Barry Switzer
Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:10 am
This is out of the blue, but I came across this NFL Films profile
and found it interesting and entertaining.
The popsicle incident might be, bar none, THE funniest thing
I've ever seen.
How the hell did I never see this before?
Give that part a watch (14:35 - 15:18) if you don't want to see the
whole piece.
Fuckin' 'tard.
Good stuff.
and found it interesting and entertaining.
The popsicle incident might be, bar none, THE funniest thing
I've ever seen.
How the hell did I never see this before?
Give that part a watch (14:35 - 15:18) if you don't want to see the
whole piece.
Fuckin' 'tard.

Good stuff.