Top 10 places to meet balck men.
Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:42 pm
while hitting the "stumble" on firefox this page popped up...
a haven for mudsharks and negroes who love the fat booty white girls...
troll train waiting to happen
a haven for mudsharks and negroes who love the fat booty white girls...
10. Botswana
9. Footlocker when the new Jordans come in
8. Jewelry section at the swap meet
7. Woody's Bar-B-Que on Slauson near Crenshaw
6. Booty shaking contests
5. African Methodist Zion Temple of Christian Science Cathedral of His Everlasting Highness
4. a game of dominoes
3. Security guard school
2. GED classes
1. an NBA locker room
troll train waiting to happen