the dregs
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:42 am
sure we've had countless threads of "name your favorite movies"
and maybe we're had name your least favorites......
but this is a dregs movie thread.....yeah, the worst movie you can remember ever seeing....I've seen lots of shit movies, but in order to be a "dregs" flick.....
the movie should have no redeemng qualities. be the type of flick you'd send your worst enemy to with the promise that "you'll really like this"
year doesn't matter, the only thing that counts is that when you walked away from it screaming "there's two hours I'll never get back"
and anything by Ed Woods is a disqualification.....he made the worst films ever....
so from bad to worst, here are mine.....
Showgirls-even gratuitous tit shots couldn't save this fucking disaster
Howard the Duck-originally suggested by George Lucas, this movie was perpetuated on a bad idea, and solidified that bad idea with shitty acting, worse costumes, and absolutely no point...a must avoid....
Ultraviolet-unwatchable, but being a glutton for punishment I was convinced that there had to be something of value.....I was wrong
Streetfighter-never a big Jean Claude Van Damme fan, this movie convinced me I'd never watch another movie he was far, so good....I haven't seen anything by that moron sincle....
White Chicks-I was a Wyans brother fan, but this was just fucking awful
The Avengers-when a funny movie isn't funnie. it's something this instance, this was a steaming pile
Heaven's Gate-after seeing Deer Hunter, I as anxious for Cimino's followup....Cimino is is probably selling hotdogs in New York after this travesty.....
Raise the Titanic-sure, Clive Cussler writes simplistic stories that are predictable, but hollywood found a way to fuck this movie beyond recognition....this took a special kind of suck
The worst two are interchangeable....either one could stand on it's only accord of rating the biggest pile of shit I've ever had the misfortune to see....I've never worked so hard for a piece of ass trying to wade through either take your pick
Yentyl-the single most self indulgent piece of shit I can remember seeing, and would have won the award going away had it not been for
Moulin Rouge-simply the worst I can remember-watch at your own risk, but don't operate heavy machinery afterward.....
what others am I'm missing?
and maybe we're had name your least favorites......
but this is a dregs movie thread.....yeah, the worst movie you can remember ever seeing....I've seen lots of shit movies, but in order to be a "dregs" flick.....
the movie should have no redeemng qualities. be the type of flick you'd send your worst enemy to with the promise that "you'll really like this"
year doesn't matter, the only thing that counts is that when you walked away from it screaming "there's two hours I'll never get back"
and anything by Ed Woods is a disqualification.....he made the worst films ever....
so from bad to worst, here are mine.....
Showgirls-even gratuitous tit shots couldn't save this fucking disaster
Howard the Duck-originally suggested by George Lucas, this movie was perpetuated on a bad idea, and solidified that bad idea with shitty acting, worse costumes, and absolutely no point...a must avoid....
Ultraviolet-unwatchable, but being a glutton for punishment I was convinced that there had to be something of value.....I was wrong
Streetfighter-never a big Jean Claude Van Damme fan, this movie convinced me I'd never watch another movie he was far, so good....I haven't seen anything by that moron sincle....
White Chicks-I was a Wyans brother fan, but this was just fucking awful
The Avengers-when a funny movie isn't funnie. it's something this instance, this was a steaming pile
Heaven's Gate-after seeing Deer Hunter, I as anxious for Cimino's followup....Cimino is is probably selling hotdogs in New York after this travesty.....
Raise the Titanic-sure, Clive Cussler writes simplistic stories that are predictable, but hollywood found a way to fuck this movie beyond recognition....this took a special kind of suck
The worst two are interchangeable....either one could stand on it's only accord of rating the biggest pile of shit I've ever had the misfortune to see....I've never worked so hard for a piece of ass trying to wade through either take your pick
Yentyl-the single most self indulgent piece of shit I can remember seeing, and would have won the award going away had it not been for
Moulin Rouge-simply the worst I can remember-watch at your own risk, but don't operate heavy machinery afterward.....
what others am I'm missing?