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Guardians of the Galaxy
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:06 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Would like to hear some feedback from anyone that has seen this. Too many surprises and Marvel history to go into, but if you're a fan, this is a gold mine.
I thought it was far and away Marvel's best movie to date. Very funny, great action, unbelievable CG animation, honest pathos and a killer '70's soundtrack. I loved how the soundtrack itself played out like a sixth man of the Guardians and became a character in and of itself.
Loved the cultural refs, Michael Rooker and John C. Riley had great and hilarious small roles and the Star Wars tributes were spot on. Also, the bonus scene at the end credits about dropped me out of my chair.
There will be three reactions to that. The first will be from non-fans who will just stare and wonder what the hell that was and meant. The second will be from people that recognize the character and just groan in pain and wonder why the hell Marvel would do that, as it was so utterly horrible the first time on screen. The third will be like me, where I laughed my ass off and applauded. Cannot wait to see if they actually dare to give that character another film. CG animation makes it much more possible and workable. We'll see.
Still, best overall fun film I've seen in a while, which could perhaps resonate with a Star Wars-like cult following.
Re: Guardians of the Galaxy
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:47 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Looking forward to it. Hope it's not another self-indulgent, wank-fest like Avengers.
On a side note, I'm about to rip a fat 3-paper cone with a few of my fellow communists and throw on Watchmen.
Re: Guardians of the Galaxy
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 6:37 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Marty, it is anything but self-indulgent. Truly inspired, funny as hell and great action flick.
The soundtrack alone is gold. If you appreciated Star Wars back in the day the first time you saw it, this has that kind of feel.
Just good old fashioned fun, that pokes fun at itself and the genre, while still mixing up the emotional tonality.
There is a reason it is getting four and five star reviews.
Re: Guardians of the Galaxy
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 6:41 pm
by Go Coogs'
Great flick. Would see it again.
Re: Guardians of the Galaxy
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:02 am
by Delaware Dave
Ok, I'm a sucker for 70's music and this was good stuff. I thought it was going to be a little hokey, but this movie really pulled it off. There was a good plot with good CGI but didn't take away from the characters who you could enjoy because they weren't being too serious about themselves either. Funny moments and good casting with Glenn Close, Reily, and Rooker in roles that added to credibility of the movie and didn't just seem like "yea, I'll sit in makeup and learn a few lines for 3 days work for a paycheck, grandkids want jetski's"
Left the door open for sequel, I will be back to watch that.
Re: Guardians of the Galaxy
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:30 pm
by Neely8
Saw it in IMAX with the kid and loved it!!
Re: Guardians of the Galaxy
Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:12 am
by Carson
Saw it this weekend in 3D but not IMAX.
I put it up there with the first MiB.
The "shine a blacklight in here" line was classic.