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Three Best Bets week 4 results

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:58 pm
by Felix
Results (in order of appearance)
stuckinia 2-1 cincy let you down
dallas fanatic 2-1 the lions appear to be worse than people thought
KC Scott 1-1-1 previously unbeaten now takes a baby seal clubbing at the hand of jville
JSC810 1-1-1 Atlanta is good, but not that good
MGO 1-1-1 I see a pattern developing here the giants and 2 pts is like kissing your sister
TIC 1-2 likewise fell victim to the Atlanta hypnosis and the Detroit hype
Felix 1-2 man do I suck
Ucant 3-0 undefeated nice job
Godzilla 2-0-1 another giant believer (that's why you hold all tickets)
Biggie 2-0-1 nice pickin Tex
War wagon 1-2 who’d thunk denver would save you?
Sirfindafold 1-2 the duhs seemingly to like to kick you in the nuts
Screw Michigan 3-0 another prognosticating genius-I’d have thought a 12 point spread over Tennessee was way too much
Dels Dad 2-1 the Arizona game should not have been that close
Shoalzie 2-1 atlanta strikes once again
Hockey mom 1-2 you know better than to bet on the chefs
Bucmonkey 2-0-1 another Giants time, nice pick n the cincy game
Shine 2-1 sorry about leaving you off, you deserved better than that

totals will be added together with the other results, I just don't know when

Re: Three Best Bets week 4 results

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:08 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Felix wrote:Results (in order of appearance)
Scvrew Michigan 3-0 another prognosticating genius-I’d have thought a 12 point spread over Tennessee was way too much
I was going with TEN, changed my mind at the last minute. I rarely do that, but thankfully, it worked.

Who didn't see the Pathetic Losers (Dallas) embarrassing themselves at home last night? Christ almighty.

P.S. What happened to the TBB Week 4 thread?

Re: Three Best Bets week 4 results

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:39 pm
by Felix
Screw_Michigan wrote:
Felix wrote:Results (in order of appearance)
Scvrew Michigan 3-0 another prognosticating genius-I’d have thought a 12 point spread over Tennessee was way too much
I was going with TEN, changed my mind at the last minute. I rarely do that, but thankfully, it worked.

Who didn't see the Pathetic Losers (Dallas) embarrassing themselves at home last night? Christ almighty.

P.S. What happened to the TBB Week 4 thread?

I move them to the NFL picks fourum. All can be found there

Re: Three Best Bets week 4 results

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:17 am
by Shine
What, my 2-1 week wasn't good enough to rate?

Re: Three Best Bets week 4 results

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:56 am
by godzilla2002
Thanks for the quick results Felix, but I'm pretty sure I went 2-0-1

Re: Three Best Bets week 4 results

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:36 am
by Felix
results have been adjusted
apologies to godzilla
Shine you got left off because I think I was in stunned amazement that you actually posted-haven't seen you around for a while...glad to see you here