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Using non-lethal force

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:50 pm
by smackaholic
One of the discussions being had in the mike brown case, is why did he shoot him? why didn't he tazor him or pepper spray him?

Here is my take on this topic.

If the thugs knows that an attack on the cop will result in, at worst, a faceful of pepper spray or being tickled by a tazor, he is far more likely to decide to roll the dice if he thinks he just might disarm the cop and arm himself. And we know the result of that. A funeral for a cop.

Fukk that.

If the nogs really did give a fukk about making their neighborhood better, they would be behind aggressive policing. And the response to pokey getting a faceful of 9mm would be, you shouldn't have attacked the cop. It certainly wouldn't fix the ills in the hood, but it might make the thugs just a tiny bit less thuggish. If mike brown had that thought rolling around his pea brain, he just might have done like all those nog congressman and said hands up, don't shoot.

Re: Using non-lethal force

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 1:08 pm
by Screw_Michigan
smackaholic wrote: If the nogs really did give a fukk about making their neighborhood better, they would be behind aggressive policing.


The NYC man choked to death for suspicion of selling loose smokes

Re: Using non-lethal force

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:38 pm
by mvscal
smackaholic wrote:One of the discussions being had in the mike brown case, is why did he shoot him?
Gee I don't know...maybe because he was being attacked by him? What the fuck was he supposed to do? Let himself get the shit beaten out him and murdered with his own weapon?

Re: Using non-lethal force

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:42 pm
by smackaholic
you bring up a good point.

there is a lot of black market activity which exists solely because of exhorbitant tax rates.

that dude would not be selling smokes from NC IF the local government didn't make the legal market price 3X what it ought to be. The same argument applies to drug policy. You go after the cops for enforcing the law, but give the largely liberal assholes who wrote the law, a pass.

as for the fatass cig pimp, he did not die as a result of choking. he died because he was a fatfuck asthmatic who had an attack caused by getting a little exercise rolling around on the ground with a cop. he had every opportunity to avoid that situation, just as big mike did.

Re: Using non-lethal force

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:49 pm
by smackaholic
mvscal wrote:
smackaholic wrote:One of the discussions being had in the mike brown case, is why did he shoot him?
Gee I don't know...maybe because he was being attacked by him? What the fuck was he supposed to do? Let himself get the shit beaten out him and murdered with his own weapon?
I'm with you on this. What I am talking about are the apologists who say he should have used non-lethal force. And my point is, fukk non-lethal force. If blowing some fukk into the next world is not an option, these animal thugs will roll the dice and see if they can get the cops gun.

Who was the old dead white fukker that said it is better they fear me than respect me, or some words to that effect. Some roman fukk, i believe. he was right. we just have to come to the realization that there are assholes in the world with no respect for the cops. all the community policing in the world won't chance this fact. so, if they won't respect them, they should at least fear them. unlike islamicrageboy, these fukkers are not looking for 72 virgins.

Re: Using non-lethal force

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 6:02 pm
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote:
smackaholic wrote:One of the discussions being had in the mike brown case, is why did he shoot him?
Gee I don't know...maybe because he was being attacked by him? What the fuck was he supposed to do? Let himself get the shit beaten out him and murdered with his own weapon?
He was not being attacked when he killed him you fucking pansy. Why are you such a pussy?

Re: Using non-lethal force

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 6:16 pm
by mvscal
Yes, he was. You can chug another black cock and fuck the fuck off now since you haven't even bothered to acquaint yourself any of the facts.