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Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:12 pm
by mvscal
She is the lowest form of fucking scum on the planet. Hopefully, she dies screaming...and soon.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:24 pm
by Goober McTuber
mvscal wrote:She is the lowest form of fucking scum on the planet.
Because she attends Texas Tech, right?
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:45 pm
by Carson
I'm sure she pays for those hunting trips with money she earns babysitting.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:08 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Piece of shit.
Her five head is worse than my five head.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:10 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Goober McTuber wrote:mvscal wrote:She is the lowest form of fucking scum on the planet.
Because she attends Texas Tech, right?
That's what he meant, wasn't it?
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:11 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote:Hopefully, she dies screaming...
"Gimme an AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:38 pm
by Dinsdale
Anybody who shoots an elephant for sport is pretty much an a-hole.
I have no problem with people offing animals that can sustain healthy populations. I don't hunt, but I fish like a mofo, and I don't kill anything (intentionally) that doesn't have a healthy population (which usually involves fish hatcheries).
I have no problem with hunting -- in fact, I enjoy the benefits of people I know who do it. But just because some 3rd world shithole is desperate for your tag money, it doesn't make it right. Why not bag some bald eagles and blue herons while you're at it.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:41 pm
by Wolfman
I suspect some, if not all, are posed with anesthetized animals. Is there a wound on the leopard?
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:49 pm
by R-Jack
Just to be clear....we'd all still fuck her right?
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:44 pm
by Go Coogs'
I'm getting more and more into hunting. I have shot and killed 4 deer over the past 4 years with a .308 or 300 win-mag from a blind ranging anywhere between 100-250 yards. This was with feeder pens and bad ass scopes to boot. I really enjoy the hell out of of it and have been fortunate enough to not pay for any of these hunts. But now I'm all about bow hunting and getting really close to the game. My wife's OM and I have set up 6 cameras on his 135 acres up in east Texas and it's bow hunting only. There are several rifle leases that surround his property and he is convinced it will drive the deer to his property. Plenty of deer already go through there, but he's believes there will be even more in a year's time. I'm stoked about the whole experience this winter to say the least.
As far as the cheerleader goes? I'm with Dins. Killing an elephant...there really is no point in doing such a thing unless it was about to die anyways. I don't know. For everything else, I have no problem with it as long as it was eaten or it was done for environmental reasons.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:51 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
All safari hunters should watch this movie.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:00 pm
by Derron
Go Coogs' wrote: This was with feeder pens and bad ass scopes to boot.
Ranch hunting over bait. Outstanding. Illegal in Oregon for years, and probably never will be. Bring them in and whack them while they are eating grain.
But now I'm all about bow hunting and getting really close to the game.
Rack that. 2 of my boys bow hunt. I go out with them sometimes. Calling in a bull elk to 25 yards, when he is real fucking pissed off and then trying to stick an arrow in him is truly hunting. That will make your heart beat right through your chest.
There is a fair amount of deer around here, and a lot of people hunt for them. Over sized goats in my opinion, and the meat is no where as tasty as that elk meat is. We usually don't even bother with deer. Like Dins, I fish a lot. Usually get about 5 steelhead and 3 chinook salmon a year. Elk meat, salmon and grass fed black Angus beef, burgers and sirloin is pretty much our protein sources.
As far as the cheerleader goes? I'm with Dins. Killing an elephant...there really is no point in doing such a thing unless it was about to die anyways. I don't know. For everything else, I have no problem with it as long as it was eaten or it was done for environmental reasons.
Trophy hunting sucks. I hunt for the meat. Plain and simple. Nice set of horns is ok, but that usually means about 600 pounds of meat. There is no reason to kill an elephant, rhino, or even lion and jaguar, unless there is very specific range management needs or human danger. That seldom occurs in today's shrinking ecosystems. These hunts are usually sponsored by these third world shit holes, and taking a lion, elephant or rhino means you have shelled out upwards of $ 10,000 or more per animal taken for the licenses plus the hunt fees and expenses.
Now that little girl looks good, she is shooting well and sucking a lot of dick to afford that, so you all should tell her to serve a vegetarian salad or something. Got it ?
And every one of you would bend her over that lion and drive her snatch on its hide.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 12:11 am
by poptart
If ever a pic was crying out to be wytched, it's this one.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:42 pm
by titlover
not sure about the other animals but the lions they hunt are usually old lions that are rejected by their heard. they would be ripped to shreds by hyenas or other lions if left to survive on their own.
mother nature don't do nursing homes...
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 3:42 am
by trev
KC Scott wrote:don't hunt anything you won't eat
You've eaten all those birds you've killed?
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 3:48 am
by velocet
poptart wrote:If ever a pic was crying out to be wytched, it's this one.
Careful what you wish for...
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 5:11 am
by poptart
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:21 am
by Rooster
I haven't seen any of the particulars about this young lady on these hunts, but it is my understanding that these animals are selected because of behavioral or health reasons.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 1:32 pm
by mvscal
Yeah...right. And you actually believe that?
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 5:34 pm
by Rooster
NatGeo or Discovery (I forget which) had a program on a hippo that moved to a location near a village and had killed several children and women who had gone down to the river to do wash. After various failed attempts to drive it off, they contacted an agency that put the hippo up for auction, so to speak. A big game hunter came in, took his shot, got pictures, and then the animal was sliced up for consumption for the whole village to eat. It was expressed that this was not an uncommon experience, nor had it dented the hippo population. A similar event was held for an elephant that had claimed some territory near another village, had no herd of his own, and had killed two men who tried to encourage it to move on, but to no avail.
India has had a number of incidents where tigers and leopards began to stalk people and had to be killed.
I work with a South African who is good friends with the owner of the land on which Survivor, Africa/Botswana was filmed. The place is a nature preserve, yet they have to go in on occasion and cull various animals out for a variety of purposes. The money gained by a sponsored and guided hunt helps to defray the cost of vet services and keeps the populations stable.
Certainly there are big game hunters who kill for the thrill and notoriety of it, but generally speaking the wanton killings happen due to poachers attempting to satisfy the weird fetishes of rich Chinese who firmly believe powdered rhino horn works better than Viagra.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:13 pm
by mvscal
Rooster wrote:NatGeo or Discovery (I forget which) had a program on a hippo that moved to a location near a village and had killed several children and women who had gone down to the river to do wash. After various failed attempts to drive it off, they contacted an agency that put the hippo up for auction, so to speak. A big game hunter came in, took his shot, got pictures, and then the animal was sliced up for consumption for the whole village to eat. It was expressed that this was not an uncommon experience, nor had it dented the hippo population. A similar event was held for an elephant that had claimed some territory near another village, had no herd of his own, and had killed two men who tried to encourage it to move on, but to no avail.
India has had a number of incidents where tigers and leopards began to stalk people and had to be killed.
I work with a South African who is good friends with the owner of the land on which Survivor, Africa/Botswana was filmed. The place is a nature preserve, yet they have to go in on occasion and cull various animals out for a variety of purposes. The money gained by a sponsored and guided hunt helps to defray the cost of vet services and keeps the populations stable.
That's all really great shit except that it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with this sick cunt.
A. She didn't shoot any hippos.
B. She didn't shoot any rogue elephants
C. She wasn't in India.
D. She didn't kill any man eating lions or leopards
E. She wasn't culling anything as part of a conservation program.
Certainly there are big game hunters who kill for the thrill and notoriety of it,
Ya think?
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:05 pm
by Left Seater
As in many cases the reaction is far better than the original act.
Pron, do you also go by the name of Mike Dickinson?
Mike Dickinson, the Virginia liberal Democrat seeking the House seat currently held by Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va., despite not being on the ballot, offered a $100,000 reward for nude photos and videos of Kendall Jones, the 19-year-old Texas Tech cheerleader who recently made news with a series of hunting photos on her Facebook page.
"I have 100k to anyone who has nude photos or videos of #kendalljones at Texas tech (sic)," Dickinson tweeted. "She deserves to be a target."
"I hope you're arrested for this," one person said in response. Dickinson, however, claimed his action is "perfectly legal" and suggested the critic be arrested "for stupidity."
"If #KendallJones is old enough to be in college&kill elephants/giraffes/rhinos she's old enough to be a target (sic)," he said in a tweet earlier in the day. "100k to anyone w nude photos (sic)."
Kendall Jones is not just a cheerleader at Texas Tech University. She's also a big-game hunter and the latest target of Diane Warren, an award-winning songwriter who supports PETA. On Wednesday, Warren issued a tweet calling for the cheerleader to be killed.
"I wish someone would hunt that texas (sic) cheerleader b***h animal murderer and hang her head in a lions den," she said on Twitter. Warren later deleted the tweet, but we captured the message for posterity.
Warren, however wasn't finished showing the world just how much she hates Jones.
"[T]hey should post a pic of pieces of her laying on the ground surrounded by the lions that ripped her apart," she said in a tweet responding to a poll by PETA.
Naturally, the liberal hate machine went into overdrive. Not only was Jones targeted, it seems every person named Kendall Jones came under fire from liberal hatemongers.
"Wanna come shark hunting with me? I was figuring we'd use blood to attract them and throw your b***h (expletive deleted) self overboard," one person told the wrong "Kendall Jones." Apparently, it's too much to expect some hatemongers to get the right target.
The social media giant Facebook wants its users to know that it has standards, which is why it removed hunting photos posted by Kendall Jones, a 19-year-old hunter who is also a cheerleader for Texas Tech. But Facebook says a page advocating the murder of Jones does not violate those standards.
Juneau Empire reporter Matt Woolbright spotted the page and reported it for “harassment” and a “credible threat of violence.” But Facebook told Woolbright the page, named "Kill Kendall Jones," does not violate their standards.
Moreover, the page features the very same photos Facebook said violates their standards. It also features a photo of a lion standing triumphantly over a dead Jones.
The page was started on July 2 and as of this writing, has 533 "likes." Jones' page, however, has over 531,000 likes.
This isn't the first time Facebook has approved of pages calling for murder. As we reported during the 2012 election, Facebook gave a thumbs-up to a page advocating the murder of GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. The page lasted for just under a month before it was yanked.
Facebook has also said a page calling for the death of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy does not violate their standards. The social media site also said pages advocating the murder of George Zimmerman, the Florida neighborhood watchman acquitted in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, do not violate their rules. Some of those pages, however, were eventually removed.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:11 pm
by BSmack
Gotta go with MV on this. She's a cunt. There are so many things she could be doing with her time and she picks killing endangered and threatened species as her kick. Was stealing candy from babies not available?
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:16 pm
by mvscal
Oh, yeah...RACK the fuck out of velocet.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:18 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Rooster wrote:NatGeo or Discovery (I forget which) had a program on a hippo that moved to a location near a village and had killed several children and women who had gone down to the river to do wash. After various failed attempts to drive it off, they contacted an agency that put the hippo up for auction, so to speak. A big game hunter came in, took his shot, got pictures, and then the animal was sliced up for consumption for the whole village to eat. It was expressed that this was not an uncommon experience, nor had it dented the hippo population. A similar event was held for an elephant that had claimed some territory near another village, had no herd of his own, and had killed two men who tried to encourage it to move on, but to no avail.
India has had a number of incidents where tigers and leopards began to stalk people and had to be killed.
I work with a South African who is good friends with the owner of the land on which Survivor, Africa/Botswana was filmed. The place is a nature preserve, yet they have to go in on occasion and cull various animals out for a variety of purposes. The money gained by a sponsored and guided hunt helps to defray the cost of vet services and keeps the populations stable.
Certainly there are big game hunters who kill for the thrill and notoriety of it, but generally speaking the wanton killings happen due to poachers attempting to satisfy the weird fetishes of rich Chinese who firmly believe powdered rhino horn works better than Viagra.
If big game hunters cared so much about Azubuike and his band of plate-lipped hut dwellers, they would do more for them than put a bullet in a rhino's dome. So some of the locals benefit from dead animals. Wonderful. Just don't act like rich white cunts like this girl are doing this for any reason other than to satisfy their own sadistic tendencies. Nobody is buying the moral crusade angle.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 3:27 am
by Screw_Michigan
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:plate-lipped hut dwellers
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 4:40 am
by Rooster
After I bothered to actually read the article cited, I came away with a meh response and a shrug of my shoulders. Ok, so she hunts endangered animals under controlled circumstances. What of it? The cash she or her daddy pays out more than compensates the owners of the game preserve so that they can grow new big animals.
So what is it that bothers you guys? The fact that they are endangered? Or is it hunting for sport in general? Or that she doesn't eat the game she kills? Personally, I don't any substantive difference between deer hunting using salt licks, grain feeders, or tree stands than from paying a guide to go and point out the specific animal she is going to shoot and kill it. The meat is utilized in some fashion or another by the locals, the species isn't decimated because she has engaged in a controlled culling, and again, the money exchanged improves the herd/preserve/genetic stock/plight of the locals in every facet. It's not like the animal kingdom has the lion lying down with the lamb. These animals do the same thing she has done, only with more blood being spilled.
Who'd have thought this board was populated with a bunch of PETA enthusiasts?
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:32 pm
by Rooster ... =obnetwork
There you go. I didn't hear any of you express this anti-hunting self righteous indignation prior to Jones posting those pictures, but hey, when you're all about trendy internet topics just let loose your fury for a few days and then move on to other scandals and injustices de jour. RACK her for at least making you take notice even if it only lasts a few minutes.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:37 pm
by mvscal
Rooster wrote:There you go. I didn't hear any of you express this anti-hunting self righteous indignation prior to Jones posting those pictures
Maybe because they aren't plastered all over the internet in an attention whoring stunt aimed at getting them some kind of TV show, you fucking idiot.
It doesn't make them any less degenerate scum than she is, though.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 2:41 pm
by BSmack
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:08 pm
by jiminphilly
Pretty good troll job by that guy.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 5:06 pm
by Rooster ... rhead.html
Since all of you are getting your panties in a bundle over those cuddly land animals, let me see some of that self righteous ire directed at Rosie for killing a shark with what looks like a loose pussy on its' face. Then I'll know for certain it isn't just about cute animals getting iced.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 6:28 pm
by Dinsdale
Jeebus, Rooster, which part of "killing endangered animals is wrong" are you struggling with?
Even worse with sharks, since you could have snapped a pic and let it go (like we do with sturgeon here).
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 4:47 am
by Rooster
No part, Dins. I understand the consternation at seeing an endangered animal dead because of causes outside other natural predators killing them. But what nobody seems to get is the TIA Principle, ie This Is Africa. If it weren't for conservation efforts-- which, yes, include controlled big game hunts --the native villagers and poachers would have long ago killed these animals with absolutely no thought to their long term existence. As another South African friend of mine told me, if you put a sign around a 50 foot boulder in the middle of a field that read "DO NOT TOUCH!" by morning the rock would be broken into thousands of pieces and over half would be missing. That is the mentality of black Africans. If there is a leopard nearby causing no harm, they'd poison it because it might, might kill their goat. If there is a rhino in a preserve nearby, they'd kill it for the horn so they could buy the latest cell phone.
Look, for the most part game preserves and conservation efforts in Africa depend on the largesse of donors and whatever income they can generate with controlled hunts. These aren't done willy-nilly where they look at their checkbook and decide to kill a lion today because they otherwise wouldn't make payroll this month. They are done with an eye to improving security, repelling/killing poachers, improving vet services for the remaining stock, and increasing the quality and quantity of the herd.
You can rail against the injustice of killing these magnificent creatures and wring your hands over a picture of a girl sitting on her trophy kill, but in the end your wailing hasn't done a thing to fix a problem that has few solutions. These game preserves and village chiefs operating under the guidance of conservationists are at least making strides to, at worst, tread water, and at best, enormously help endangered species survive a murderously ignorant populace focused solely on themselves.
What amazes me is that for a board full of smart people-- and mvscal is someone who I agree with nearly 100% of the time --all of you are so ignorant of the realities of conservation efforts outside of the United States.
So, yes, it is mildly upsetting to see a dead rhino from a controlled hunt. But do some research and you'll see that such things, while perhaps ugly to you, are utterly necessary in those parts of the world.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 2:20 pm
by Carson
Rooster wrote:No part, Dins. I understand the consternation at seeing an endangered animal dead because of causes outside other natural predators killing them. But what nobody seems to get is the TIA Principle, ie This Is Africa. If it weren't for conservation efforts-- which, yes, include controlled big game hunts --the native villagers and poachers would have long ago killed these animals with absolutely no thought to their long term existence. As another South African friend of mine told me, if you put a sign around a 50 foot boulder in the middle of a field that read "DO NOT TOUCH!" by morning the rock would be broken into thousands of pieces and over half would be missing. That is the mentality of black Africans. If there is a leopard nearby causing no harm, they'd poison it because it might, might kill their goat. If there is a rhino in a preserve nearby, they'd kill it for the horn so they could buy the latest cell phone.
Look, for the most part game preserves and conservation efforts in Africa depend on the largesse of donors and whatever income they can generate with controlled hunts. These aren't done willy-nilly where they look at their checkbook and decide to kill a lion today because they otherwise wouldn't make payroll this month. They are done with an eye to improving security, repelling/killing poachers, improving vet services for the remaining stock, and increasing the quality and quantity of the herd.
You can rail against the injustice of killing these magnificent creatures and wring your hands over a picture of a girl sitting on her trophy kill, but in the end your wailing hasn't done a thing to fix a problem that has few solutions. These game preserves and village chiefs operating under the guidance of conservationists are at least making strides to, at worst, tread water, and at best, enormously help endangered species survive a murderously ignorant populace focused solely on themselves.
What amazes me is that for a board full of smart people-- and mvscal is someone who I agree with nearly 100% of the time --all of you are so ignorant of the realities of conservation efforts outside of the United States.
So, yes, it is mildly upsetting to see a dead rhino from a controlled hunt. But do some research and you'll see that such things, while perhaps ugly to you, are utterly necessary in those parts of the world.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:30 am
by Rooster
Lol, yeah, spend any time in Africa and even blacks would hate on themselves.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:56 pm
by Moving Sale
Carson wrote:mvscal is someone who I agree with nearly 100% of the time.
Well there's your problem.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:16 pm
by Carson
Learn how to quote the right poster, you sawed-off stupid fuck.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:21 pm
by Moving Sale
Carson/Rooster same stupid interchangeable tard.
Re: Cheerleader/Animal Annihilator
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:45 pm
by mvscal
Nice white flag, you cum drenched simpleton.