Thanks. Believe it or not, the #1 name for boys born in the US in 1939 was James. Now it's like #400. I tip my Chicago schooner of Beast Light to the denizens of T1B.
Re: Happy birthday, Wolfman
Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 1:57 pm
by The State
One of my favorite songs of all time (written by Brian May) 39... knowing the history behind the song and Brian May having a PhD in astrophysics from Imperial College.
Without question... the most educated "Rock and Roll" band in history... with every band member having a post graduate degree.
The song that follows this song on the album (A Night at the Opera) 'Sweet Lady' (written by Brian May)... shows Brian May's funk and rock repertoire.
One of the most unappreciated song writers in rock history.
There's a reason Jeff Beck called him the best "Rock and Roll' guitar player in history. He even dubbed him "The Guv'nor".
At around 70 years old... "The Guv'nor" can still bring it !
His 'Mad skills' at his old age... would make 'Robert Johnson' proud.
Happy Birthday Wolfman!
We can now... return to the "Grandpa Wars" on T1B...