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Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 9:58 pm
by mvscal
Pom-pom wavers and other assorted low information dickslaps can scroll on by.
I based my prediction on Barry's level of support cratering from 2008 and it certainly did that. He is the first two term President to win re-election with fewer popular votes since George Washington who ran unopposed. That is pretty significant. FDR is a slightly different case. He peaked his 2nd term in 1936 and lost votes from that peak in '40 and '44, but both those totals were still higher than his 1st term in '32.
Where I (and many others) went wrong was assuming that Romney would do at least as well if not better than McCain. Romney didn't simply lose the base. I think he could have survived that. The story of the election is that the middle stayed home. The two campaigns left something like 10-13 million votes on the table depending on the final count and 2/3rds of those lost votes were Barry's. The Bain attacks and the "war on women" attacks were complete bullshit but they were effective in that they kept moderates who voted for Barry in '08 from embracing Romney who did an admittedly poor job of articulating his vision. He seemed to think that the facts of the economy are generally known and understood by the public and that they would speak loudly enough on his behalf. He overestimated the intelligence of the average voter. The average voter is a moron. That fact needs to be understood going forward. If you need to break out crayons and speak on a 3rd grade level to reach these morons, then that is what you will have to do.
The second thing that was clearly demonstrated Tuesday is that the culture war over social issues is over. While my prediction fell short by a few million votes, it won't stop me from making another one. The Republicans will not win another national election until they cut ties with the Amen Corner. Abortion on demand and gay marriage are here and here to stay. Deal with it, jettison toxic morons like Akins and Mourdock and move on. Surrender the issue and stop talking about it. That will enable us to move the focus of the national dialogue onto genuine issues that have a tangible impact on people's daily lives.
To say that the Republican party is finished when 7-10 million Democrats stayed home is premature at best. The battle for the center remains the battle to win.
Oh yes, enjoy your jelly donut: Four more years of economic disaster at home and tragic ineptitude abroad. Don't say I didn't tell you so.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:08 pm
by Bucmonkey
Stick to your usual persona, you are letting your fanbase down.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:09 pm
by atomicdad
Don't be such a sourpuss, we still have AJ and Norv.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:37 pm
by smackaholic
Hopefully the Libertarian side of the republican party can take control. A libertarian running head to head against Barry would have cleaned his clock.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:50 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Obama pulled the rug out from under Romney by outflanking him from the
I told you this would happen
last year.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:59 pm
by Derron
3 excellent posts and observations.
As a staunch conservative, some of the social issues pose no problem to me at all. I agree with the let the abortion thing go, let the freaks and heavy's, and the dykes and fairies marry, legalize pot. I know there will be always be people that need government help. So be it. Just make sure it is deserving and as short term as possible.
Bring some common sense back to our public employee pay and benefit packages, abolish Davis Bacon, no death tax, and get the fucking IRS under control. Less government is better. Keep us the FUCK OUT of other countries affairs. Destroy anybody who fucks with us anywhere in the world. A large majority of the Republican party is completely disenfranchised with the party and given an reasonable alternative would leave the party in a heartbeat. A Libertarian / Constitution Party would get my vote and support.
The Republican party truly does not represent me or my beliefs. But Obongo is still way more than I could ever accept. The next 4 years will be interesting. Number of posts articles they are already trumpeting the cunt Hillary in 2016. Unfortunately, she probably has a reasonably good chance unless the Republicans can do a major make over in 4 short years and make some major and total paradigm shifts, or unless there can be a third party formed that presents a good alternative.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:05 pm
by Nishlord
Oh, shut up Derron, you worthless cunt. I've left things on tissues more intelligent than you.
Hello, everyone, I just checked in to say I was thinking of all the pathetic right-wing wankstains who clog up this board the other night. Oh, and;
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:06 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:17 pm
by mvscal
88 wrote:Something that no one to my knowledge is yet talking about is that the Democrats now appear to be locked into nominating non-caucasian presidential candidates.
I don't think you necessarily need a non-caucasian candidate to successfully pander to non-caucasian demographic groups. Our first "black President" was white Arkansas trailer trash. In any event, all the non-caucasian pandering in world wouldn't have mattered for Barry if Romney had done better with white, suburban soccer moms.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:18 pm
by mvscal
Nishlord wrote:I was thinking of all the pathetic right-wing wankstains who clog up this board the other night.
Well, nobody was thinking of you.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:24 pm
by Derron
Nishlord wrote:Oh, shut up Derron, you worthless cunt. I've left things on tissues more intelligent than you.
The limey shit troll returns....been a long time there, too bad it could have been not have been longer. All good thing must come to an end. bradhusker and dees gone, you back. Sucks for all of us.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:28 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Derron wrote:too bad it could have been not have been longer.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:37 pm
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote:Pom-pom wavers and other assorted low information dickslaps can scroll on by.
I based my prediction on Barry's level of support cratering from 2008 and it certainly did that. He is the first two term President to win re-election with fewer popular votes since George Washington who ran unopposed. That is pretty significant. FDR is a slightly different case. He peaked his 2nd term in 1936 and lost votes from that peak in '40 and '44, but both those totals were still higher than his 1st term in '32.
Where I (and many others) went wrong was assuming that Romney would do at least as well if not better than McCain. Romney didn't simply lose the base. I think he could have survived that. The story of the election is that the middle stayed home. The two campaigns left something like 10-13 million votes on the table depending on the final count and 2/3rds of those lost votes were Barry's. The Bain attacks and the "war on women" attacks were complete bullshit but they were effective in that they kept moderates who voted for Barry in '08 from embracing Romney who did an admittedly poor job of articulating his vision. He seemed to think that the facts of the economy are generally known and understood by the public and that they would speak loudly enough on his behalf. He overestimated the intelligence of the average voter. The average voter is a moron. That fact needs to be understood going forward. If you need to break out crayons and speak on a 3rd grade level to reach these morons, then that is what you will have to do.
The second thing that was clearly demonstrated Tuesday is that the culture war over social issues is over. While my prediction fell short by a few million votes, it won't stop me from making another one. The Republicans will not win another national election until they cut ties with the Amen Corner. Abortion on demand and gay marriage are here and here to stay. Deal with it, jettison toxic morons like Akins and Mourdock and move on. Surrender the issue and stop talking about it. That will enable us to move the focus of the national dialogue onto genuine issues that have a tangible impact on people's daily lives.
To say that the Republican party is finished when 7-10 million Democrats stayed home is premature at best. The battle for the center remains the battle to win.
Oh yes, enjoy your jelly donut: Four more years of economic disaster at home and tragic ineptitude abroad. Don't say I didn't tell you so.
STFU you stupid racist cunt. You have never been right about anything EVER so of course you were not going to be right about this you pissy Mexican fuck.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:49 pm
by Moving Sale
88 wrote:Something that no one to my knowledge is yet talking about is that the Democrats now appear to be locked into nominating non-caucasian presidential candidates
One in a row?
You are a stupid hillbilly. Go fuck your fat wife and stop dropping in here to sound like an idiot mmmmkay?
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:54 pm
by Derron
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Derron wrote:too bad it could have been not have been longer.
Damn..I fucked that one up pretty good there. Fuck me.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:56 pm
by Derron
Moving Sale wrote: stop dropping in here to sound like an idiot mmmmkay?
Spoken with inside knowledge and authority.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:57 pm
by Mikey
Moving Sale wrote:mvscal wrote:Pom-pom wavers and other assorted low information dickslaps can scroll on by.
I based my prediction on Barry's level of support cratering from 2008 and it certainly did that. He is the first two term President to win re-election with fewer popular votes since George Washington who ran unopposed. That is pretty significant. FDR is a slightly different case. He peaked his 2nd term in 1936 and lost votes from that peak in '40 and '44, but both those totals were still higher than his 1st term in '32.
Where I (and many others) went wrong was assuming that Romney would do at least as well if not better than McCain. Romney didn't simply lose the base. I think he could have survived that. The story of the election is that the middle stayed home. The two campaigns left something like 10-13 million votes on the table depending on the final count and 2/3rds of those lost votes were Barry's. The Bain attacks and the "war on women" attacks were complete bullshit but they were effective in that they kept moderates who voted for Barry in '08 from embracing Romney who did an admittedly poor job of articulating his vision. He seemed to think that the facts of the economy are generally known and understood by the public and that they would speak loudly enough on his behalf. He overestimated the intelligence of the average voter. The average voter is a moron. That fact needs to be understood going forward. If you need to break out crayons and speak on a 3rd grade level to reach these morons, then that is what you will have to do.
The second thing that was clearly demonstrated Tuesday is that the culture war over social issues is over. While my prediction fell short by a few million votes, it won't stop me from making another one. The Republicans will not win another national election until they cut ties with the Amen Corner. Abortion on demand and gay marriage are here and here to stay. Deal with it, jettison toxic morons like Akins and Mourdock and move on. Surrender the issue and stop talking about it. That will enable us to move the focus of the national dialogue onto genuine issues that have a tangible impact on people's daily lives.
To say that the Republican party is finished when 7-10 million Democrats stayed home is premature at best. The battle for the center remains the battle to win.
Oh yes, enjoy your jelly donut: Four more years of economic disaster at home and tragic ineptitude abroad. Don't say I didn't tell you so.
STFU you stupid racist cunt. You have never been right about anything EVER so of course you were not going to be right about this you pissy Mexican fuck.
Don't forget...this is an OBJECTIVE post mortem.
From somebody known for his objectiveness.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:11 am
by Truman
Nishlord wrote:Hello, everyone, I just checked in to say I was thinking of all the pathetic right-wing wankstains who clog up this board the other night.
Labour or Liberal, Nish? Regardless, I'm pleased to see that the folks that still subscribe to the documents that inspired us to run your ancestors off of this continent have taken a flat in your dome.
BTW, Pity Kenrick Sandy was unable to extend his Olympic tribute of the National Health System to honor break-throughs in British dentistry...
Post more and lurk less. The Aussie and the Canadians could use a good cuffing. Pip, pip and all that...
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:55 am
by smackaholic
I'm fairly certain that Labour is way too right wing for Nish.
Good to have you back, mate. Make yourself a cup of tea and hang around a spell.
Oh, and you might want to stop into the footie forum. There could be a post or two made since you were last here. You are the mod and all.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:02 am
by Truman
Labour is more liberal than, er, Liberal, 'holic. Liberal, after all, is plagued by nationalism. England first. Labour, on the other hand, has a bit more, hum, worldly perspective (they're Reds, 'holic).
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:13 am
by smackaholic
Truman wrote:Labour is more liberal than, er, Liberal, 'holic. Liberal, after all, is plagued by nationalism. England first. Labour, on the other hand, has a bit more, hum, worldly perspective (they're Reds, 'holic).
Right over your head, as are most things in flyoverville.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:16 am
by smackaholic
It is well known that Nish is a bit to the left of Karl Marx. And yes, I do know that labour is the furthest left of the main parties in old blighty.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:17 am
by mvscal
smackaholic wrote:
Good to have you back, mate.
He's not back. He's a hit and run cunt like Haley's comet. He'll see you again in four years...if a libtard wins.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:21 am
by Dinsdale
Moving Sale wrote:STFU you stupid racist cunt. You have never been right about anything EVER so of course you were not going to be right about this you pissy Mexican fuck.
So, you cap off your accusations of "racist cunt" by alling a non-Mexican a "Mexican fuck" in a derogatory fashion?
Pretty much sums up your intelligence.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:22 am
by Dinsdale
Derron wrote:Moving Sale wrote: stop dropping in here to sound like an idiot mmmmkay?
Spoken with inside knowledge and authority.
Moved out of Western Washco, eh?
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:23 am
by smackaholic
mvscal wrote:smackaholic wrote:
Good to have you back, mate.
He's not back. He's a hit and run cunt like Haley's comet. He'll see you again in four years...if a libtard wins.
Maybe. We'll see. It would be nice to have him around as he can be one funny fukker.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:50 am
by Moving Sale
Dinsdale wrote:Moving Sale wrote:STFU you stupid racist cunt. You have never been right about anything EVER so of course you were not going to be right about this you pissy Mexican fuck.
So, you cap off your accusations of "racist cunt" by alling a non-Mexican a "Mexican fuck" in a derogatory fashion?
Pretty much sums up your intelligence.
First off Mexican is not a race you bugeyed cock licker.
Second, HE is the one that hates Mexicans even though he is one. I was pointing out how stupid he sounds when he drops his racist and bigoted posts, but you are obviously too vapid to understand nuance.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:53 am
by Moving Sale
Derron wrote:Moving Sale wrote: stop dropping in here to sound like an idiot mmmmkay?
Spoken with inside knowledge and authority.
So I called 88 stupid and your take is that I'm stupid too? Nice post you inbred fuck.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:09 am
by Truman
smackaholic wrote:Truman wrote:Labour is more liberal than, er, Liberal, 'holic. Liberal, after all, is plagued by nationalism. England first. Labour, on the other hand, has a bit more, hum, worldly perspective (they're Reds, 'holic).
Right over your head, as are most things in flyoverville.
Even Brady makes an errant throw on occasion. Not a day goes by that you wouldn't be found adjusting my cleats before having a hole stomped in you with them...
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:50 am
by Felix
The Republican Party has been hijacked by the ultra right who've alienated the moderate side of the ledger. Until the right jettisons the extremists the republicans will never win the White House again.
The tea party hacks are the problem, not the solution.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:21 am
by mvscal
KC Scott wrote:Unfortunetly, beacasue the T-baggers hijacked the party
Uh, no. The Tea (Taxed Enough Already) Party was hijacked by the media and to a lesser extent by socons. Akins was
not a Tea Party candidate. The media smeared the TP as a group of whacked out fundies and racists which was never the case. The Tea Party was a coalition of fiscally conservative Republicans and Libertarians.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:24 am
by Truman
KC Scott wrote:Unfortunetly, beacasue the T-baggers hijacked the party and ran out all the social moderates we are now seen as the extremist party. One only needs to look at the senate resluts (sup' Claire) to confirm the trend
Oh, for cat’s sake. Wrong on about 17 different fronts. You’re trying to push a square peg up a smackaholic’s asshole.
Claire McCaskill won this week because Tardd Aiken unwittingly accomplished the unthinkable and managed to cut off his own dick, then compounded his mistake by arrogantly refusing to drop out of the race. Heinrich Himmler would've beat Claire had he had sense enough to ignore the Jewish Question.
The only reason why Aiken won the nomination in the first place is because we had three (
seemingly) viable candidates looking to unseat McCaskill. If you recall, John Brunner won our end of the state. Sarah Steelman took southern Missouri. And Tardd Akin brought home the St. Loser vote, to the tune of six points over Brunner.
But it wasn’t just the east-side’s familiarity with their whack-job Congressman: Claire was running ads all over the state extolling the “virtues” of Aiken’s brand of conservatism. Damn things sounded like red-meat to the base.
In case you weren’t paying attention:
She hand-picked her opponent. And Aiken proved himself to be the gift that just kept on giving.
But to your charge of GOP extremism: Romney won Missouri by 11 points. Missouri also returned Republican majorities to both the house and the senate of the General Assembly. Our Congressional delegation also went 6-2 GOPhers, with the exception being the two
coons esteemed Black Caucus members representing Kansas City and St. Louis respectively.
But other than the Lt. Governorship, the Democrats took
every other administrative state-wide office this past election.
Now, if extremists have hijacked the Party as you suggest, and Romney buried Obama by over 10 points, how is it that Democrats Jay Nixon (Governor), Jason Kander (Sec State), Clint Zweiful (Treas), and Chris Koster(AG) all won by comfortable margins? And lest you forget: Claire BURIED Tardd Aiken by 16 points.
Extremists? Reads to me as thoughtful reasoning by folks that live up to their bellwether legacy, and embrace their Show Me reputation. That dog won't hunt, Scott.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:44 am
by Felix
88 wrote:
You are clueless, dude. The Tea Party has no extreme positions that I am aware of. There are some people who are members of the Tea Party who have extreme positions, but that is not the platform of the Tea Party. What is it, in particular, that you think is extreme about the Tea Party?
When republicans answer to grover norquist the party is in big fucking trouble
who put that idiot in charge?
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:48 am
by Screw_Michigan
mvscal wrote:Pom-pom wavers and other assorted low information dickslaps can scroll on by.
I based my prediction on Barry's level of support cratering from 2008 and it certainly did that. He is the first two term President to win re-election with fewer popular votes since George Washington who ran unopposed. That is pretty significant. FDR is a slightly different case. He peaked his 2nd term in 1936 and lost votes from that peak in '40 and '44, but both those totals were still higher than his 1st term in '32.
Where I (and many others) went wrong was assuming that Romney would do at least as well if not better than McCain. Romney didn't simply lose the base. I think he could have survived that. The story of the election is that the middle stayed home. The two campaigns left something like 10-13 million votes on the table depending on the final count and 2/3rds of those lost votes were Barry's. The Bain attacks and the "war on women" attacks were complete bullshit but they were effective in that they kept moderates who voted for Barry in '08 from embracing Romney who did an admittedly poor job of articulating his vision. He seemed to think that the facts of the economy are generally known and understood by the public and that they would speak loudly enough on his behalf. He overestimated the intelligence of the average voter. The average voter is a moron. That fact needs to be understood going forward. If you need to break out crayons and speak on a 3rd grade level to reach these morons, then that is what you will have to do.
The second thing that was clearly demonstrated Tuesday is that the culture war over social issues is over. While my prediction fell short by a few million votes, it won't stop me from making another one. The Republicans will not win another national election until they cut ties with the Amen Corner. Abortion on demand and gay marriage are here and here to stay. Deal with it, jettison toxic morons like Akins and Mourdock and move on. Surrender the issue and stop talking about it. That will enable us to move the focus of the national dialogue onto genuine issues that have a tangible impact on people's daily lives.
To say that the Republican party is finished when 7-10 million Democrats stayed home is premature at best. The battle for the center remains the battle to win.
Oh yes, enjoy your jelly donut: Four more years of economic disaster at home and tragic ineptitude abroad. Don't say I didn't tell you so.
You are incredibly delusional and this is Exhibit A why the GOP got trounced.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:50 am
by Screw_Michigan
mvscal wrote:If Romney had done better with white, suburban soccer moms.
If the queen had balls, she'd be the king.
I guess you'd call that a legitimate ass kicking.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:50 am
by mvscal
Screw_Michigan wrote:You are incredibly delusional
Name one delusion in that post and intelligently support your argument.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:53 am
by War Wagon
Truman wrote: Sarah Steelman took southern Missouri.
As well as my vote, in the primary. She would've run that cunt McCaskill, and Claire
knew it.
At least the 460% tobacco tax increase went down
again, just like in 2002 and 2006, though by a lesser margin. Proud of Show Me State voters, at least for that. And it had the bitches at the Star lamenting how "unfair" it was, which is always good for a chuckle.
So, how long before they put that back on the ballot? 3 strikes and yer out, right? Not for this brand of cunts, who never met a tax increase they wouldn't endorse.
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:55 am
by Truman
Felix wrote:88 wrote:
You are clueless, dude. The Tea Party has no extreme positions that I am aware of. There are some people who are members of the Tea Party who have extreme positions, but that is not the platform of the Tea Party. What is it, in particular, that you think is extreme about the Tea Party?
When republicans answer to grover norquist the party is in big fucking trouble
who put that idiot in charge?
You didn't gain shit in the Senate, and you're still 18 seats short of a majority in the House. Did you have a point, or do you just like typing "Grover Norquist"?
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:57 am
by Screw_Michigan
KC Scott wrote:MVS post mortem was spot on
No, he wasn't. You can only spit in so many faces before it comes back to bite you. How did that work for you in the election? And the answer in
more faces?
Re: Objective Post Mortem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:59 am
by Screw_Michigan
88 wrote:The Tea Party has no extreme positions that I am aware of.
You mean other than if your not white, conservative, evangelical and well to do, then you can go fuck yourself? That's not extreme?
Pull your head out of your fucking ass.