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Ringo in the RRHOF?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 1:00 am
by smackaholic
Yeah, I know. Old news. So what. Looks like it hasn't been discussed here yet.

Ringo in, of his own accord? You gotta be kidding. He is a very mediocre drummer. Had a few singles of his own, but, nothing much.

Well, it is the RRHOF, so, I guess it is to be expected as there are plenty other no-talents there. And plenty of huge talents that aren't. Took 25 years after his death for SRV to get in and he is one of the greatest guitar players, evah. Best blues player, IMO.

Re: Ringo in the RRHOF?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 2:11 pm
by BSmack
Ringo has been selling out concert shells for decades with his All Star Band. That's got to count for something. Plus he's Ringo Fucking Starr.

Re: Ringo in the RRHOF?

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 4:52 am
by Joe in PB
All the Beatles are in on their own accord, fuckin' joke. McCartney is probably the only one who should be in, and lets face it, if his life work was only Wings, he wouldn't be in either.

Marshall Tucker can't even get a sniff, yet the singer of No No Song is in on his own merit?

LMAO. More jug & washboard please! Anything is better than listening to Ringo.

Re: Ringo in the RRHOF?

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 12:14 pm
by smackaholic
Yes, Ringo has been successful commercially, but it has fukk all to do with his body of work in a solo career. It is all about the fact that he was a Beatle. Could someone please post a link to him showing anything greater than mediocre garage band drumming chops? I started this thread after watching him show his mad skills in the sketchers commercial currently running. Another guy that comes to mind is Charlie watts, although I believe his skills are considerably better than ringo's

Re: Ringo in the RRHOF?

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 4:08 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Ringo is pretty far from mediocre. He is underrated, though he should not be contrasted against a Bonham or Watts, far superior drummers. Ringo had some often overlooked and tricky time signatures. Two examples are "All you Need is Love" in 7/4 time, and "Here Comes the Sun" with repeating 11/8, 4/4, and 7/8 passages in the chorus. There is also a silly misconception that he didn't play on a number of Beatles songs, when in fact, he played on every released Beatles recording (not including Anthology 1) that include drums except for the following: "Back In The USSR" and "Dear Prudence", on which Paul played drums due to Ringo temporarily quitting the band, "The Ballad of John and Yoko", again featuring Paul on drums because Ringo was off making a movie, and a 1962 release of "Love Me Do" featuring session drummer Andy White.

Ringo has nearly perfect tempo. This would allow the Beatles to record a song 50 or 60 times, and then be able to edit together different parts of numerous takes of the same song for the best possible version. Today an electronic metronome is used for the same purpose, but the Beatles had to depend on Ringo to keep the tempo consistent throughout the dozens of takes of the songs that we now know as their standards. Had he not had this ability, the Beatles recordings would sound completely different today.

He's in the Hall simply for being a Beatle and that's enough of a qualifier. His solo work however remains mixed at best, most of it being mediocre and forgettable. Sure, the "No-no" song is a classic, but it is one of a few exceptions.

Re: Ringo in the RRHOF?

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 6:44 pm
by smackaholic
OK, Ringo has rhythm.

That is something, I guess. But, it don't get you into the hall.

I was talking about actual drumming chops. Something you see him play and you stare in awe. What is his "moby dick"? Of course damn near everything Bonzo played was his "moby dick". He is, IMO, the best "rock drummer" ever. This does not make him the best drummer, of course, as great jazz drummers pwn that category.

Would have loved to see Buddy Rich give Moby Dick a try. I am certain it would have been amazing.