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Going to have some fun with this...

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 3:00 am
by Mikey
My birthday is tomorrow but, since we always make fruit smoothies on Tuesday night to go with our Mexican takeout, the wife and daughter decided to break out my birthday present a day early.
Yeah I know it's just a blender but this thing is twice as big and four times as powerful as the 20 year old Osterizer we've been using for the past...err...20 years. This thing powered through a pile of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, bananas and 2 cups of ice cubes in about 30 seconds. The drink was smoother than old machine could make if I left it on for 10 minutes, and no stirring necessary. I swear, this thing could grind up a pile of nuts and bolts if you asked it to.


Re: Going to have some fun with this...

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 2:16 am
by Carson
Anything with Turbo in the name gets my vote.