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GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:30 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Not only is Schilling a staunch GOPer, he's also dumb as a brick and now with a networth of about zero.

I guess you could call this karma. But no, no money for poor people, more money for asswipes like Schilling! Video game company? What a loser.
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) -- Rhode Island's economic development agency on Thursday sued former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling and some of its former officials, saying they committed fraud and other acts that misled the state into approving a $75 million loan guarantee to his failed video game company.

The suit was filed in Rhode Island Superior Court four months after 38 Studios filed for bankruptcy following a spectacular collapse that has likely left the state on the hook for as much as $100 million.

Among other things, the lawsuit claims that executives at 38 Studios, as well as former Economic Development Corp. Executive Director Keith Stokes and others, knew the company would run out of money by 2012, but concealed that from the EDC board, which made the final decision on whether to back the deal.

The board in 2010 lured 38 Studios to Providence from Massachusetts with the loan guarantee.

The lawsuit also alleges that Schilling, 38 Studios executives and others engaged in racketeering and conspiracy. The suit does not ask for a specific dollar amount but wants Schilling and others to repay the bonds and seeks triple damages.

In addition to Schilling, who founded the company, and Stokes, the suit names Michael Saul, a former top official at the EDC; two law firms that worked with the agency; a financial adviser for the state; Wells Fargo Securities and Barclays Capital, investment banks hired by the EDC to assist in issuing bonds for the deal; and an insurance company for 38 Studios.

Gov. Lincoln Chafee said the EDC board, of which he is the chairman, authorized the legal action in an attempt to recoup some of the state's money.

"My message to Rhode Islanders is this: I know that you work hard for your paychecks, and for your tax dollars to be squandered is unacceptable," Chafee said in a video statement. "The Board's legal action was taken to rectify a grave injustice put upon the people of Rhode Island."

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:39 pm
by smackaholic
"My message to Rhode Islanders is this: I know that you work hard for your paychecks, and for your tax dollars to be squandered is unacceptable," Chafee said in a video statement. "The Board's legal action was taken to rectify a grave injustice put upon the people of Rhode Island."
You are correct. The tax payers of RI should be you for squandering their money. The governor and those that signed off on this loan should be gone after as well as Schilling and his partners. Every last fukking one of them should be left penniless if the State is not repaid in full.

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:45 pm
by Dinsdale
Sounds like the people of Rhode Island are quite the asswipes themselves. Fuckers support a state government that gives out state funds (or certainly risks doing so) to wealthy people so they can make video games?

Yeah, sounds like a legitimate role for government.

They voted for that stupidity, they can pay the bill.

But no big surprise -- anyone who's seen Schilling lately understands his substance abuse renders him unable to doa simple interview, much less run a business.

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:48 pm
by Mikey ... -flareout/

Sure, some companies getting DOE grants fail. Absolutely unacceptable.


But wait...

The most successful job creator in modern history didn't do quite as well.


Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:51 pm
by Mikey
Screw_Michigan wrote:Not only is Schilling a staunch GOPer, he's also dumb as a brick and now with a networth of about zero.

I guess you could call this karma. But no, no money for poor people, more money for asswipes like Schilling! Video game company? What a loser.
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) -- Rhode Island's economic development agency on Thursday sued former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling and some of its former officials, saying they committed fraud and other acts that misled the state into approving a $75 million loan guarantee to his failed video game company.

The suit was filed in Rhode Island Superior Court four months after 38 Studios filed for bankruptcy following a spectacular collapse that has likely left the state on the hook for as much as $100 million.

Among other things, the lawsuit claims that executives at 38 Studios, as well as former Economic Development Corp. Executive Director Keith Stokes and others, knew the company would run out of money by 2012, but concealed that from the EDC board, which made the final decision on whether to back the deal.

The board in 2010 lured 38 Studios to Providence from Massachusetts with the loan guarantee.

The lawsuit also alleges that Schilling, 38 Studios executives and others engaged in racketeering and conspiracy. The suit does not ask for a specific dollar amount but wants Schilling and others to repay the bonds and seeks triple damages.

In addition to Schilling, who founded the company, and Stokes, the suit names Michael Saul, a former top official at the EDC; two law firms that worked with the agency; a financial adviser for the state; Wells Fargo Securities and Barclays Capital, investment banks hired by the EDC to assist in issuing bonds for the deal; and an insurance company for 38 Studios.

Gov. Lincoln Chafee said the EDC board, of which he is the chairman, authorized the legal action in an attempt to recoup some of the state's money.

"My message to Rhode Islanders is this: I know that you work hard for your paychecks, and for your tax dollars to be squandered is unacceptable," Chafee said in a video statement. "The Board's legal action was taken to rectify a grave injustice put upon the people of Rhode Island."
He should have held on to his bloody sock. It could have brought millions on today's market.

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:17 pm
by smackaholic
coupla things about the gubmint/bain comparison.

First off, companies like Bain don't succeed by buying healthy companies. They would have to pay too much. So, a .780 BA is probably pretty damn good in that bidness.

As for the government doing the same and having a higher success rate, well, they fukkin' better. These companies, first off have huge piles of money coming from the feds, and on top of it, are certain to have further support from said gov. sugar daddies because they want to see them succeed. If you think this is not the case, check out hom many cars the feds buy from GM/Mopar vs Ford. I don't have any figures, but, have read that Ford is getting the shaft in this area because they had the gaul to not become wards of the state.

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:18 pm
by Mikey
88 wrote:
Strange, I thought Bain Capital risked privately held funds. Are you suggesting that Bain Capital investments wasted public funds? Or are you simply shitting all over yourself trying to bring an attack against Romney in a thread about the government prosecution of persons who wasted public money?
Who's shitting? Do you have some sort of feces fixation?

Those numbers I provided are just as relevant to the case in Rhode Island as the list of companies you posted. Without any sort of explanation of why they might have any relevance, BTW.

So, I guess you must be shitting all over yourself, or maybe wallowing in somebody else's shit, while fixating on DOE's renewable energy grants (which is what I assume you were referring to).

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:22 pm
by Mikey
smackaholic wrote: they had the gaul to not become wards of the state.
So, Ford is building cars in 1st century France?

They must have hired Emmett Brown.

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:22 pm
by Rooster
Wait, was it a green video game company which Schilling founded? Because then it'd be alright to tank after accepting taxpayer money, isn't that correct Libs? :hfal:

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:43 pm
by Truman
Mikey wrote:
smackaholic wrote: they had the gaul to not become wards of the state.
So, Ford is building cars in 1st century France?

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:57 pm
by Derron
Screw_Michigan wrote:Not only is Schilling a staunch GOPer,

The lawsuit also alleges that Schilling, 38 Studios executives and others engaged in racketeering and conspiracy. The suit does not ask for a specific dollar amount but wants Schilling and others to repay the bonds and seeks triple damages.

In addition to Schilling, who founded the company, and Stokes, the suit names Michael Saul, a former top official at the EDC; two law firms that worked with the agency; a financial adviser for the state; Wells Fargo Securities and Barclays Capital, investment banks hired by the EDC to assist in issuing bonds for the deal; and an insurance company for 38 Studios. jump up and start the liberal chant of "Those fucking Republicans", and by my count it looks like named in the lawsuit are Schilling and other executives, and then there are at least 5 other defendants, and all are directly tied to/ hired by/associated with the EDC and the government.

So the state sues its own agencies and officials, and all you can do is throw your monkey shit at Schilling. Giving your liberal government boys a complete pass.

Carry on.

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 5:01 pm
by Derron
Rooster wrote:Wait, was it a green video game company which Schilling founded? Because then it'd be alright to tank after accepting taxpayer money, isn't that correct Libs? :hfal:
Just like this green energy wind company. :lol: :lol: :lol: ... st_emailed


Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 5:17 pm
by Dinsdale
[quote="Derron"] ... st_emailed


So without subsidies/tax breaks, wind power isn't finacially viable?

Man, who woulda thunk it?

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:21 pm
by Cuda
88 wrote:Too bad the following companies were not incorporated in Rhode Island (all went bankrupt after receiving taxpayer money, by the way):

Abound Solar
You wouldn't think a Billionaire Heiress like Pat Stryker would need a gubmint guaranteed loan to fund her solar panel company, would you? I'm sure it had nothing whatever to do with the Millions of dollars in campaign cash she bundled for Bath house Barry in 2008, or the many money laund-errrrrrr, I mean DemocRat political action committees she's funded over the years.

Also a nice scam she ran by re-hiring her own laid-off employees and taking the corporate tax credit for hiring the long term unemployed.

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:39 pm
by Dinsdale
KC Scott wrote: Image

Is there a pic of Most Interesting Man dude doing a :FACEPALM:?

Jeebus, nice work, douche.

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:46 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
KC Scott wrote:it's called self effacing humor

look into it

Nice try.

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:48 pm
by Dinsdale
Yup -- nice try.

But we've seen you try and spell two-syllable words before... never ends well for you.

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:51 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Dinsdale wrote:But no big surprise -- anyone who's seen Schilling lately understands his substance abuse renders him unable to doa simple interview, much less run a business.
I heard him on a national radio show a couplefew weeks ago and he sounded high as hell. He was rambling incoherently and it was pretty damn uncomfortable.

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:55 pm
by DrDetroit
Yet another reason why government should be expressly prohibited from subsidizing businesses with loans, tax credits, etc.

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:14 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Let it go, Scottie.

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 11:56 pm
by Cueball
smackaholic wrote:
"My message to Rhode Islanders is this: I know that you work hard for your paychecks, and for your tax dollars to be squandered is unacceptable," Chafee said in a video statement. "The Board's legal action was taken to rectify a grave injustice put upon the people of Rhode Island."
You are correct. The tax payers of RI should be you for squandering their money. The governor and those that signed off on this loan should be gone after as well as Schilling and his partners. Every last fukking one of them should be left penniless if the State is not repaid in full.
And we are.... For the record, this was passed while the exiting Republican Gov was in office. Chafee has always opposed it and said as much while running for election. Sadly, RI voters have their heads so far up their own asses that most of these legislators will still hold jobs after Tuesday

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:01 am
by Cuda
KC Scott wrote:
Martyred wrote:
KC Scott wrote:it's called self effacing humor

look into it

Nice try.
See that's like the humor of the poster - he rarely laughs at "grammer" smack, unless it's shit like that poster

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Side splitting shit dude
Uh... Scott... it wouldn't have been the least fucking bit funny no matter what. It just wouldn't. Dinsdale was just being charitable.

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:06 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Cuda wrote:Dinsdale was just being charitable.
Being charitable is the "U&L way".

They are good people. RACK the Lower British Colombians.

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 2:37 am
by mvscal
You know, Marty, I kinda almost like Canadians. You're sorta like our awkward, douchey little brothers. We understand you're going through "a phase" right now and will grow out of it soon. The French affectation is pretty over the top but the French are decent peeps and the food is good so knock yourselves out I guess.

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 4:34 pm
by Dinsdale
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:But no big surprise -- anyone who's seen Schilling lately understands his substance abuse renders him unable to doa simple interview, much less run a business.
I heard him on a national radio show a couplefew weeks ago and he sounded high as hell. He was rambling incoherently and it was pretty damn uncomfortable.

That's what I was refering to.

Went from ARod on steroids, to the whole NFL being on steroids, then rambled into some other unrelated subject, all in one 5 minute run-on sentence.

I've never slurred that badly, not even when trying to snare a Rumplebeast at 2AM.

Dude is a mess.

Re: GOP asswipe gets what's coming

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 5:24 pm
by Derron
Somebody should have asked Schilling about the days when everybody in MLB and the NFL, was hitting huge lines of coke before the game, during the game and of course after the game.

Heard from a couple former players in both leagues that it was fairly common place. :shock: :shock: