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Man's suffering

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:13 am
by poptart
The starting point.
Man, with a feel-good promise, being enticed to leave God's Word:

Genesis 3:5 (satan speaking)
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall
be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

People have decided to believe that there is no God.
And they have decided to see themselves as the end-all, the source of understanding.

And as in the days of Noah, it is now the frightening age of Nephilim.
Genesis 6:4-5

Because of this, people are within this condition...

1) Created to be at peace with God, they are instead children of the devil. John 8:44, Ephesians 2:1-2.
2) Because people are spiritual beings with a spiritual hunger, they seek to fill it by going into idol worship. Exodus 20:1-5.
3) But it only brings them anxiety, fatigue, and anguish. Matthew 11:28.
4) All manner of sickness (mental, physical, emotional) plagues them. Acts 8: 4-8.
5) They die and go to hell. Luke 16: 19-31.
6) But even hell is not the end of it. The spiritual problem of the parents goes right down the family line to the children, and they suffer likewise. Exodus 20:5.

God knew that man would get into this disaster, so He gave the way for His children to come out -- just as he let His children come out of their oppression in Egypt.

Paint the blood of the Lamb.

It is finished. John 19:30.

Jesus surely is the Christ.