This is the kind of shit that drives me crazy
Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:22 pm
I am normally a big fan of Slate but you have to hold everyone to the same standards: ... oblem.html
This "author"/"journalist" has the temerity to write these two sentences back to back:
"There are approximately 1700 active players in the NFL, and by my count, about 2 percent of them have faced abuse or violence charges. I’m not sure how this compares to the general population, though I’d be interested to find out."
In an article subtitled "The NFL Has a Serious Domestic Violence Problem" (emphasis to show tomfoolery added by me) it's pretty freaking amazing that the dude who wrote it doesn't even know whether his estimated rate of domestic violence among NFL players is lower, higher or the same as that of the general population.
The fact that Slate's editors ran with that title makes the entire enterprise culpable, and reduces them down a serious notch in my eyes. Which is a shame since there are basically a very small and dwindling number of outlets where one can hope to find anything meaningful. ... oblem.html
This "author"/"journalist" has the temerity to write these two sentences back to back:
"There are approximately 1700 active players in the NFL, and by my count, about 2 percent of them have faced abuse or violence charges. I’m not sure how this compares to the general population, though I’d be interested to find out."
In an article subtitled "The NFL Has a Serious Domestic Violence Problem" (emphasis to show tomfoolery added by me) it's pretty freaking amazing that the dude who wrote it doesn't even know whether his estimated rate of domestic violence among NFL players is lower, higher or the same as that of the general population.
The fact that Slate's editors ran with that title makes the entire enterprise culpable, and reduces them down a serious notch in my eyes. Which is a shame since there are basically a very small and dwindling number of outlets where one can hope to find anything meaningful.