achey breaky heart--synopsis/epilogue
Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 1:50 pm
It all began when mowing the yard became almost impossible, with me sucking wind after only a few minutes. I finally realized I better have someone look at me. Booked an appointment with my "primary care" guy and went over. There they took an EKG and were alarmed enough to STRONGLY suggest I go immediately to the ER. Testing at the hospital ensued.
First an echocardiogram that revealed a problem or two. Next up, heart catheterization that showed an 80% blockage in the coronary artery, a defective aortic valve, and atriofibrilation. The heart surgeon wanted me to go to surgery that Thursday.
I was not ready mentally for that so I was released home for a few days under home heath care. Being back home is good.
The next Monday I woke up with pain near my groin. I felt what was like a cucumber at the bottom of my right abdomen. Scared me. Ended up back at the ER with a hematoma apparently caused during the catheterization. Next up open heart surgery to fix my problems.
Into pre-op, I look over and the clock on the wall says around 8:30 AM. Next thing I know, I wake up from what I thought was a short nap. I look over to a clock where I was and it is just after 9 AM. Must have dozed off I thought. Hey they are removing something from my mouth/throat. GAG!!!!!! It's tubes that were down my throat during sugary and it's the next day !! Surgery is over. REmoval of tubes=BAD. Eventually I get moved to ICU. I must be OK and soon I'm moved to another room where I'm told I'll stay till discharged. Good news. I want to get the hell out of here and go home. Not so fast BigO, you need to heal up, get some tubes removed from your arm, abdomen, and neck, and get the OK from your surgeon. Finally on the Thursday after sugary I am sprung from stir. YAY!
Back home for about 2 weeks and feeling a hell of o lot better. Want to thank all those whose thoughts, prayers, and karma came my way. I'm 75 . If I was maybe even 80, I would not go through this. A large reason for me is to live long enough that my 18 month old identical twin ran daughters will remember me.
Posiitive thoughts: Lee County Health care system is top notch. We may have an insurance problem, but not health care.
Negative thoughts: sorry folks---no sexy nurses, brain messed up for a bit from the anesthesia (hallucinating some, memory issues at times), food tastes like cardboard (lousy way to lose weight, but I have).
Thanks for reading. Hi Luther.
First an echocardiogram that revealed a problem or two. Next up, heart catheterization that showed an 80% blockage in the coronary artery, a defective aortic valve, and atriofibrilation. The heart surgeon wanted me to go to surgery that Thursday.
I was not ready mentally for that so I was released home for a few days under home heath care. Being back home is good.
The next Monday I woke up with pain near my groin. I felt what was like a cucumber at the bottom of my right abdomen. Scared me. Ended up back at the ER with a hematoma apparently caused during the catheterization. Next up open heart surgery to fix my problems.
Into pre-op, I look over and the clock on the wall says around 8:30 AM. Next thing I know, I wake up from what I thought was a short nap. I look over to a clock where I was and it is just after 9 AM. Must have dozed off I thought. Hey they are removing something from my mouth/throat. GAG!!!!!! It's tubes that were down my throat during sugary and it's the next day !! Surgery is over. REmoval of tubes=BAD. Eventually I get moved to ICU. I must be OK and soon I'm moved to another room where I'm told I'll stay till discharged. Good news. I want to get the hell out of here and go home. Not so fast BigO, you need to heal up, get some tubes removed from your arm, abdomen, and neck, and get the OK from your surgeon. Finally on the Thursday after sugary I am sprung from stir. YAY!
Back home for about 2 weeks and feeling a hell of o lot better. Want to thank all those whose thoughts, prayers, and karma came my way. I'm 75 . If I was maybe even 80, I would not go through this. A large reason for me is to live long enough that my 18 month old identical twin ran daughters will remember me.
Posiitive thoughts: Lee County Health care system is top notch. We may have an insurance problem, but not health care.
Negative thoughts: sorry folks---no sexy nurses, brain messed up for a bit from the anesthesia (hallucinating some, memory issues at times), food tastes like cardboard (lousy way to lose weight, but I have).
Thanks for reading. Hi Luther.