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Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:09 am
by Mikey
Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:11 am
by smackaholic
Quite possibly the worst call in the history of organized sports.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:12 am
by smackaholic
Second and <1, you have a fukking bulldozer in the backfield and you get fancy?

Here's your fukking sign, Pete. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:16 am
by FLW Buckeye
Gotta love that look of astonishment/bewilderment on Cheaty's face. Priceless!

As a sidenote: According to Guiness, a new record time was set in how fast a bandwagon was unloaded. :lol:

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:19 am
by War Wagon
Regardless, it was a great game.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:27 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
A fitting ending for a classless organisation like the Seahawks.


Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:27 am
by Atomic Punk
FLW Buckeye wrote: As a sidenote: According to Guiness, a new record time was set in how fast a bandwagon was unloaded. :lol:
As a sidenote: All of that pre made Super Bowl champions Seachickens gear is now being loaded onto banana boats and being shipped back to the manufacturers in the Dominican Republic to disperse to the inhabitants of that 3rd world island.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:46 am
by smackaholic
pretty sure that shit gets burned. Otherwise those dominican urchins would be peddling it on feebay.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:47 am
by Screw_Michigan
Guys, everyone knows pick plays on the goal line in the clutch are always a good idea.



Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 3:57 am
by Shoalzie
Pete definitely saved Belichick's ass for not calling a timeout 30 seconds earlier.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:23 am
by Left Seater
Pete can talk all he wants about NE putting in the Goalline defense and them having 3 WRs and the best thing to do is to throw it in that spot. Everyone knows he is wrong.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 5:12 am
by Diego in Seattle
Overall Carroll is a great coach, but he and/or Bevell screwed the pooch on this one. There was absolutely no reason not to give it to Beast Mode. I feel bad for the Seahawk players who played hard enough to win but had it ripped from them by their coaching staff.

Props to the Cheatriots on winning their asterisk-laced championship. Special congrats to their thug running back who worked hard for so many years to get this team to the championship. :meds:

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:13 am
by Mikey
That was about the most monumentally stupid play call I've ever seen. Great coach, though.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:09 pm
by smackaholic
Has Marshawn ever gotten less than 2 yards in that situation?

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:22 pm
by mvscal
Diego in Seattle wrote:their asterisk-laced championship.
The only asterisk around here is Cheatey's blistered dimehole.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:02 pm
by Left Seater
I heard on a DSM sports show this morning someone trying to say that bone headed play calling is Pete's MO over the years.

Dude compared last night's call to the SC Texas title game when Pete called on White instead of Bush on 4th and short. That was such a poor take that it made me wonder if noj was speaking, given the location.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:16 pm
by Mikey
Left Seater wrote:I heard on a DSM sports show this morning someone trying to say that bone headed play calling is Pete's MO over the years.

Dude compared last night's call to the SC Texas title game when Pete called on White instead of Bush on 4th and short. That was such a poor take that it made me wonder if noj was speaking, given the location.
That comes from Bill Plaschke, LA Times, page 1, top left column of the sports section this morning. The LA sports press is still nursing their sphincters nine years after that MNC debacle.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:24 pm
by Left Seater
schmick wrote:
But, not having Bush on the field as at least a decoy or check down was a bone head part of that play

I guess?

Bush had almost all of his rushing yards on two or three carries that night, and after one of them he fumbled. He was better better as a receiver that night, but even then one of his longest plays was in the last 20 seconds of the game while Texas was playing prevent. White had been getting the tough yards all night and I think most agreed he was the one to carry it there. I guess you could line up Bush as a WR and make Texas think about him, but they would have gone man coverage on him anyway.

Pete gave the ball to the correct guy in 2006 and not last night.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 6:54 pm
by Dinsdale
Autocorrect can be a bitch.


Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 7:03 pm
by Dinsdale
FLW Buckeye wrote:
As a sidenote: According to Guiness, a new record time was set in how fast a bandwagon was unloaded.

Dude, if you ain't in the Upper Left corner of the country, you frankly have no idea. Sure, any team that makes a run at a title is going to draw a bandwagon (and let's be real -- bandwagoners are the financial engine that drives pro sports), but the Idiots To My North have raised bandwagoning to a new level.

I mean, we're talking about people who are so ignorant about the sport that they stole another team's catchphrase/tradition, cheapened it, and marketed it...

And then it got really funny -- they got sued over it... and yet still can't figure out why they're fucking tards, and have stuck with it.

But these morons are fun to fuck with. My friends and I often hit up games at a local watering hole, which will result in mingling with idiots in Lynch or Wilson jerseys -- OK, let me clarify that -- we'll see the jerseys right up until the Chickens lose. After a couple (14) of pops, I'll start bring up names like Joey Galloway and Shawn Springs -- which will invariably invoke a "who?" from them.

Easily the worst "fan" base I've ever seen.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 7:40 pm
by Dinsdale
Diego in Seattle wrote:Special congrats to their thug running back who worked hard for so many years to get this team to the championship.


But maybe you should do a little research (because Chicken fan doesn't follow the sport unless "their" team is making a run), and figure out which of the starting RBs has been arrested/convicted more.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:17 am
by H4ever
Dinsdale wrote:
FLW Buckeye wrote:
As a sidenote: According to Guiness, a new record time was set in how fast a bandwagon was unloaded.

Dude, if you ain't in the Upper Left corner of the country, you frankly have no idea. Sure, any team that makes a run at a title is going to draw a bandwagon (and let's be real -- bandwagoners are the financial engine that drives pro sports), but the Idiots To My North have raised bandwagoning to a new level.

I mean, we're talking about people who are so ignorant about the sport that they stole another team's catchphrase/tradition, cheapened it, and marketed it...

And then it got really funny -- they got sued over it... and yet still can't figure out why they're fucking tards, and have stuck with it.

But these morons are fun to fuck with. My friends and I often hit up games at a local watering hole, which will result in mingling with idiots in Lynch or Wilson jerseys -- OK, let me clarify that -- we'll see the jerseys right up until the Chickens lose. After a couple (14) of pops, I'll start bring up names like Joey Galloway and Shawn Springs -- which will invariably invoke a "who?" from them.

Easily the worst "fan" base I've ever seen.
Ever heard of Curt Warner? But then again, Shawn Kemp was a great tight end. (mocking the ignorance of bandwagon fans)

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:31 am
by Dinsdale
H4ever wrote: Ever heard of Curt Warner?
He was that QB for the Rams, right?

I kid.

But that guy is a serious DICK. After Colin Cowherd moved back to town and started his radio show (like him or hate him, irrelevant), Warner opened up a Chevy dealership in Vancouver (Across the Creek in the Couv, a phrase Colin coined). With no money changing hands or advertising, Cowherd brought it up on his show, and basically gave Warner free plugs. Right up until Warner called him (on air, no less), and threatened legal action if Cowherd continued to try and exploit his name."

Which really didn't go over too well. Colin agreed wholeheartedly -- and told him "Done. Your name will never, ever be spoken on this station again. And since you're proving yourself to be overly-litigious, we'll make sure that neither this station nor any of the affiliates sell advertising to you." And they never did. He sold it a few years ago, since his (and GM's) crappy business policies were making him broke.

In the fine tradition of PSU running backs, the guy is an asshole.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:37 am
by H4ever
Dinsdale wrote:
H4ever wrote: Ever heard of Curt Warner?
He was that QB for the Rams, right?

I kid.

But that guy is a serious DICK. After Colin Cowherd moved back to town and started his radio show (like him or hate him, irrelevant), Warner opened up a Chevy dealership in Vancouver (Across the Creek in the Couv, a phrase Colin coined). With no money changing hands or advertising, Cowherd brought it up on his show, and basically gave Warner free plugs. Right up until Warner called him (on air, no less), and threatened legal action if Cowherd continued to try and exploit his name."

Which really didn't go over too well. Colin agreed wholeheartedly -- and told him "Done. Your name will never, ever be spoken on this station again. And since you're proving yourself to be overly-litigious, we'll make sure that neither this station nor any of the affiliates sell advertising to you." And they never did. He sold it a few years ago, since his (and GM's) crappy business policies were making him broke.

In the fine tradition of PSU running backs, the guy is an asshole.
Seems like a lot of the great ones were dicks. Heard Jim Brown was one of the biggest pricks on the planet.. bitter, racist and just a straight-up doucher. But man could he run the ball.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:50 am
by Dinsdale
Diego in Seattle wrote:There was absolutely no reason not to give it to Beast Mode.
No reason, eh?

Lynch had 5 carries this season from inside the 2.

He went 1-for-5. But I understand -- you're a Seahawks "fan," and didn't watch a game until Week 16 (along with the rest of the "fan"base).

Props to the Cheatriots on winning their asterisk-laced championship.
What asterisk is that?

If you think for one second that Seattle (and every other team in the league) doesn't do shit to doctor up gameballs, you're about as dumb as... a Seahawks fan.

But way to be a good transplant -- you've got the Seahawk whining and excuse-making down Pat.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:30 am
by Left Seater
Dinsdale wrote:
Diego in Seattle wrote:Props to the Cheatriots on winning their asterisk-laced championship.
What asterisk is that?

If you think for one second that Seattle (and every other team in the league) doesn't do shit to doctor up gameballs, you're about as dumb as... a Seahawks fan.

But way to be a good transplant -- you've got the Seahawk whining and excuse-making down Pat.

Got to second that. What asterisk?

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:31 am
by The State

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:54 am
by Dinsdale
Left Seater wrote:

Got to second that. What asterisk?

Seattle sports "fan."

Always an excuse.

And Toolio -- hate to break it to you, but the Chickens sold out the very first game they played.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:23 am
by poptart
Dinsdale wrote:Lynch had 5 carries this season from inside the 2.

He went 1-for-5.

Dinsdale wrote:What asterisk is that?

If you think for one second that Seattle (and every other team in the league) doesn't do shit to doctor up gameballs, you're about as dumb as... a Seahawks fan.
So we've got (according to you) all the teams in the league doctoring balls -- and of course the NFL allows it, by checking balls two hours before a game and then leaving the balls with... the team. lol

The league has no enforced standard for perhaps the most vital piece of equipment. lol again

Looks to me as if the whole damn league deserves an asterisk.

The Nutless Football League is not quite yet as silly as pro wrasslin', but it's moving up the totem pole.
Approaching Big Time College Farceball level now.

After further review, Brandon Pettigrew was not interfered with. lol
After further review... Dez Bryant did not catch the ball. lol

After further review, skrew off, NFL.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 1:00 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Dinsdale wrote: But that guy is a serious DICK. After Colin Cowherd moved back to town and started his radio show (like him or hate him, irrelevant), Warner opened up a Chevy dealership in Vancouver (Across the Creek in the Couv, a phrase Colin coined). With no money changing hands or advertising, Cowherd brought it up on his show, and basically gave Warner free plugs. Right up until Warner called him (on air, no less), and threatened legal action if Cowherd continued to try and exploit his name."

Which really didn't go over too well. Colin agreed wholeheartedly -- and told him "Done. Your name will never, ever be spoken on this station again. And since you're proving yourself to be overly-litigious, we'll make sure that neither this station nor any of the affiliates sell advertising to you." And they never did. He sold it a few years ago, since his (and GM's) crappy business policies were making him broke.
Wow, Colin Cowturd won an asshole-off? Can't say I'm surprised.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:14 pm
by Derron
Screw_Michigan wrote:
Dinsdale wrote: But that guy is a serious DICK. After Colin Cowherd moved back to town and started his radio show (like him or hate him, irrelevant), Warner opened up a Chevy dealership in Vancouver (Across the Creek in the Couv, a phrase Colin coined). With no money changing hands or advertising, Cowherd brought it up on his show, and basically gave Warner free plugs. Right up until Warner called him (on air, no less), and threatened legal action if Cowherd continued to try and exploit his name."

Which really didn't go over too well. Colin agreed wholeheartedly -- and told him "Done. Your name will never, ever be spoken on this station again. And since you're proving yourself to be overly-litigious, we'll make sure that neither this station nor any of the affiliates sell advertising to you." And they never did. He sold it a few years ago, since his (and GM's) crappy business policies were making him broke.
Wow, Colin Cowturd won an asshole-off? Can't say I'm surprised.
Colin was amusing to fuck with. He had a lot of people who just called his show to get his goat and get ran. I called his show twice, once to take issue with some baseball take he had, and he just lost it. We went back and forth and he finally hit the dump button on me. I called in about 6 weeks later using a fake name and a different number, got about 3 sentences out and he recognized my voice, hit the mute, told me to fuck off and never call again, ( kind of like here you know), I did get a quick " Fuck you Colin" in before he hung up on me.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 5:21 pm
by Go Coogs'
Rack Dins. I wasn't quick to second guess like everyone in the house I was watching the game with. I looked up Lynch's success on the goaline this year and it wasn't good. I actually liked the playcall, however, I would've chosen a much less risky fade into the corner of the endzone to one of my big receivers rather than the quick slant pick play.

It seems everyone wants to blame someone rather than giving the Butler kid props for timing that play perfectly and stepping into the lane. He couldn't have executed that any better than he did in the biggest moment and on the biggest stage. That was a great play. Wilson didn't fuck up, nor did Pete.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 5:29 pm
by Left Seater
Go Coogs' wrote:

It seems everyone wants to blame someone rather than giving the Butler kid props for timing that play perfectly and stepping into the lane. He couldn't have executed that any better than he did in the biggest moment and on the biggest stage. That was a great play.
Couldn't agree more. The guy still had to make the play and he did. More people need to give him credit for that.

Go Coogs' wrote: Wilson didn't fuck up, nor did Pete.
Disagree on this. The play call was still a bad idea and Wilson could have thrown it out the back of the end zone or changed the play call.

Re: Nice job Petey

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 6:17 pm
by Dinsdale
Dumb play call against a stacked box. IIRC, they only had 3 DBs on defense. That would have had a LB on a receiver if they had thrown a fade.

BUT... shit play call or not, it's all on Wilson (who despite an impressive QB rating in the game, played horribly). Just a dumb ass throw.

But hey, after such a shitty game, in a contract year, the Bandwagon's "golden boy" wants to go play baseball this spring, rather than trying to improve at football... what a leader.