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Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:34 am
by Rooster
Ok, my wife and I are RVing around the country and this week we are spending some time in the Lake Travis region around Austin, Texas. This evening we went to go pick up some groceries and as we were walking out, a white family of four walked into the store in full Muslim garb. The bearded husband/father who appeared to be about 30 years old was wearing a black robe and knitted skull cap, the mother was all abaay-ed up minus the veil, the daughter, maybe 17, was also fully covered, and the son had normal clothes but had a little Muslim cap thing on. While I am used to seeing Arabs and Afghanis dressed this way overseas, in the States it isn't very... normal. The first thing I found myself doing was looking him over for suspicious lumps that could be C4 and ball bearings strapped to his chest.

Anyway, as we passed each other, the guy gave me a "Whatchoo lookin' at?" look, which admittedly was likely started by me since I stared and probably gave him a "what are you dressed like that for" look. After we got in the car, I looked over at my wife and said that I was glad that we were out of there before he self detonated. She laughed but heartily agreed. I came away with the impression that these people who dress in full-on Muslim dress are former goth-y/pierced/tatted misfits who have outgrown their emo days, but still want to shock and dismay their fellow citizens.

Does being distrustful of openly Muslim Americans make me a bigot? I don't recall growing up seeing any religious group other than nuns wearing their Flying Nun stuff. Nowadays it seems that Muslims are rather... militant about wearing their jihadi clothes publically as if they are daring you, a normal American, to challenge them on it. I get that our country is based on religious tolerance, but-- at least from my generation (which likely is most of you guys too) --this trend of wearing clothes of our enemies seems very confrontational.

Any thoughts on this?

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 5:16 am
by R-Jack
Would it make you feel better if we say you are not?

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 5:44 am
by poptart
Don't you know, bigot Rooster, that America is one of the most muslim countries in the world?
So claims Barry.

I know Barry is a Harvard intellectual and all (allegedly) but wait, let me check the facts -- just to be sure.

Look ----->

Not even remotely close to true.

Another colossal Barry lie and *FAIL*


Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 6:11 am
by Carson
Rooster would never make it in Western Europe.

They are the equivalent of Mexicans in the US.

Hard workers, but hard to sit next to on the bus/tram/train.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:57 am
by Bucmonkey
Half the trolls on this board couldn't hack it outside of the 10 square miles they currently infest.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:09 am
by Screw_Michigan
Rooster wrote:Ok, my wife and I are RVing around the country and this week we are spending some time in the Lake Travis region around Austin, Texas. This evening we went to go pick up some groceries and as we were walking out, a white family of four walked into the store in full Muslim garb. The bearded husband/father who appeared to be about 30 years old was wearing a black robe and knitted skull cap, the mother was all abaay-ed up minus the veil, the daughter, maybe 17, was also fully covered, and the son had normal clothes but had a little Muslim cap thing on. While I am used to seeing Arabs and Afghanis dressed this way overseas, in the States it isn't very... normal. The first thing I found myself doing was looking him over for suspicious lumps that could be C4 and ball bearings strapped to his chest.

Anyway, as we passed each other, the guy gave me a "Whatchoo lookin' at?" look, which admittedly was likely started by me since I stared and probably gave him a "what are you dressed like that for" look. After we got in the car, I looked over at my wife and said that I was glad that we were out of there before he self detonated. She laughed but heartily agreed. I came away with the impression that these people who dress in full-on Muslim dress are former goth-y/pierced/tatted misfits who have outgrown their emo days, but still want to shock and dismay their fellow citizens.

Does being distrustful of openly Muslim Americans make me a bigot? I don't recall growing up seeing any religious group other than nuns wearing their Flying Nun stuff. Nowadays it seems that Muslims are rather... militant about wearing their jihadi clothes publically as if they are daring you, a normal American, to challenge them on it. I get that our country is based on religious tolerance, but-- at least from my generation (which likely is most of you guys too) --this trend of wearing clothes of our enemies seems very confrontational.

Any thoughts on this?
Not only are you a bigot, but you're a douche.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 1:20 pm
by smackaholic
You are not a bigot, roost. You are just not a PC moron.

memo to decent muzzies: we will continue to look at you with a suspect eye until you unfukk your community. the only ones that can stamp out muzzie shitbag terrorist activities are muzzies themselves. so far, you've done a pretty bad job at it.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:56 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
I know where this is going. Historically, the pattern plays out the same, every time.

First, you get rid of the schvoogies...then the Lower Mexicans...then my people!


Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:57 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
...and by my people, I mean Canadians!

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 3:55 pm
by trev
I think rooster nailed it when he said these weirdos were former goth rejects/rebel teens. They are lost souls. If the dad was confident in his garb he should have just smiled at rooster and continued about his business.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:09 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
trev wrote:If the dad was confident in his garb he should have just smiled at rooster and continued about his business.
And if Rooster was confident that he is not a bigot, he wouldn't need to inquire about it on a message board.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:31 pm
by Rooster
Does it seem to the rest of you that Muslims are more prominently wearing the whole get-up these days than in years past? As an Army brat and in the years since, I've lived all over the world and you just never saw much Islamic expression in either clothing, public gestures, or discussion. It appears that it is only in the years since 2001 that you see it more and more frequently. I cannot help but think that this is a direct response by a particular segment of society who enjoys sticking their thumb in the collective eye of mainstream America. It's as if this were another variant of the Occupy demographic or the evolution of the neo-hippy crystal worshipping misfit who has graduated to an organized unconventional religion.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:36 pm
by trev
Rooster must be pretty confident in his ... I would call it bias or just observation, rather than bigotry, since he posted it here. Did he give these people a chance? No. But I don't think he is a bigot in the KKK sense.

I am not religious. But I don't want people like this teaching our kids. Dress appropriately and do not shove your religion down my throat.* Does that make me a bigot?

*settle down guys

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:47 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
If Muslims are not allowed to wear their traditional garb in public, then Catholics should not be allowed to be within 50' of children at any given time. Fair trade off?

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 5:22 pm
by Rooster
You misunderstand me, Mgo. I am not advocating for not wearing any particular clothing in respect to religion, but rather that there is a marked upsurge in its' display. I freely admit that seeing a robed or manjammed in the States somewhat freaks me out-- all due to a mental state rising from watchfulness in Afghanistan. I just find it strange that as of late there seems to be a deliberate display of it ever since, roughly 2001.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 5:46 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Rooster wrote:You misunderstand me, Mgo. I am not advocating for not wearing any particular clothing in respect to religion, but rather that there is a marked upsurge in its' display. I freely admit that seeing a robed or manjammed in the States somewhat freaks me out-- all due to a mental state rising from watchfulness in Afghanistan. I just find it strange that as of late there seems to be a deliberate display of it ever since, roughly 2001.
I know. My suggestion was independent from anything you've said.

Both groups are extreme threats to the rest of American civilization and something should be done immediately.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 5:47 pm
by Screw_Michigan
KC Scott wrote: Explain how you can't walk in a bank with a ski mask, but you can in a Burka
A conspiracy for muzzies to take over the US, without a doubt.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 5:51 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Yesterday, I saw a bunch of Army vets walking down 7th St NW in DC. Knowing since they were Army vets and undoubtedly schizophrenic with extreme blood lust due to their Army service, the first thing I found myself doing was looking them over for suspicious behavior and concealed weapons that they would surely pull out and blow everyone away in a mass shooting. Because that's what vets do. They can't help it, it's in their blood.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:08 pm
by Bucmonkey
Move in with Derron already you intolerant fucks...

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:26 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Rooster wrote: Anyway, as we passed each other, the guy gave me a "Whatchoo lookin' at?" look, which admittedly was likely started by me since I stared and probably gave him a "what are you dressed like that for" look. After we got in the car, I looked over at my wife and said that I was glad that we were out of there before he self detonated. She laughed but heartily agreed. I came away with the impression that these people who dress in full-on Muslim dress are former goth-y/pierced/tatted misfits who have outgrown their emo days, but still want to shock and dismay their fellow citizens.

Does being distrustful of openly Muslim Americans make me a bigot?

Any thoughts on this?
Being distrustful about anyone based on appearances only can be perceived as biased or bigotted, however given the increasing levels of paranoia over all sorts of issues, not just in this country, but world wide, somewhat justifies a certain sense of apprehension. It's perfectly normal to do a double take on someone wearing clothing or costumes that seem out of place, that's a normal reaction. It's like gaping at an auto accident, it almost begs to be stared at. Also, just my opinion, as I'm seeing more and more foreigners wearing robes, burkahs, veils, etc., even some locals doing it, it almost screams "Look at me, look at me!" It's like some of them are pleading for a reaction. Not to put a "blanket" statement on these folk, but to do that in this country just comes off as extreme.

So no, you're not a bigot...just normal.

To Papa's point, if the person happens to be white and American and suiting up rag-head style, then they are full of shit. There is nothing wrong with being a practicing Muslim, it's the nutcase extremists that are the obvious problem and they need to be erased. Rooster's point on some of these folk doing this as a collective middle finger to the USA has relevency. I don't want to step on anyone having the ability to practice their own personal faith, but having a barometer of common sense with respect to current events is paramount.

On a side note, it's pretty disgusting that costume companies are marketing biohazard suits as Halloween outfits as a spoof on the Ebola scare. Verrry tasteful.

Mgo says Muslims should be allowed to wear their traditional garments in public and I agree. Joe Whiteboy doing it to show off how contradictory he is, or how much he hates this country and the government, should be kicked in the grapes. As it is, Muslims at the very least, should be concious of how Americans are responding to terrorism and understand their reactions. It may not be fair in many instnaces, but it is not surprising or even out of line.

Plus, if you're going into a bank or an airport, as Scott mentioned, while wearing a face covering, you better damn well expect to be scrutinized and questioned.

Meanwhile, Screwy seriously needs to jizz mop the fluid out of his dome. His ears are leaking.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:56 pm
by DiT
Bucmonkey wrote:Half the trolls on this board couldn't hack it outside of the 10 square miles they currently infest.
Jesus Christ ain't that the fucking truth.
I don't look at my Muslim friends as my "Muslim friends" just regular people that are Muslims.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:28 pm
by Derron
Screw_Michigan wrote:Yesterday, I saw a bunch of Army vets walking down 7th St NW in DC. Knowing since they were Army vets and undoubtedly schizophrenic with extreme blood lust due to their Army service, the first thing I found myself doing was looking them over for suspicious behavior and concealed weapons that they would surely pull out and blow everyone away in a mass shooting. Because that's what vets do. They can't help it, it's in their blood.
Well get up in their face about then bitch...tough bad ass like you should be able to take on some dysfunctional veterans with no problem.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:41 pm
by Derron
Bucmonkey wrote:Move in with Derron already you intolerant fucks...
Social intolerance while a noble virtue, will not get you admitted to my compound on that alone. In the hard times coming after Ebola ravages the United States, social isolation is much more desirable. Muzzies are welcome to wear the manjamas and burkas, just gives a better orientation to center mass anyway.

Distrust of about everybody outside your family unit is pretty much a requirement.

Fuck the muzzies and fuck all of you who think the minute you do not like somebody or the way they dress makes you a bigot.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:19 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
[img][/img] wrote:In the hard times coming after Ebola ravages the United States, social isolation is much more desirable. Muzzies are welcome to wear the manjamas and burkas, just gives a better orientation to center mass anyway.

Distrust of about everybody outside your family unit is pretty much a requirement.
You sound like you'd be a lot of fun at parties.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 12:07 am
by R-Jack
88 wrote: But if I'm in line at Chipotle and a pink-haired tatted up chick is in the line, you can damn sure guarantee I'll notice that shit (which is probably why she has pink hair in the first place). I don't want her to die or be harmed, just cum in her pink hair if she isn't all fat and gross

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:39 am
by Screw_Michigan
KC Scott wrote: Maybe you've forgot the Marathon Bombers, the Green Nissan Pathfinder in Times Square or Nidal Hasan, but I haven't
I don't know if you forgot the Oklahoma City bombing, but I haven't.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:41 am
by Screw_Michigan
R-Jack wrote:
88 wrote: But if I'm in line at Chipotle and a pink-haired tatted up chick is in the line, you can damn sure guarantee I'll notice that shit (which is probably why she has pink hair in the first place). I don't want her to die or be harmed, just cum in her pink hair if she isn't all fat and gross

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:57 am
by Dr_Phibes
Lets say Rooster just bought a Pontiac-6000 when he's always owned a Lumina. He'll suddenly become aware of all the other Pontiac-6000's on the road alongside of him because he's involved in the situation, when before, it wouldn't register.

Remember hundreds of millions of dollars have been pumped into a propaganda campaign since the US made a policy decision and launched the big fake Jew War. You're inculcated with propaganda.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 2:42 am
by Go Coogs'
I'm not going to lie. I'd do a double-take on a family of whiteys walking into my local Piggly-Wiggly sporting their full on burka gear. And everyone else on this board is lying to themselves if they didn't do the same exact thing Rooster did. Like Jay said, it's a natural reaction. It's not ordinary at all.

Rooster, the reason you're seeing more and more people dawning bedspreads is because we've gone from 250 million people to 320 million people in a matter of 20 years or so.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 3:32 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
88 wrote:People with lots of tattoos still freak me out. Chicks particularly. I just don't understand why anyone would pay someone else to doodle on them. Whatever.
I've been wondering if I was alone in this perspective. Maybe it's a cultural, age or just a familial thing, but I'm just not down with tattoos, particularly on women. I don't see anything wrong with them per se, it's your body, you have the right to deface it any way you see fit. To a degree, small tats on subtle spots, like ankles or wrists, can be sort of cute on a woman. But the typical tramp stamp, or full-on sleeve, or worse, facial ink, just looks freaky.

Like 88 said, I just don't understand the appeal. Why would you want to walk around in your skin when it's been shot up full of ink? I get that it's considered artwork, and some tattoos are actually very cool, but damn, you're stuck with that ink for the rest of your life. As you get older, and the flesh stretches and sags, that "artwork" starts to become a deformed and blurred smear.

Great look.

I'm guessing this puts me in the minority these days, as tattoos are a cultural trend. But once, so were mullets, disco, big hair and parachute pants.

Don't see much of those anymore, and for damn good reason.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 3:56 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Jay in Phoenix wrote: I'm just not down with tattoos, particularly on women. I don't see anything wrong with them per se, it's your body, you have the right to deface it any way you see fit. To a degree, small tats on subtle spots, like ankles or wrists, can be sort of cute on a woman. But the typical tramp stamp, or full-on sleeve, or worse, facial ink, just looks freaky
It all depends on how attractive the woman is. I saw this woman speak last week. She had a full sleeve on one arm and a half on another. She was an Army vet and she was very attractive.

Getting a tatt sleeve is not going to polish a turd. Everything depends on how attractive the woman is.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:33 pm
by Screw_Michigan
88 wrote: I think you are confused, Screwy. If a woman is very attractive, does the full sleeve on one arm and a half on another make her more attractive, or does it not otherwise take away from the fact that she is attractive notwithstanding the ink?
I guess my answer is, unlike you, I really don't give a shit how much ink she has if she's attractive. If she's unattractive, the ink makes her less attractive.

I hope I answered your question, counselor.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:39 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Screw_Michigan wrote:It all depends on how attractive the woman is. I saw this woman speak last week. She had a full sleeve on one arm and a half on another. She was an Army vet and she was very attractive.

Getting a tatt sleeve is not going to polish a turd. Everything depends on how attractive the woman is.
Well, 88 got in before I did and pretty much mirrored my thoughts. There is no way, in my opinion, that a tattoo makes a woman more attractive. If anything, it takes away from her natural looks and becomes a distraction. Your eye gets naturally drawn to the tatt and not the person. So her attractiveness is not going to factor in on sporting ink. A woman is attractive because she is attractive. Her looks can be enhanced by such things as makeup, lighting and fashion (holding most true in photography), but she either is appealing on a physical level or she isn't.

The old adage of beauty being in the eye of the beholder is true, and everyone has a different perspective and taste.

I'll second the test idea 88 put forth.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:55 pm
by Left Seater
Jay in Phoenix wrote:
The old adage of beauty being in the eye of the beholder is true, and everyone has a different perspective and taste.

Excellent point.

For me tats take the attractiveness down a few notches. More tats more notches down.

As for my company, tats are a non starter. A visible tat makes you non hireable. Employees project your brand all day long.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:58 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Leave it to the board's old fuddie duddies like 88 and Gay in Phoenix to discuss how unattractive tattoos make young women. If Slobbering Sam was here, you guys would hit the tard trifecta.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 5:00 pm
by trev
Women's skin is too pretty to tat it up.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 5:15 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Screw_Michigan wrote:Leave it to the board's old fuddie duddies like 88 and Gay in Phoenix to discuss how unattractive tattoos make young women. If Slobbering Sam was here, you guys would hit the tard trifecta.
If figures you would take a rational discussion and steer it into stupid. Clearly you are too gutless or simple to take 88 up on his challenge, either that or you already know he's right in his point. I never said that tattoos make a women unattractive. They can and often do make them LESS attractive. Also, branding can and usually will prevent you from gaining access to jobs in the majority of the workplace. Whether that is fair or not is another matter.

Once again Screwey, tattoos and appearances are all subjective. Taste is personal and everyone's is different. It doesn't make you or me or 88 or anyone else right or wrong. We have our opinion, you have yours.

But hey, you want to embrace you jailhouse bitch tattoos, wear your pants around your ass and advertise your availability, go for it Screwy.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 5:29 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Jay in Phoenix wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:Leave it to the board's old fuddie duddies like 88 and Gay in Phoenix to discuss how unattractive tattoos make young women. If Slobbering Sam was here, you guys would hit the tard trifecta.
If figures you would take a rational discussion and steer it into stupid. Clearly you are too gutless or simple to take 88 up on his challenge, either that or you already know he's right in his point. I never said that tattoos make a women unattractive. They can and often do make them LESS attractive. Also, branding can and usually will prevent you from gaining access to jobs in the majority of the workplace. Whether that is fair or not is another matter.

Once again Screwey, tattoos and appearances are all subjective. Taste is personal and everyone's is different. It doesn't make you or me or 88 or anyone else right or wrong. We have our opinion, you have yours.

But hey, you want to embrace you jailhouse bitch tattoos, wear your pants around your ass and advertise your availability, go for it Screwy.
I don't have any ink, cunt cookies, and toughen up your vagina. This is a smack board, remember? Also, I agree with Left Seater about visible tatts. GF wants to get one on her forearm or wrist, I actively discourage her against it.

Now go fuck yourself.

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 5:48 pm
by Go Coogs'

Re: Does this mean I am a bigot?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 5:59 pm
by Screw_Michigan
She's a cum dumpster in general. Would lack of tatts make her any less of a semen receptacle?