Also, I need an effective wasp control system without pumping pesticides into the People's Collective Farm.
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:26 pm
by Ken
Shlomart Ben Yisrael wrote:How can I tell the difference?
Poke at the nest.
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:31 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Seriously? And then what?
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:32 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
I imagine this is what KC Scott would do:
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:35 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
...while this is more of the "Derron Approach"...
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:07 pm
by Derron
Fucking rookies. BTW, I did not waste the 7 minutes watching the whole thing. Skipped to a couple of spots and called it good.
I have to clear out yellow jacket nests now and then, and I use a napalm type mixture of diesel, surfactant and detergent. I put it in a one gallon pump sprayers. Dump a bit of it down the hole, then light it off. Keep feeding the mixture down the hole until you have a pretty good blow torch effect going on. I do it after dark to minimize the ones returning to the nest lighting your ass up for burning down their crib. I also prefer not to use pesticides, but if they are yellow jackets I use a drench method with a small amount of insecticide and a soap surfactant mixture. Nails them real quick clogging the exoskeletons right up.
The chances are pretty slim you have those African mutants. If they are normal bees, they will nest in trees or buildings, not in the ground. If they are normal bees, find a local bee keeper to come get them, the fucking bees have a hard enough time with pesticides, colony collapse disorder and all that with out your ass going Rambo on them.
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:01 pm
by Wolfman
Yellowjackets (common name) are actually Hornets, insect family Vespidae. They have unbarbed stingers and can sting you multiple times. They can be quite aggressive. Someone told me they do not like lawn mowers operating close to them. There is a black and white variety out west (white-faced hornets) that nest in the ground and are very aggressive. Honey bees are insect family Apidae. Their stingers have barbs and when they sting you it gets stuck in your skin. All of them are pollinators and help plants reproduce. The African honey bees are more aggressive than the ones we raise to pollinate, say an apple orchard. Gee I wonder why we raise more docile bees. I destroy hornet and wasp nests before they get a chance to grow to where they are a problem. Sometimes you can't see where they are nesting, but you soon will. Spray late at night or early morning when they are less active. Chemical warfare works.
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:53 am
by campinfool
Around my house we have African-Americanised bees. We don't really worry about them because they tend to be lazy and unmotivated. Every now and then we sprinkle grape flavored cigars and malt liquor around the hive and they get pretty active.
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:38 pm
by Felix
Wolfman wrote:There is a black and white variety out west (white-faced hornets) that nest in the ground and are very aggressive.
they're called bald faced hornets and saying they're very aggressive is akin to saying the titanic had a leak....the fuckers attack you without any provocation.....
last year I was sitting out on my deck and kept hearing this crunching sound.....couldn't identify it until I started walking toward the sound and saw it was a bald faced hornet chewing on my fence, presumably for the wood pulp for it's soon as it saw me, it came after me with a vengeance although I hadn't disturbed it in any way.....luckily I keep an old badminton racket outside to dissuade yellow jackets coming on my deck, and I was able to kill the thing before it got in it's shots (they bite in addition to being able to sting multiple times)....the neighborhood was complaining about an abundance of these hornets and their aggressive behavior so the HOA hired a pest control company to find and destroy the nest....when they found it, it was about the size of a basketball.....with a single blast from a high pressure insecticide gun our problems were resolved, but not before 5 people within the subdivision experienced the pain of being stung and/or bitten by them.....I've been stung once by one and it was about the same pain level as being stung by a bumble bee.....
as for africanized bee's, there's really no way to tell the difference except the africanized are slightly larger....but if your close enough to tell the difference, you've got big problems....they form mass attacks and don't quit.....if you run, they'll chase you for about 50-60 yards.....if you jump into a swimming pool, they'll hover above the pool waiting for you to come up for air....they're extremely dangerous and if you've got a nest of them, call a professional to get rid of them
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:41 pm
by Carson
Felix wrote:I keep an old badminton racket outside
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:40 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
This is what I'm up against, folks...
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:44 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:41 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
"There's only one thing to do - learn the language of the bees, earn their trust, and breed with their women. And in time your differences will be forgotten."
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:13 pm
by Carson
Pretty sure those are yellow jackets, they have yellow faces.
Diesel fuel is your friend on this.
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:48 pm
by Felix
those are yellow jackets.....get yourself some Sevin 5 powder (get the 5% powder form)
put it into an old squeezable bottle (those plastic types they used to use for ketchup) wait until after dark (when they're all in the nest) squeeze a couple of blasts of the powder into the hole and your problem will be solved.....the sevin gets on some of them and they in turn spread it through the colony.....the hornets try to clean it off of themselves and inevitably ingest it and it kills them....all of them
garden variety wasps are pretty much live and let live insects, don't bother them, they won't bother you
but hornets are a completely different thing....yeah, they're a type of wasp but with really bad need to kill those fuckers fast before they cause somebody some serious injury.....
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:04 pm
by Derron
Cavity nesting yellow jackets. Mean mother fuckers. Took 13 of these at one time. In the excavation business building , sports fields, retaining walls, retention basins I ran into one or a 100 of these. Mowing my field with a big mower you run over their hole, those fuckers are on you real fast.
Use that powder Felix is pimping and mix it in water or find a liquid solution. Liquid covers a whole lot better, and I heard that you can effectively triple the rate of the active ingredient over a straight powder application, since 95% of the powder is an inert carrier. % 5 is a healthy dose and should get it done. Dump some vegetable oil in the mix too. Mix it all together, put it in a milk jug or a funnel the size of hole and dump the whole fucking jug in the hole. Repeat if required.
Best done well after dark, and still expect a few probing attacks from the first ones out.
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:34 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
1. Spray Raid on cock
2. Hump hole for 5 minutes
3. Wipe cock on drapes
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:57 pm
by Atomic Punk
We used to cut wood on contracts for the California National Parks to supply camp grounds with fire wood. One time I disturbed a yellow jackets nest and then dropped the Stihl chain saw and ran as fast as I could. I got stung pretty hard and one little bastard hit me in the eye lid then rolled in the dirt to discourage the attack. Those are mean little bastards and yet never ran across them again. I like Derron's and Feeldix's ideas plus the diesel fuel. However, I'm never going near one of those nests again. Scott, if you have the balls to shoot that Raid on a nest, good luck my man.
Now wasp nests are fun. I set them on fire and then get out of range as they are clueless.
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:31 pm
by campinfool
88 wrote:You guys are not thinking clearly. They are yellow jackets. Little tiny sting machines. What is the best way to deal with a bunch of little tiny sting machines that live in the ground? A Shop Vac. You roll up on their nest all indiscrete and shit. And out of nowhere, you flip the switch and start Hoovering those tiny sting machines into a filtered shit hole. Let it run for 15 minutes or so. Those bastards fight to the last man, the little Japanese jacketed fuckers that they are. I would do it at 7AM to have the least problems. They will wake up early, sharpen their stingers and drink their green tea and rub Wasabi in their own eyes just to make themselves madder and tougher and think its a normal day of fucking over everyone, when all of a sudden, a Kamikaze wind has come and all of them must leave the nest to sting the fuck out of it. Little do they know that they are being contained in 5% Sevin dust sucking machine. I also Shop Vac up an entire can of wasp spray and then let the entire Shop Vac sit in the sun in the yard for the entire day (If I could get bamboo to grow into the dust bin, I'd do it too). Make sure you stuff some bread or something in the opening in the wand, or those sneaky slant-eyed bugs will exploit the weakness. At the end of the day, give the Shop Vac a good kick. If you do not hear any Japanese cursing, you are good to open it up and laugh at their corpses. If the son's of bitches are still alive. Take the Shop Vac over to a neighbor's house you hate and just leave it on the porch. It will be a good story a week or so later. Trust me.
And do you live in a pile of pallets. Not judging, or anything. Just trying to figure out why this is an issue and stuff.
Holy Shite, that is the best summary of yellow jacket murder I have ever read. Rack it!
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:34 pm
by Left Seater
Got to rack that video. Simple easy way to kill them, DEAD!
I also use the 88 method when the nest is in easy reach. The blade of a hockey stick tends to knock the nest down to the ground and within a few hours non of the little bastards are around. One smash with the foot and all done.
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:46 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Left Seater wrote:Simple easy way to kill them, DEAD!
Yeah, you can play amateur chemist and concoct some mixture that might kill yellow jackets. Or you can walk into a Home Depot and purchase something pre-mixed in a can that is specifically designed to eradicate them on the spot.
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:22 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to take you on a terrifying thrill-ride...straight into the gaping maw of doom, courtesy of:
*a webcam taped to a long stick, attached to my netbook
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:31 pm
by Atomic Punk
KC Scott wrote:So let's put my method to the test.....
Derron and Felix I challenge you to follow suit
Although knowing that stuff works great for those pests, I like the effort Derron takes to make his own lethal chemicals that do the same thing as Raid. Yes, I'm giving him props of all people for that.
For those of you that deal with bugs, ants, etc. that come into your shit hovels, go to Home Depot or wherever and buy Ortho "Home Defense Max." Spray it around any entry point and those pests aren't going to enter for months. I didn't believe my fellow associates when I worked there, but it works quite well.
More videos Scott and Marty, please.
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:54 pm
by Felix
KC Scott wrote:So let's put my method to the test.....
Derron and Felix I challenge you to follow suit
when you've got an exposed paper wasp nest, sure raid will do the trick....but hornets nests are not quite so easy to get could spray the Raid in the holes they're coming out of, but you won't kill them all because the nest is recessed, thus not vulnerable to simply spraying them......I've demolished lots of hornets nests, and believe me, the Sevin 5% compound in dust form will kill them all....with the Raid aerosol, you'd be lucky to kill half of them in a nest like what martys got.....
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:57 am
by Wolfman
you can walk into a Home Depot and purchase something pre-mixed in a can that is specifically designed to eradicate them on the spot.
The beauty of those sprays for hornets is that you can spray them about a half a mile away. Well not that far, but it does keep you a good distance from the 6-legged, winged, stinger equipped bastards.
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:12 am
by campinfool
We order this stuff by the case at my work. Works good with a 15 foot range and can be proven to be fatal if ingested by pitbulls and other K9s who continue to harass and threaten utility workers of all creeds.
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:32 am
by Atomic Punk
campinfool wrote:
We order this stuff by the case at my work. Works good with a 15 foot range and can be proven to be fatal if ingested by pitbulls and other K9s who continue to harass and threaten utility workers of all creeds.
Good to know info. Jsc might want to hook up a spray dispenser for that stuff on his rig. Even more creative would be to pipe that into the fire hydrants in the Bronx when the Nogs illegally open them to cool off in the Summers.
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:31 am
by Imus
Or you could huff three or four cans, and solve another problem.
Re: Africanised Bees vs. Honey Bees
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:00 am
by Cuda
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:1. Spray Raid on cock
2. Hump hole for 5 minutes
3. Wipe cock on drapes
Wipe Cock on drapes is 4! Everybody knows that
also, I'm surprised Python hasn't posted in this thread. He's an expert on how to kill flying, stinging insects.