Roger Ebert......dead
Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:03 pm
RACK Rog being reunited with his jaw.
We actually went to see that movie, I'm embarrassed to say, and it was one of the worst pieces of crap since Shanghai Surprise.I'm pleased to report, however, "Jack the Giant Slayer" is a rousing, original and thoroughly entertaining adventure. Director Bryan Singer, a first-rate cast and a stellar team of screenwriters, set designers and special-effects wizards have dusted off an old and (let's face it) never particularly compelling fairy tale and have given us a great-looking thrill ride in which we actually care about a number of characters.
My first smile of the day as drank my tea.War Wagon wrote:what was the 2nd?
and?smackaholic wrote:I think mvscal is referring to his politics. He was a pretty hardcore lefty.
well I'm not a big fan of mvs's political views, but I'm not hoping the guy dies.....smackaholic wrote:We are not talking about whether or not he appreciated his opinions, just that it is quite obvious that mv was not a big fan and I am fairly sure that had to do with his political views.
smackaholic wrote:people not liking other people is not why we are in a shambles. people thinking they are owed free shit and politicians catering to them is why we are in a shambles.
Yeah, but the "I'm right and you're wrong and I hope you die, and I hope the current administration fails so I can be right on the internet" level of partisanship and dissension we have in this country certainly doesn't help get anything done.smackaholic wrote:people not liking other people is not why we are in a shambles. people thinking they are owed free shit and politicians catering to them is why we are in a shambles.
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Yeah, but the "I'm right and you're wrong and I hope you die, and I hope the current administration fails so I can be right on the internet" level of partisanship and dissension we have in this country certainly doesn't help get anything done.smackaholic wrote:people not liking other people is not why we are in a shambles. people thinking they are owed free shit and politicians catering to them is why we are in a shambles.
blaming others for your own lot in life pretty much sums up why this country is in a shambles.....smackaholic wrote:people thinking they are owed free shit and politicians catering to them is why we are in a shambles.
Who cares when niqqers are proliferating welfare.Felix wrote:Over 20 billion is unaccounted for in Iraq, money stolen by war profiteers....where's your outrage over that shit?
Link?smackaholic wrote:Good thing Barry and the dems are in control to stop handing over money to the war profiteers and bankers. Oh, wait, that's right they didn't.
It is not about hoping the government fails. It is about hoping the halfwits minding the store get voted out before they completely run the economy into the ground. The problem is, as I stated earlier, we have become a country where a voting majority is looking for free shit and they will elect and re-elect demonstrated failures.Sudden Sam wrote:Hoping an administration...the U.S. government...fails so that your chosen party can get back in to score bucks for their side is sick as all f**k.
Who the fuck is talking about welfare fraud? What's with the strawman? Besides these bankers you whine about are just another class of parasite but the people who are quite literally stealing money from you are the Federal government everytime they print more money...which they do every time we run a deficit. We're getting buttfucked twice...dry.Felix wrote:"our economy is a shambles and that was brought about by people that think they're owed free shit?" is that about the sum and total of your assertion? welfare fraud in this country cost the US probably about 13 to 15 billion year, how much do you think those fucking bankers stole from you in the course of about 5 years asshole? trillions of fucking dollars
Do you think Haliburton is out of business or something? They're doing quite well and still pulling in no bid contracts as usual. Of course nobody in the media gives a fuck now that Chimpy is gone and their pet niqqer is shitting on the floor in the White House.Felix wrote:Link?smackaholic wrote:Good thing Barry and the dems are in control to stop handing over money to the war profiteers and bankers. Oh, wait, that's right they didn't.
quit shoveling shit you braindead fuckwad....
Nobody is "hoping" the US government fails. We're watching it fail.Sudden Sam wrote:Hoping an administration...the U.S. government...fails
Jesus, you're even too stupid to know when you should agree with someone. You've always been one of the board's biggest opponents of the two-party system, so you should be getting on your fat rolls and blowing my take.Papa Willie wrote:Jesus Chris, Mgoo. Are you pussying on purpose the last couple of days, or is Screwy cock-gagging you? Fuck, dude!
I understand his point. The quicker we crash and burn, the quicker we'll be able to start rebuilding. The thing you need to understand is that we are going to crash and burn. It is inevitable. Our debt level and spending are not sustainable. Mandatory entitlement spending and debt service are going to destroy the federal government.Sudden Sam wrote:An ex-boss actually said that to me during Obama's 1st term. I asked him if he realized he was suggesting that he wanted the government to collapse and he responded, "If that's what it takes."mvscal wrote:Nobody is "hoping" the US government fails. We're watching it fail.Sudden Sam wrote:Hoping an administration...the U.S. government...fails
You should try it sometime. Might help you stop thinking about cock 24/7.Papa Willie wrote:You're just vagging too much
:?Papa Willie wrote:I've been fucking women
when somebody says people expect free shit, welfare comes to mind....those who aren't entitled are welfare's easy for the uneducated masses to point the finger and blame who get food stamps and housing subsidies, etc and say they're the ones that are dragging this country down, while insurance companies, oil companies, health care companies, etc. enjoy the biggest fucking profits they've seen in some time....if the economy is in the shitter, how come those industries continue to enjoy record profits? I know, it's because of welfare right?mvscal wrote:
Who the fuck is talking about welfare fraud? What's with the strawman?
oh I'm certainly not saying bankers are the only ones stealing this country blind, how about the thousands of doctors that routinely bilk the system of millions of dollars by committing medicare fraud....these are the people we trust our lives to and many of them feel it's their right to cheat the system....medicare, medicaid, etc just doesn't pay what it should so why shouldn't doctors be able to cheat the system to get the money they feel they're entitled, the list goes on and on as to who the biggest fucking fleecers of the system are, and it's not Yaltilda and her 8 kids living in the projects in Chicago......Besides these bankers you whine about are just another class of parasite but the people who are quite literally stealing money from you are the Federal government everytime they print more money...which they do every time we run a deficit. We're getting buttfucked twice...dry.
talk about fucking strawmen......while I"m no big fan of obama's, I at least recognize that he was given a failed fucking system and told to "fix it, because it's your problem now" we both know his predecessor put him into an untenable position and after sitting back and watch Bush drive us to the economic brink, you have the audacity to ask why Obama hasn't fixed it in four years? are you fucking insane? we'll be lucky if the problem can be fixed in our lifetimesOh, by the way, how many of these allegedly criminal financiers has the stupid, lazy, economically ignorant niqqer you voted for twice prosecuted? What, exactly, is he doing to put the brakes on all this wild spending? Ah, that's right, he has quadrupled it and wants to spend even more money we don't have. Well, that is when he isn't too busy golfing and sending fucked up, mooching niqqer family on extravagent vacations every month or distracting the country with irrelevant nonsense like fag marriage and gun control.
Well, here we have the little creep popping his seething puss from its darkened hole and sputtering like a groundhog in the sudden sun. After all the years we've watched this utterly fake punk prop every scum-sucking corporatist, every racist neo-Nazi, every Zionist wet is his basic make-up, no fluff. And what an total mewling coward he is.mvscal wrote:
I understand his point. The quicker we crash and burn, the quicker we'll be able to start rebuilding. The thing you need to understand is that we are going to crash and burn. It is inevitable.
Well, there's your problem right there. Our society not to mention our economy begins to fly off the rails once people accept the notion that they are entitled to portions of someone else's earnings. The number of people claiming these "entitlements" never diminish. In fact, they increase at nearly exponential rates. This isn't a theory or speculation. It is a fact. In Imperial Rome welfare entitlements eventually became hereditary as the Roman middle class collapsed in the face of large scale importation of slave labor following the Gallic Wars. This, along with large scale Germanic and Slavic barbarian "immigration" and several plagues resulted in the destruction of the western portion of the Roman Empire. Today, we have seen the number of people on food stamps double in the last five years. We have seen the number of people on disability likewise exploding. The trend is clearly unsustainable.Felix wrote:when somebody says people expect free shit, welfare comes to mind....those who aren't entitled are welfare cheats.....
it's easy for the uneducated masses to point the finger and blame who get food stamps and housing subsidies, etc and say they're the ones that are dragging this country down, while insurance companies, oil companies, health care companies, etc. enjoy the biggest fucking profits they've seen in some time....if the economy is in the shitter, how come those industries continue to enjoy record profits?
Of course not. But she and millions like her and millions of other well intended idiots such as yourself are the enablers of the political demagogues who use them and the financiers who pull the strings of politicians. All these "entitlements" we provide to the "entitled" don't provide themselves for free, you know. I'm sure it's all just a big coincidence that JP Morgan is reaping hundreds of millions in "record profits" administrating this explosion in the EBT, the list goes on and on as to who the biggest fucking fleecers of the system are, and it's not Yaltilda and her 8 kids living in the projects in Chicago......
while I"m no big fan of obama's, I at least recognize that he was given a failed fucking system and told to "fix it, because it's your problem now"
Oh, I see. So Obama and his fucking buddies are attempting to dig us out of the hole by wafting billions of dollars to campaign bundlers under the pretense of running "green energy" businesses which promptly fail? Is that how we're going to dig ourselves out this hole? Oh, what hole are you talking about? Our mounting public debt? Our annual trillion dollar deficits?make no mistake about it, it was Bush and his fucking buddy's that pillaged this country and put us into the fucking hole we're trying to dig out of.....
I don't care who or what you claim to have fucked, or however many fat little government teat suckers your ex-wife shat out of her sinkhole vagina before she left you for someone half your size, I'm just going by what you post here on a daily basis.Papa Willie wrote:I've been fucking women since before you were born, Mr. Placenta. Too many kids. Try again.
so you'd prefer we just toss these people to the side and say, "we'd love to help you out with your care, but we've got large companies to support so there just isn't any money left to try and give you a decent quality of life".....nicemvscal wrote:
Well, there's your problem right there. Our society not to mention our economy begins to fly off the rails once people accept the notion that they are entitled to portions of someone else's earnings. The number of people claiming these "entitlements" never diminish. In fact, they increase at nearly exponential rates.
yes, critical goods and, having the highest cost health care system in the world has garnered us 28th place (just between Costa Rica and Slovenia) in quality of health care....that is quite an accomplishment and one I think the insurance companies should be utilizing in their for oil companies, nothing wrong with making a profit, but why are the citizens of this country forced to subsidize these oil companies and their record breaking profits?My goodness! Record profits, you say? Insurance companies, oil companies, health care companies, etc. enjoy profits (record or otherwise) because they provide critical goods and services.
and you think they absorb those costs? jeebus bud, what fucking world do you live in? those taxes are passed along straight to the consumer....Their goods are taxed when they are sold.
So tell me, what have these welfare bums done to "entitle" themselves to the labor and earnings of others? What services have they provided? What skin do they have in the game?
so JP Morgan making millions is okay, but Clonestra trying to feed her four kids is a fucking drain on society? dude, you've got some seriously fucked up prioritiesAll these "entitlements" we provide to the "entitled" don't provide themselves for free, you know. I'm sure it's all just a big coincidence that JP Morgan is reaping hundreds of millions in "record profits" administrating this explosion in the EBT program.
sure thing....Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001....while on it's face, it seemed like an equitable deal for everyone, but the reality is that this was disproportionately rewarding to the richest people...the more money you made, the better off this was for youPlease outline in specific detail the actions which Bush took to "drive us into the ditch" and the actions which Obama has taken to get us out the ditch, give your opinion on the effectiveness (if any) of these measures and some ballpark estimate on when things will no longer be "Bush's fault."
No one expects that he could have fixed the shit sandwhich he was handed, but, perhaps he could have done something by now to at least partially unfukk it. Instead, he has doubled down on the stupidity that preceeded him by both the dems and those pretending to be dems (bush).Felix wrote: talk about fucking strawmen......while I"m no big fan of obama's, I at least recognize that he was given a failed fucking system and told to "fix it, because it's your problem now" we both know his predecessor put him into an untenable position and after sitting back and watch Bush drive us to the economic brink, you have the audacity to ask why Obama hasn't fixed it in four years? are you fucking insane? we'll be lucky if the problem can be fixed in our lifetimes
make no mistake about it, it was Bush and his fucking buddy's that pillaged this country and put us into the fucking hole we're trying to dig out of.....
Statements like this are why most of this board thinks you're a clueless fucktard.Felix wrote:so you'd prefer we just toss these people to the side and say, "we'd love to help you out with your care, but we've got large companies to support so there just isn't any money left to try and give you a decent quality of life".....nice