Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:07 am
Ephesians 2:1
And you (believers) hath he (God) quickened, (made alive) who were dead in trespasses and sins
Dead: The state of one who is apart from God. All people are subject to it – Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12.
Alive: The state of one who is with God.
God told Adam that in the day that he left His Word, he would surely die.
Adam was deceived and did leave God’s Word, yet he did not die in that day… physically.
But if one reads the text, they can see that his SPIRITUAL death was immediate.
He went from being in peace – with everything he wanted and needed (Genesis 1:26-28), to ---> anxious, fearful, and blaming others.
And trying to find peace, he attempted to cover himself.
His life became a curse.
Genesis 3: 16-20.
But God, knowing it was impossible for Adam to cover and manage himself, covered Adam Himself (animal skin, the blood sacrifice – and the shadow of the Christ to come).
Genesis 3:21.
The death which is of major concern is the SPIRITUAL death, because man is created in God’s image as a spiritual and eternal being.
John 4:24, Genesis 1:27.
All of us have bodes which will ultimately wear out, get sick, fail, and die.
And some people die instantly, with no warning.
Hebrews 9:27
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment
There will be a judgment when our body dies.
There is no condemnation to those who have simply believed in Christ – Romans 8:1.
Those who choose to be dragged by satan to the end ---> ultimately go to the end place with him.
Eternal hell.
Hell is a place where God is entirely absent.
Quiet your mind for 30 seconds and imagine that place – an eternal place where God is entirely absent.
It’s very sobering.
And you (believers) hath he (God) quickened, (made alive) who were dead in trespasses and sins
Dead: The state of one who is apart from God. All people are subject to it – Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12.
Alive: The state of one who is with God.
God told Adam that in the day that he left His Word, he would surely die.
Adam was deceived and did leave God’s Word, yet he did not die in that day… physically.
But if one reads the text, they can see that his SPIRITUAL death was immediate.
He went from being in peace – with everything he wanted and needed (Genesis 1:26-28), to ---> anxious, fearful, and blaming others.
And trying to find peace, he attempted to cover himself.
His life became a curse.
Genesis 3: 16-20.
But God, knowing it was impossible for Adam to cover and manage himself, covered Adam Himself (animal skin, the blood sacrifice – and the shadow of the Christ to come).
Genesis 3:21.
The death which is of major concern is the SPIRITUAL death, because man is created in God’s image as a spiritual and eternal being.
John 4:24, Genesis 1:27.
All of us have bodes which will ultimately wear out, get sick, fail, and die.
And some people die instantly, with no warning.
Hebrews 9:27
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment
There will be a judgment when our body dies.
There is no condemnation to those who have simply believed in Christ – Romans 8:1.
Those who choose to be dragged by satan to the end ---> ultimately go to the end place with him.
Eternal hell.
Hell is a place where God is entirely absent.
Quiet your mind for 30 seconds and imagine that place – an eternal place where God is entirely absent.
It’s very sobering.