Saw that... not sure what "TV" it was on, but whatever.
All the more amusing, since just about everyone in this forum who plays would beat Phelps like a drum on the links. He has some outrageously high handicap, which I'm sure will drop now that he's retired from the Olympics.
Re: longest put ever made on tv
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:55 pm
by BSmack
They are all Dave Pelz's bitches.
I was actually watching this on the Golf Channel preview of the 2004 PGA Championship when Pelz drained this putt on live tv.
Re: longest put ever made on tv
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:35 pm
by Dinsdale
OK, an exception...
Bri, with his rigorous 9-holes-per-year practice regimen, might not be able to take Phelps.
But I'd lay money that B could outdrink him on the course.
Re: longest put ever made on tv
Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:55 pm
by BSmack
Dinsdale wrote:OK, an exception...
Bri, with his rigorous 9-holes-per-year practice regimen, might not be able to take Phelps.
But I'd lay money that B could outdrink him on the course.
That's bullshit. I played 36 holes this year.
Re: longest put ever made on tv
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:16 am
by Dinsdale
OK then.
Is the swing good enough to take on Phelps, the 21-handicapper?
Because I played hundreds of holes (maybe not a number divisible by 9, since my elbow had me walking off the course a couple of times), and the swing was still hit-and-miss... meaning I'd hit it, and frequently miss the area code I was aiming for. Then the elbow got better, and it started to go somewhat in the direction I aimed it.
Now, as of today, the Wet Season has begun. Fuck it, I'll play in the mud (exceot work is about to get crazy busy... injuries and work really get in the way of golf, I might have to swear off both).
Re: longest put ever made on tv
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 4:40 am
by BSmack
Dinsdale wrote:Is the swing good enough to take on Phelps, the 21-handicapper?
With his size, the sky is the limit as to how long Phelps might be hitting it. If he's straight off the tee and has even a middling game inside 150, he probably crushes me. My best hope is that he would shit the bed in the accuracy department and melt on his recovery shots.
This summer, although my time on the course was short, was actually very productive. I solved some weight transfer issues and am actually hitting my tee shots MUCH longer and straighter. It is my short game, once the strength of my game, that is in need of work next spring. By that time, if Phelps is serious about his game, he might just knock that handicap down by 5-10 strokes.
Re: longest put ever made on tv
Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 5:53 pm
by Goober McTuber
It's hard to tell where the greens start and end on some of those holes at the Home of Golf, but if Phelps was putting on the green and hit the flagstick, isn't that a penalty?
Re: longest put ever made on tv
Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:14 pm
by Dinsdale
I noticed that too, Goobs.
Either it wasn't a "putt," but a "chip" made with his putter, or it was from the surface, and it's a 2-putt... one or the other.
Either way, it's not a 1-putt, which kind of makes any claims about its superlativeness moot.