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The 'fool is happy today.
Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:20 pm
by campinfool
Today has been bad ass for me. I missed a lot of football last year. My oldest kid went to a private high school that sucked balls and the field did not even have seating. Friday Night Lights sucks in a lawn chair when a bunch of 5'6 160 pound pussies are playing for the sake of Catholicism and are getting pounded by 60 points a game. And while the Longhorns did suck again, I missed most of it since I have worked weekends for the past 3 years. Fast forward to this week and all is good. My other daughter is a HS freshman at a public school so Friday nights are business as usual even though the McNeil Mavericks suck on the field. Today I have been flipping all day. Got weekends off for a while while I ride short term disability and enjoyed Penn State losing, saw a close game with NW and SU, and now I'm enjoying Coach Boom get his ass handed at the hands of Bowling Green. Thanks to the SEC for hiring away the most overrated DC ever at the 40 acres. And tonight will be sweet as AT&T Uverse struck a deal with the Longhorn Network so I can watch Texas and my alma matter, Texas State will make it's BTPCF debut against Houston later tonight. I know it will not last forever, but for now all is right at the Campinfool compound. Enjoy your Saturday peeps.
Re: The 'fool is happy today.
Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:33 am
by campinfool
88, it wasn't really the 5'6 kids that invoked cynicism in me, it was the pompous, shove my religion down your throats parents that made up most of the fans at these games. My wife has turned into a big Catholic while I am not. Hard not to snicker at the prayer festivities on the field, rolling my eyes in contempt knowing I'm shelling out big bucks to send my kid there. I want marching bands, some ghetto thug running backs, and some cheerleaders who evolve to jerk material not a bunch of narrow minded do gooders all driving minivans or Lexuses. And the CAL game was epic just as the fact that Florida sucks, and UTEP is giving OU all they can handle early. And on a side note, the mighty Texas State Bobcats made history under the leadership of dejected Dennis Franchione and went and kicked Houston Cougar ass.
Re: The 'fool is happy today.
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:06 pm
Rack The 'fool.
Re: The 'fool is happy today.
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:41 pm
by campinfool
Yup, TXST did good being a 37 point dog and all.
Re: The 'fool is happy today.
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:05 pm
by King Crimson
word up fran. i always kinda wanted to like fran and was confused why he sucked at ATM. kyle field, he runs toombs on the goal-line against the OU team that lost to Boise (one of the weaker Big XII champs outside Colorado 01)....and he mighta won the conference. maybe everything is different.
he did coach a couple helluva games against OU. one for Bama in Norman and the next year maybe at Kyle. trick plays, the whole shebang. he had a pretty confident Stoops staff (sigh) waggling their willies in the wind.