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How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:28 am
by War Wagon
Not in the T1B poll, we know how that turned out. I mean actually drag your sorry asses to the designated polling place, stand in line for 45 minutes and vote.
I suspect it will be far less than the 30 or so people who voted in Tru's poll.
Myself, I plan on being in line at 6:00 am sharp tomorrow when the polls open in Missouri, beat the rush, hopefully. Not just to vote against Obama, but that bitch McCasskill as well. And several other local elections and ballot questions.
I vote in every election, not just every 4 years. Some people call voting a 'right' or a 'priviledge' and while it is both of those things, to me it's also a duty.
Get out and vote tomorrow, shit stains, or STFU.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:30 am
by Screw_Michigan
I voted three times on Friday.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:31 am
by mvscal
If I lived in a swing state, I would be voting for Romney for sure.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:37 am
by Mikey
Mailed in my ballot over a week ago. Too bad because I changed my mind.
I also mailed in a supplementary ballot last week....NO on measure BB!!!
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:39 am
by trev
I've had my ballot filled out for 2 weeks. There are a lot of pressing issues to vote for in California besides President. I will go mid-morning, there shouldn't be a line. I always vote. My husband will give me a hard time if I don't. (aka, beat my ass)
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:43 am
by smackaholic
mvscal wrote:If I lived in a swing state, I would be voting for Romney for sure.
Kinda what I'm thinking. My presidential vote is a waste anyhoo, so I am thinking of voting for Gary Johnson the libertarian. The OL said I better not. She is having a little difficulty understanding the whole electoral college deal, apparently.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:45 am
by R-Jack
In....although POTUS stays blank on my ballot
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:02 am
by kcdave
Not voting, as I said in Tru's poll.
Whats up with this Wags?
War Wagon wrote:blah blah blah ...... but that bitch McCasskill as well.
If you are voting against Claire, that means you are either a) voting for ignorant fuck Akin, or b) voting for Jonathan Dine.
Seeing that you are not the brightest bulb on the tree.... I'm thinking you are voting for Akin. The only people dumber than Akin
are the idiots that are still voting for him, after he removed all doubt about his ignorance. Vote for Dine, Wags.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:20 am
by Mace
I voted last week and my wife voted today.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:24 am
by War Wagon
kcdave wrote:Not voting...
which part of "STFU" then, did you not understand?
but let me get this straight.... you're not voting, but you're going to tell
me how I should vote?
You are the most ignorant cunt I've ever encountered. Get lost. While calling you a "cunt" is an insult to cunts, get lost all the same.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:46 am
by dingus
I vote by mail in Wa. Pretty much had it filled out except for POTUS weeks ago-voted for gay marriage (I could give a shit less if Billy and Bob want to solemnify their buggery in the eyes of the God that doesn't exist that will condemn them to eternal fire) and to legalize pot among other things. Your vote always matters because it is your vote, it doesn't matter what anyone else in your state or everyone else does, it is the unique political expression of yourself. Not voting for any of the shitheads running for POTUS speaks volumes if that is indeed what you chose to do.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:54 am
by Truman
In. Claire-bear's gotta pay for her Obamacare vote.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:15 am
by ML@Coyote
I always vote. Haven't missed a single election. Wags is right; it's a duty.
War Wagon wrote:You are the most ignorant cunt I've ever encountered. Get lost. While calling you a "cunt" is an insult to cunts, get lost all the same.
Careful,'ll scare away the noobs. :grin:
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:15 am
by Mikey
Truman wrote:In. Claire-bear's gotta pay for her Obamacare vote.
So you voted for Akin.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:26 am
by Truman
Mikey wrote:So you voted for Akin.
No. Election Day is tomorrow. We subscribe to the Constitution here.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:38 am
by War Wagon
Mace wrote:I voted last week and my wife voted today.
Wife and I will take separate cars to the church where we vote, before going to work. She will stand in line right behind me... and promptly cancel out all my votes, just as she's done since 1984.
Well, not
all my votes. She'll vote against the usurious tobacco tax while I'm voting (
gasp) for the incumbent democratic governor of Missouri, Jay Nixon.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:47 am
by Cuda
Mikey wrote:Mailed in my ballot over a week ago. Too bad because I changed my mind.
I also mailed in a supplementary ballot last week....NO on measure BB!!!
in your case, it should be a suppository ballot
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:01 am
by Wolfman
MrsO and I will be up early and go vote for President Romney, Senator Mack, State Senator Lizbeth Benaquisto and all the others, along with 12 state amendments and a proposition to allow slot machine gaming at the Bonita Springs do track. Viva USA !
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:07 am
by Derron
Dropped in the ballot box last week. Romney, pretty much a straight Republican ticket, and a BIG MOTHERFUCKING NO on all tax increases.
But I live in Oregon, where 3 counties out of 36 determine the election, so it is pretty much all for naught.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:59 am
by Mikey
Truman wrote:Mikey wrote:So you voted for Akin.
No. Election Day is tomorrow. We subscribe to the Constitution here.
So you'll be voting for Akin
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:02 am
by Mikey
ML@Coyote wrote:I always vote. Haven't missed a single election. Wags is right; it's a duty.
War Wagon wrote:You are the most ignorant cunt I've ever encountered. Get lost. While calling you a "cunt" is an insult to cunts, get lost all the same.
Careful,'ll scare away the noobs. :grin:
If Wags calls you a "cunt" you're in good company. Many of the finest posters on T1B have been called a "cunt" by Wags in the past couple of weeks.
Seems he can't come up with a better "insult" right now.
Of course next week it might change to "doo-doo head".
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:30 am
by Truman
Mikey wrote:So you'll be voting for Akin
No. I'm voting
against McCaskill.
And yes, Akin is a whack-job. But at least he's not
AP Claire.
Missouri does not want Obamacare. By a margin of 3-1, Missouri does not want Obamacare. Claire gave us Obamacare anyway. So Claire must go. And with a Romney victory and a new Senate majority, Obamacare must go too.
It's a big picture vote, Mikey.
Besides, Tardd Akin is no more a danger to the Republic than those two bitter, nut-bag
cunts doo-doo heads you Calis perennially return to the Senate each election cycle.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:04 am
by Trampis
Already voted.
Might get a (R) governor here in Wa. for the first time in a gazzilion years
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:07 am
by jiminphilly
I will be taking my kids with me when I vote tomorrow morning so they get to experience the process.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 6:21 am
by Mikey
Truman wrote:Mikey wrote:So you'll be voting for Akin
No. I'm voting
against McCaskill.
And yes, Akin is a whack-job. But at least he's not
AP Claire.
Missouri does not want Obamacare. By a margin of 3-1, Missouri does not want Obamacare. Claire gave us Obamacare anyway. So Claire must go. And with a Romney victory and a new Senate majority, Obamacare must go too.
It's a big picture vote, Mikey.
Besides, Tardd Akin is no more a danger to the Republic than those two bitter, nut-bag
cunts doo-doo heads you Calis perennially return to the Senate each election cycle.
My my we are a bitter vindictive fuck, aren't we?
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:09 am
by kcdave
War Wagon wrote:She will stand in line right behind me... and promptly cancel out all my votes, just as she's done since 1984.
Well, not all my votes. She'll vote against the usurious tobacco tax
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:36 pm
by Truman
Mikey wrote:My my we are a bitter vindictive fuck, aren't we?
I dunno. Are
Excoriate Akin, but forgive Claire. Gotcha.
So Tardd Akin's
words have a far greater impact on our country than Claire McCaskill's
vote? Ponderous.
I think you're right, Mikey: We ARE bitter vindictive fucks.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:24 pm
by Mikey
Truman wrote:Mikey wrote:My my we are a bitter vindictive fuck, aren't we?
I dunno. Are
Excoriate Akin, but forgive Claire. Gotcha.
So Tardd Akin's
words have a far greater impact on our country than Claire McCaskill's
vote? Ponderous.
I think you're right, Mikey: We ARE bitter vindictive fucks.
All I did was ask if you were voting for Akin.
Seems you got a llliiittttttllllle bit defensive about it.
Why would that be?
Was it my tone of voice that set you off?
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:40 pm
by Goober McTuber
I always vote. I'll probably wish I has voted early, since they're projecting a 70% turnout state-wide, and Madison will undoubtedly top that. I'm voting for that cunt Romney.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:42 pm
by Mace
Goober McTuber wrote:I'm voting for that cunt Romney.
Trying to shed your "libtard" label around here?
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:51 pm
by War Wagon
KC Scott wrote:Vote for st. louis whack job akin?
He was denounced and asked to pull out of the race by Romney, Bond and the Ghost of Ronnie himself.
How funny is it that while Dems have used every word that Romney or Bush or
any Rep has uttered in the past 12 years totally against them... except when they denounced Akin's 6 word quote (one that he later recanted and apologized for) and now have been using Romney's words in their commercials for Claire?
Very funny, indeed.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:26 pm
by Screw_Michigan
KC Scott wrote:
All Republicans should just STFU on any issue related to womens health / contraception etc. - it's what is going to cost us the election
Taking after you, they just don't get it.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:49 pm
by Mikey
KC Scott wrote:Vote for st. louis whack job akin?
He was denounced and asked to pull out of the race by Romney, Bond and the Ghost of Ronnie himself
Another Teabag nutcase the anti-choice crowd thinks can over turn the law and will of the people
Tru would prolly vote for Jerry Sandusky if he was running against McCaskill.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:52 pm
by Mace
KC Scott wrote:it doesn't matter if he recanted Wags - it's how he thinks and how most of the Anti-Chice crowd thinks
All Republicans should just STFU on any issue related to womens health / contraception etc. - it's what is going to cost us the election
I agree, and I'm sure they'll break down the voting tonight and over the next couple of days to let us know how women voted. Obama is using Romney's own words in his ads like "repealing Roe v Wade" and "ending funding for Planned Parenthood" that will alienate women from voting Republican, imo.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:53 pm
by Mikey
Mace wrote:KC Scott wrote:it doesn't matter if he recanted Wags - it's how he thinks and how most of the Anti-Chice crowd thinks
All Republicans should just STFU on any issue related to womens health / contraception etc. - it's what is going to cost us the election
I agree, and I'm sure they'll break down the voting tonight and over the next couple of days to let us know how women voted. Obama is using Romney's own words in his ads like "repealing Roe v Wade" and "ending funding for Planned Parenthood" that will alienate women from voting Republican, imo.
Reminding voters of what a candidate actually said?
Nothing but desperate libtard scare tactics.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:07 pm
by Mace
Yep, sometimes they don't like to be reminded of what they've said when pandering to the extreme members of their parties.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:38 pm
by atomicdad
Voted early, selected more vaginas than peni as far as the candidates, and a big no on all the increased taxes and bond issues. Sorry Mikey, that was a no on EE.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:48 pm
by Mikey
atomicdad wrote:Voted early, selected more vaginas than peni as far as the candidates, and a big no on all the increased taxes and bond issues. Sorry Mikey, that was a no on EE.
What was EE? We didn't have that on our ballot.
I voted against BB the "better schools" measure, which would have funded construction of a new high school (which we don't need) in Bonsall.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:52 pm
by trev
You voted against a new school? You are hopeless.
Re: How many of you will actually vote?
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 6:00 pm
by atomicdad
EE was for upgrades to Mira Costa CC district. AA was for San Dieguito Unified. The pisser about AA is that a big chunk of the money was to go for upgrades at Canyon View HS which is all of about 6 years old. FUCK THAT NOISE.