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MNF - Donks @ Falcons
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:47 am
by War Wagon
Atlanta looks for realz, scary good in fact.
Last week wasn't a fluke.
Peyton is going to get his shit packed tonight, I do believe.
Re: MNF - Donks @ Falcons
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:57 pm
by Felix
that fucking game was almost unwatchable.....could those referees be any more inept?
I'm not saying there were calls that would have changed the outcome, you can't turn the ball over 4 times and expect to win very often....and there were no calls or missed calls that would have changed the outcome....but those officials looked like a bunch of bumbling fucking oafs out there...the first quarter was almost an hour long....
when is goodell finally going to realize that it's time to put his ego in check and start negotiating in earnest with the NFLRA and quit torturing the fans.....
in terms of officiating, that game was an abomination
Re: MNF - Donks @ Falcons
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:51 pm
by Goober McTuber
Toughen up, buttercup. They're every bit as good as the regular refs.
Re: MNF - Donks @ Falcons
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:03 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
I heard on the radio the only sticking point is keeping the pensions for the current refs. Any new ref who comes on board will get a 401K, but the curent refs want their pensions grandfathered in under the new agreement.
Does this seem reasonable to anyone else? Or should the GFT?
Re: MNF - Donks @ Falcons
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:43 pm
by mvscal
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:...but the curent refs want their pensions grandfathered in under the new agreement.
Tough shit. You have to have some kind of leverage to make demands that might stick. Once it finally sinks in that these fuck ups can and will be replaced, then maybe they can sit back down and listen to reason. If not...they can go fuck themselves. Nobody will miss them.
Re: MNF - Donks @ Falcons
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:47 pm
by mvscal
Felix wrote:could those referees be any more inept?
You bet. They could be Ed Hochuli or Jeff Triplette.
Re: MNF - Donks @ Falcons
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:03 am
by Felix
mvscal wrote:
You bet. They could be Ed Hochuli or Jeff Triplette.
that's horseshit.....Hochuli was one of the better refs in the game.....he's respected by all of the head coaches in the league and that's saying something....that big fucking lineman from Atlanta should have been ejected from the game the minute he put his hand on one of the refs....the replacement guys won't pull the trigger on something like that in fear they might do something wrong....fear of making a bad call is no way to call an NFL game....they're way out of their depth.....
"fifteen yard holding penalty on red"
are you fucking kidding me....what are we in the 6th grade?
Re: MNF - Donks @ Falcons
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:39 pm
by mvscal
Felix wrote:that's horseshit.....Hochuli was one of the better refs in the game.....he's respected by all of the head coaches in the league and that's saying something....
And yet he has single-handedly blown at least one game that we know of with an absolutely brainless call. If that's the best the "official" refs have, I can do without, thanks. The replacements will be just fine.
There is certainly a learning curve and that will take a little patience, but no game has been won or lost on bad calls. Just a bunch of minor ticky tack annoyances.
Re: MNF - Donks @ Falcons
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:55 am
by Felix
mvscal wrote:
The replacements will be just fine.
many of those replacement guys have never officiated at anything higher than division II ncaa football level....exactly how long do you think this learning curve will be-especially given that you yourself said long time NFL officials are guilty of errors.....
but no game has been won or lost on bad calls. Just a bunch of minor ticky tack annoyances.
I'm assuming you know this because you've seen every NFL game right?
how the fuck would you know if calls or non-calls have won or lost about the 11 yard spot for Denver that should have been five yards....the drive resulted in a denver score and while denver lost the game, how can you say that extra 6 yards that denver received didn't affect the outcome of that particular drive? you can't....that's a pretty significant miss and that's just the obvious shit....what are those replacement guys potentially missing that isn't as obvious?
so save your "learning curve" and "ticky tack annoyances" horseshit for the unwashed masses that don't possess even a rudimentary understanding of the subtleties of the NFL game....
Re: MNF - Donks @ Falcons
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:21 am
by Felix
Papa Willie wrote:
Felix - Denver still scored a TD on the drive you're talking about. Hey - the Falcons were pissed off about how the stoppage in play was affecting their no-huddle.
I know they did, the refs gave the Broncos 6 extra yards they didn't deserve....and the slow down of the games is excruciating....fuck, it's like every time a flag is thrown the refs have to have a fact finding committee to determine whether they should form a blue ribbon committee to discuss whether there are merits in calling or not calling a penalty.....they're making (or not making) calls based on being scared to make the wrong one, and that's slowing the game to a crawl....
it's fucking torturous