Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:13 am
I've still got 52 PMs saved from Mister Bushice in my Inbox.
Fifty two freaking back-and-forths with him?
At least.
I probably deleted some.
I barely remember it all now.
I spent a few minutes going back and looking through page of messages saved there.
Should I break the law and post a Bushice message?
A lot of the messages are him whining about the Gospel. :)
Should I delete them all?
Should I just leave them and look at them again 7 years from now?
Should I stfu because nobody cares about my Inbox?
Why did that guy Bushice spend so much time getting intimate with me -----> and just up and leave?
21st Century Schizoid man.
Can we get that Friday night, Smackie?
And I've got a PM of yours saved, also.
So don't think you're out of the woods here. :wink:
Dinsdale also once PM'd some wise things to me, which he probably didn't find on Google.
I printed that up and it's framed on my office wall now.
I've always liked those wise sayings which give you inspiration on a day when you're feeling a little out-of-sorts.
The journey of a million miles begins -----> by reading a Dinsdale post.
Fifty two freaking back-and-forths with him?
At least.
I probably deleted some.
I barely remember it all now.
I spent a few minutes going back and looking through page of messages saved there.
Should I break the law and post a Bushice message?
A lot of the messages are him whining about the Gospel. :)
Should I delete them all?
Should I just leave them and look at them again 7 years from now?
Should I stfu because nobody cares about my Inbox?
Why did that guy Bushice spend so much time getting intimate with me -----> and just up and leave?
21st Century Schizoid man.
Can we get that Friday night, Smackie?
And I've got a PM of yours saved, also.
So don't think you're out of the woods here. :wink:
Dinsdale also once PM'd some wise things to me, which he probably didn't find on Google.
I printed that up and it's framed on my office wall now.
I've always liked those wise sayings which give you inspiration on a day when you're feeling a little out-of-sorts.
The journey of a million miles begins -----> by reading a Dinsdale post.