punk
Pedo, asking you for an opinion is like asking Jerry Sandusky if he enjoyed himself.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:27 pm
by mvscal
Diego in Seattle wrote:I think your first question should be where would Reagan fit into the republican party
He would be the undisputed leader, you kiddy diddling fucktard. That's about as dumb as suggesting that Jim Brown couldn't play in the modern NFL.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:31 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Open Inquiry to Mormons
The question is...why?
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:47 pm
by Smackie Chan
mvscal wrote:That's about as dumb as suggesting that Jim Brown couldn't play in the modern NFL.
I dunno. I figure at his age he's prolly lost a step.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:59 pm
by smackaholic
KC Scott wrote:If either candidate wants my vote - here's what I want:
- fix business in this country. It's not hard. Incentivize companies to put Americans back to work. The fucking interest rate isn't gonna get any lower, so borrow money, build shit and sell it. Tax breaks for hiring Americans. Simple shit
And just how the hell do you incentivize anything? Government needs to stop incentivizing EVERYTHING, because that requires some fukk to decide who gets what tax break. There should be a simple low income tax. There should be no corporate tax, period. I would start it at 2% on the first motherfukking dollar you make. Get some skin in the game. I
- Fix the income tax code. Enact a FLAT FUCKING TAX. 3 brackets - 15%, 20% and 25% at 70K / 250K / Over 250K. Eliminate all deductions except for kids, charity and home interest (which should eventually be phased out after the housing market recovers. I hate H&R fucking block, but have to pay them $800+ every stinking year since my return looks like a fucking encyclopedia
Why just 3 steps? I would start it at a low 2% for poor fukks. Start slowly stepping it up to about 30% for incomes in excess of 500K. I would eliminate ALL deductions. Why the fukk should I subsidize you if you want to have 7 kids or a 500K mortgage. Subsidizing huge fukking mortgages with tax deductions is part of what got us where we are now. I also think we should do away with single/married tax rates. Once again, it comes down to the government getting the fukking fukk out of my bidness.
- Privatize Social Security and give an opt out to anyone in the system to convert it to a private IRA. This does a couple things – Not the least of which should give an overall boost to the stock market when folks actually have more than a few shit mutual funds to decide from.
I think there should be a low across the board deduction that everyone pays into for a low SS stipend. Everything above and beyond that should be just as you say.
- Medicaid / Medicare – fucking privatize it. Let HCA, Aetna and the rest of the insurance companies buy the accounts from the Gov. then let them compete on the premiums. If they don’t make it affordable for average joe then regulate it just like utilities
medicaid should be regular old commie style gubmint run. It should be a bare motherfukking bones system. Customers would have zero ability to sue. You want something for free, you get what you pay for. Even with this low level of service, I would tally up a bill for these fukking mooches to pay off as best they can, when they can.
- Welfare / Food stamps / ADC: require anyone getting any Govt. assistance to actually do something – whether it’s taking a course online or picking up trash on the side of the road. Something to make either themselves or their state town better
rickety rack. you get nothing for nothing. the same would go for unimprovement errrrrr unemployment benefits.
- Tell the allies to Cowboy up and take care of their own asses. Build their own missile shields, guard their own borders, protect their own Govts./ regimes, etc. Just quit expecting us to do – or pay us for doing it.
- Get the fuck out of personal lives. Quit kowtowing to the religious right. Legalize anything anyone wants to do as long as the only people it affects are those that choose to engage in it.
still not real sure what all this kowtowing is other than their desire that fags be kowtowed to or that there be absolutely no restrictions on abortion. I am the furthest thing from religious, but, I do believe that whacking a viable fetus is wrong and those feti deserve some protection.
- Wake the fuck up on energy – We have more Nat gas than we know what to do with. Embrace this and you’ll put a shitload of people back to work. While we’re ramping up – quit blocking deep water drilling and hydro fracking for oil. Fuck the middle east oil and get out of that shit now
/ end rant
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:15 pm
by ChargerMike
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Open Inquiry to Mormons
The question is...why?
...the backpacks of course, we dig the backpacks.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:26 pm
by Bizzarofelice
lot of dumb in this thread
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:44 pm
by Atomic Punk
Bizzarofelice wrote:lot of dumb in this thread
Bace, I agree. You not giving an explanation for why you'll vote the fraud and liar back into office tells all. Lot of dumb, indeed.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:49 pm
by Bizzarofelice
wow. fraud and liar. you sure got riled up thinking about that guy. he musta done you all sorts of wrong.
fraud and liar?
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:07 pm
by mvscal
Jsc810 wrote:I voted for McCain last time but will be voting for Obama this time.
What happened to Gary Johnson? You were puffing his root pretty hard awhile back. Is he now also a dangerous extremist who fills you with such loathing and disgust that you would prefer to vote for a categorical failure?
My aren't you the good little wind-up toy.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:12 pm
by mvscal
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Open Inquiry to Mormons
The question is...why?
When you die, you get a free planet just waiting to be populated by celestially prolonged geysers of your own seed. I think it's something like a cosmic orgasmatron.
Or is that Scientologists?
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:21 pm
by Atomic Punk
Bizzarofelice wrote:wow. fraud and liar. you sure got riled up thinking about that guy. he musta done you all sorts of wrong.
fraud and liar?
Yes, he is a fraud and a liar. Take a look at mvscal's initial post then answer the basic questions at the top of page one. To help you along, I mean page one of this thread.
You are deflecting and are in denial because you haven't answered any of the questions. I don't have a problem with you not voting this year.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:51 pm
by smackaholic
KC Scott wrote:smackaholic wrote:KC Scott wrote:If either candidate wants my vote - here's what I want:
- fix business in this country. It's not hard. Incentivize companies to put Americans back to work. The fucking interest rate isn't gonna get any lower, so borrow money, build shit and sell it. Tax breaks for hiring Americans. Simple shit
And just how the hell do you incentivize anything? Government needs to stop incentivizing EVERYTHING, because that requires some fukk to decide who gets what tax break. There should be a simple low income tax. There should be no corporate tax, period. I would start it at 2% on the first motherfukking dollar you make. Get some skin in the game. I
Well Tardo, it's pretty simple. If you have factories / offices here, you pay a lower corp tax rate. For every bit of revenue generated fromfactories offices outside USA you pay a higher rate. Elimination of Corporate taxes moves that burden to the population unless of course you want to see us go into default as a country.
Corps don't pay taxes. People, pay taxes. End corporate taxes, period. If you try to squeeze companies overseas operations too hard, they figure out a way to not pay taxes on them period. Shouldn't be that tough, considering they are already overseas. I think we should have more aggressive tariffs on countries with which we run big trade deficits. That would be an incentive to bringing the work back here.
- Fix the income tax code. Enact a FLAT FUCKING TAX. 3 brackets - 15%, 20% and 25% at 70K / 250K / Over 250K. Eliminate all deductions except for kids, charity and home interest (which should eventually be phased out after the housing market recovers. I hate H&R fucking block, but have to pay them $800+ every stinking year since my return looks like a fucking encyclopedia
Why just 3 steps? I would start it at a low 2% for poor fukks. Start slowly stepping it up to about 30% for incomes in excess of 500K. I would eliminate ALL deductions. Why the fukk should I subsidize you if you want to have 7 kids or a 500K mortgage. Subsidizing huge fukking mortgages with tax deductions is part of what got us where we are now. I also think we should do away with single/married tax rates. Once again, it comes down to the government getting the fukking fukk out of my bidness.
OK no deductions for kids. Expect to see a reduction in the overall birth rate among us white folks who pay at a higher rate under your therom. Also expect to see No impact on the birth rates of the balcks, spics etc. of those paying that puny 2% rate you espouse. Expect to be the minority
sooner than 20240. And also expect to see your suburbs fall into decay even sooner by eliminationg the home mortgage deduction as we transition into a transient society of renters
Were you really stupid enough to procreate for a tax deduction? I think that the number of people that factor tax status into their family planning is pretty much zero. As for buying a home, I think the same applies. And if it didn't, you still haven't explained why the fukk you want me to help pay your overinflated mortgage through a tax deduction. And let's say folks decide to all become renters. What would happen? Rents would go up, property values would drop. Then more would buy. Ain't it funny how that free market dealio seems to work every time it's tried? BTW, I own a home. I haven't used my mortgage deduction in a number of years because I don't owe that much. Not owing much, is kind of a good thing. We should be promoting it, not being in hock out our asses, hoping for huge property value increases to get us back rightside up on our mortgages. To those out there that seem to think big property value run ups is a good thing, why do you hate the next generation of prospective homeowners so much?
When it comes to property values, what we should have is steady valuations that basically keep pace with inflation.
- Privatize Social Security and give an opt out to anyone in the system to convert it to a private IRA. This does a couple things – Not the least of which should give an overall boost to the stock market when folks actually have more than a few shit mutual funds to decide from.
I think there should be a low across the board deduction that everyone pays into for a low SS stipend. Everything above and beyond that should be just as you say.
Why? What purpose would that SS stipend serve except to someone who opts out? If you opt out you're forgoing any future benefit so why should you pay anything in?
there will be some that opt out who's investments go south or blow it on hookers and coke. This would be enough for a subsistence existence for them.
- Medicaid / Medicare – fucking privatize it. Let HCA, Aetna and the rest of the insurance companies buy the accounts from the Gov. then let them compete on the premiums. If they don’t make it affordable for average joe then regulate it just like utilities
medicaid should be regular old commie style gubmint run. It should be a bare motherfukking bones system. Customers would have zero ability to sue. You want something for free, you get what you pay for. Even with this low level of service, I would tally up a bill for these fukking mooches to pay off as best they can, when they can.
You just came out in favor of Obooga care there, whether you know it or not. Buying the insurance is the tallying up part..
No fan of Oboooga care. His quasi-private cluster fukk is similar to what you are suggesting. In my system, everyone would have the option of purchasing their own levels of insurance. If they didn't have insurance/the means to pay out of pocket, they go to the really barebones gubmint run mill. I would staff it with health professionals that had their edumacashums subsidized.
- Welfare / Food stamps / ADC: require anyone getting any Govt. assistance to actually do something – whether it’s taking a course online or picking up trash on the side of the road. Something to make either themselves or their state town better
rickety rack. you get nothing for nothing. the same would go for unimprovement errrrrr unemployment benefits.
Except for the fact your employer pays in for your unemployment benefits insurance. Unless you espouse eliminating that
nope. i wouldn't eliminate it. i would just do something to attempt to lower the rampant fraud that exists currently. Just because you or somebody pays for an insurance, doesn't give you the right to defraud it. And sitting home on your ass collecting while there is a job out therefor you, is fraud, IMO. If you think this is not the case, try burning your crib to the ground so the insurance co. will buy you a new one. I mean, fukkk, you paid for it, right?
- Tell the allies to Cowboy up and take care of their own asses. Build their own missile shields, guard their own borders, protect their own Govts./ regimes, etc. Just quit expecting us to do – or pay us for doing it.
Since you didn't comment on this I'll take that as your seal approval and will expect your vote when I run for Benevolent Leader sometime in the future
aren't you the sharp cookie.
- Get the fuck out of personal lives. Quit kowtowing to the religious right. Legalize anything anyone wants to do as long as the only people it affects are those that choose to engage in it.
still not real sure what all this kowtowing is other than their desire that fags be kowtowed to or that there be absolutely no restrictions on abortion. I am the furthest thing from religious, but, I do believe that whacking a viable fetus is wrong and those feti deserve some protection.
Regarding abortion - That's beacuse you're either a hypocrite or an idiot. You wanna see the kid born, but don't want to pay for it's food or eduction but do want to pay for it when it burglarizes you're hovel and we lock it up for 20 years. Just Brilliant
don't let your steaming partner catch you butchering possessive pronoun spelling like that. he'd get...well....steamed.
Regarding the Fags - didn't you just say something earlier about Govt. getting out of your private life?
i sure did. govt should stay out of their bizz and they should stay out of the bizz of those of us who think they're fukked and would just as soon not associate with them.
- Wake the fuck up on energy – We have more Nat gas than we know what to do with. Embrace this and you’ll put a shitload of people back to work. While we’re ramping up – quit blocking deep water drilling and hydro fracking for oil. Fuck the middle east oil and get out of that shit now
Again you must totally agree with this - so get busy printing up my campaign flyers
if you're going up against Obama or let's turd, you can count on my vote.
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:04 am
by Bizzarofelice
Atomic Punk wrote:Take a look at mvscal's...
stop hiding behind mvscal's skirt, cunt.
why do you think Obama is a fraud and a liar?
Re: Open Inquiry to Morons
Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 1:51 am
by ChargerMike
Bizzarofelice wrote:Atomic Punk wrote:Take a look at mvscal's...
stop hiding behind mvscal's skirt, cunt.
why do you think Obama is a fraud and a liar?
refer to initial post on page one...oh wait, you were already so directed and deflected...I get yer drift.