Re: Tin Foil Ted - Governor of Texas
Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 6:20 pm
Our resident Texans should be in here soon to give us "the truth".
No, it's mental flatulence from some pin-dicked bedwetter at NPR. What did you expect?KC Scott wrote:I honestly thought this was an Onion story
Why do you hate the military? Why do you hate freedom?poptart wrote:The military has taken how much land in the U.S. of A?
And yet we are supposed to accept that they need to take these massive operations (manpower and machine) out into multiple states, among the people?
Not acceptable.
Not surprising to see KC Bootlicker attempt to turn it back on those who recognize the problem with this.
Obviously those sailors and soldiers believe that US citizens constitute a potential threat and need watching as they go about their daily lives.The governor's proposition that these soldiers and sailors constitute a potential threat and need watching as they go about their duties, certainly stakes out some new political ground for the leader of the Texas GOP to stand on.
Military?Screw wrote:Why do you hate the military? Why do you hate freedom?
Plus, you know all those Walmarts that closed? They're being set up as secret detention centers for Patriots who would defend their country against our Government's tyranny. Those that aren't executed in the field, anyway.KC Scott wrote:Tart you and LTS need to hook up, or maybe you already have
So when rookie Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced he was ordering the Texas National Guard to monitor a Navy SEAL/Green Beret joint training exercise, which was taking place in Texas and several other states, everybody here looked up from their iPhones. What?
It seems there is concern among some folks that this so-called training maneuver is just a cover story. What's really going on? President Obama is about to use Special Forces to put Texas under martial law.![]()
Says who? Some pantload at NPR?KC Scott wrote: Paranoid militia get the Gov to spend tens of thousands of dollars to watch Green Beret and Seals during training exercises to make sure they don't invade Texas and impose martial law.
Tart can speak for himself. I don't have a problem with it and can't see why anyone else would either. If US forces are going to war game outlandish scenarios in the middle of our civilian population, why shouldn't State forces observe their tactics and behavior?You and Tart somehow think this is a good idea because......
I have no idea why anyone would think this is an acceptable thing.mvscal wrote:US forces are going to war game outlandish scenarios in the middle of our civilian population
poptart wrote: Sorry to say, KC Scott is very confused.
Snott, this is NOT a routine military exercise.Scott wrote:Instead of saying this is a routine military exercise, Abbott orders the Texas Guard to keep an eye on those federal scoundrels the rest of us call the honorable men and women of the U.S. military
Ergo, Barack Hussein Obama. QED.This is what happens when you have single party rule. The retards rise to the top. --BSmack
There is nothing routine about it and, as has been pointed out, you are too stupid or too ignorant to figure that out for yourself. You let other people do your thinking for you.KC Scott wrote: The operation will involve about 1,200 personnel operating in Southwestern states including Texas from July 15 to Sept. 15. Instead of saying this is a routine military exercise,
mvscal wrote:They are gaming a domestic unrest scenario. That is a law enforcement mission which they are prevented by law from executing in the real world. So why are they doing it and why is it a problem if the Texas State Guard observes their methods and tactics?
Answer those questions or go fuck yourself.
And as we learned in Iraq, the winners get to make the rules.Felix wrote:as we learned from WW2, soldiers can't use the "I was just following orders" excuse if they know what they're doing is unlawful.....
Having studied the UCMJ pretty thoroughly, there is a section that has the Posse Comitatus Act in it. Any soldiers and officers would be oblige to disregard any orders to take actions against civilian who are at peace.mvscal wrote:Personally, I don't believe the percentage would be nearly that high. Sure some won't but most certainly will follow orders.
Word. Pretty much sums up Barry and his administration. Then they riot in the streets.BSmack wrote:This is what happens when you have single party rule. The retards rise to the top.
The Presidency as of late has been the exact opposite of a one party position.Derron wrote:Word. Pretty much sums up Barry and his administration. Then they riot in the streets.BSmack wrote:This is what happens when you have single party rule. The retards rise to the top.
No there isn't. PC is part of the US code.Jerkovich wrote:Having studied the UCMJ pretty thoroughly, there is a section that has the Posse Comitatus Act in it.mvscal wrote:Personally, I don't believe the percentage would be nearly that high. Sure some won't but most certainly will follow orders.
I don't know about that. The Ivy League has controlled the office for the last 23 years.BSmack wrote:The Presidency as of late has been the exact opposite of a one party position.Derron wrote:Word. Pretty much sums up Barry and his administration. Then they riot in the streets.BSmack wrote:This is what happens when you have single party rule. The retards rise to the top.
it isn't important where the law came from, what is important is that the law exists....hence I think my 30% to 50% estimate may be a little you well know, it doesn't take very long for a story to wind its way through the military.....all you'd need is a few soldiers that were aware of the law and would refuse to obey a command by their superior.....the grunts would be fucked two ways to Sunday...either they would be in violation of military law (article 90, 91, or 92) or they'd be in violation of federal law although in reality I don't think the feds would take up efforts to put away working soldiers.....they'd go after the ones giving the commands....mvscal wrote: No there isn't. PC is part of the US code.
No. The order must be lawful in order to prove the elements of those offenses. Every soldier knows that he is not obliged to obey an unlawful order.Felix wrote:the grunts would be fucked two ways to Sunday...either they would be in violation of military law (article 90, 91, or 92).
Go fuck yourself, moron. When you're finished, you can go ahead fill us all in on the role the FBI and DEA play in "routine military operations."KC Scott wrote:![]()
Earlier this year US Retired Non-Commissioned Special Forces Officer Tom Mead addressed the Howard County Texas Board of Supervisors on the Jade Helm 15 military and law enforcement exercises that will be taking place in across the southern United States in Summer 2015.
“What is Jade Helm?” Mead asks those in attendance.
ade Helm is a challenging eight week exercise. Truly, in the Martin and Howard County area we’re only going to be here for about five-to-five and half weeks. The eight weeks comes in where there is the preparation and planning that happens back in Florida and in the Mississippi area. The exercise is a joint military and inter-agency activity. What this means is that we have units from every military service participating in the exercise with us. And we also have some of our inter-agency partners, such as the FBI and the DEA, and some of the other agencies assisting us and working with us in the exercise. (Emphasis added)
The exercise is going to be throughout seven states,” Mead continues.
“Texas is the main bulk of the activity. We are spread from east to west, north to south, throughout the state of Texas. It is a Special Operations Command, General [Joseph L.] Votel-sponsored exercise to improve Special Operations forces’ ability to conduct unconventional warfare as part of the national security”
In the question and answer portion of the presentation, Mead further explains to board members how Jade Helm, a new exercise he describes as also being developed by US Special Operations General Charles T. Cleveland, will now be conducted within the United States annually.
Further, Mead points out that the FBI and DEA will be involved in “questioning” individuals. It is unclear whether the individuals being interrogated are part of the exercise, or what they will be questioned about. “They will actually do some questioning for us at one of the airports in Arizona.” A military or civilian airport? He doesn’t elaborate.
Mead also provides a conflicted response when asked by the county officials if only US military and law enforcement personnel will be involved in the exercise. “Do you use any personnel from NATO, the UN or DHS?” one board member asks (at 12:56 in the above video). “Currently for Jade Helm it is US only. We, ah, that has been one of the discussions that, uhm, I’m not sure if it has occurred yet.”
A sober observer might conclude (as a portion of the public already has) that Jade Helm is likely a means to acclimate America for eventual martial law. Since September 11, 2001 US citizens have experienced a steady erosion of their civil liberties associated with the dubious rationale of the “war on terror.” The increased militarization of law enforcement and now operations like Jade Helm being carried out on domestic soil further indicate how the Posse Comitatus Act, introduced in 1878 and intended to prevent the federal government from using the military for domestic law enforcement, is being steadily eviscerated, though it is important to note that as recently as 2002 the US Congress reaffirmed the significance of the law.
Even the Rand Corporation has suggested that the US military has no clear criteria concerning when and how Posse Comitatus applies to exercises such as Jade Helm. “t is critical,” Rand researchers observe in one study, “that the Army develop doctrine, leadership, and training programs that can provide clear and specific guidance on when and how the Posse Comitatus Act—as well as any other laws that proscribe Army activities in the domestic arena—applies and when it does not.”
The US military also wants to revisit Posse Comitatus, although it appears to regard it as a quaint formality, particulaly in light of its cavalier insistence that Jade Helm go forward unhindered and on an annual basis. “The Posse Comitatus Act is an artifact of a different conflict-between freedom and slavery or between North and South,” one military official argues. “Today’s conflict is also in a sense between freedom and slavery, but this time it is between civilization and terrorism. New problems often need new solutions, and a new set of rules is needed for this issue” (emphasis added). Given Jade Helm’s active collaboration between military and law enforcement such a remark is especially chilling.
Indeed, elected leaders and the federal law enforcement agencies involved in “partnering” with the military in Jade Helm routinely regard the civilian population as if it were a prolific spawning ground for “terrorists” (e.g. here, here, here, here and here).
The confusion over what should be a clear firewall between civil society and military exploits does not bode well for the US citizenry, who will soon be getting a glimpse in the “homeland” of what NATO and its military do on a routine basis to would be terrorists and their loved ones throughout the world. ... us/5445821
So far you are the only one in this thread who's said this -- and you've said it many times now.Scott wrote:You are literally making shit up as you go along because in your itty bitty brain this is that Golden Tea Party moment the whack jobs have been telling you was coming; Obama and his socialist heathen Federal horde of jack booted thugs are here to take you and pusstart away to the internment camps of recently closed Wal-Marts
Uhh...Scott wrote:ORLY ParanoiaTart?
Didn't you read what your butt.... errr... bunker buddy just put up on the last page?
And I'm sure you've noticed he hasn't bothered to refute any of the points that have been raised. He falls back nervously on weak ad hominems and deflections before comforting himself with the scent of the State's anus wafting through his nostrils. He's quite at home on his knees licking boots and thinking the thoughts others have provided for him. It's so much easier than.....waking up?poptart wrote:Uhh...Scott wrote:ORLY ParanoiaTart?
Didn't you read what your butt.... errr... bunker buddy just put up on the last page?
Yeah, I read it.
Mvscal posted a link where the writer said, among MANY other things, "A sober observer might conclude (as a portion of the public already has) that Jade Helm is likely a means to acclimate America for eventual martial law."
The writer didn't say Barry was going to declare Martial Law and take people away to Wal Marts.
Did he?
And Mvscal himself has said no such thing.
I'm sorry to inform you that YOU are the one who is spazzing out here.
mvscal wrote:He falls back nervously on weak ad hominems and deflections before comforting himself with the scent of the State's anus wafting through his nostrils. He's quite at home on his knees licking boots and thinking the thoughts others have provided for him.