Looks like the Pakistanis sold Bin Laden for a few bucks and no questions asked.
Did George Soros pay the bill on behalf of his puppet POTUS?
Stay tuned...
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 3:43 pm
by Goober McTuber
From your own article:
Hersh's account of the bin Laden raid is a farrago of nonsense that is contravened by a multitude of eyewitness accounts, inconvenient facts and simple common sense.
Stay tuned for what?
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 5:32 pm
by R-Jack
When have facts, critical thinking and common sense gotten in the way of a good old Fashioned Nick Frisco tinfoil draping?
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 6:09 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Seymour Hersh is a crackpot.
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 6:11 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
R-Jack wrote:When have facts, critical thinking and common sense gotten in the way of a good old Fashioned Nick Frisco tinfoil draping?
"I never tire of the toil,
Of crinkling foil."
Felchco's Motto.
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 7:20 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Let's get it straight. Seymour Hersh is a respected professional journalist. You guys, meanwhile, are the kool-aid drinking stooges who can offer silly childish cat-calls--and that's it! You can offer nothing--and don't even try--to in any way defend the official 9/11 Commission report. As for the framing and murder of Bin Laden, sure, there's lots of evidence for his involvement in 9/11, right?....er.....
I believe the popular Mechanics "debunking the debunkers" piece...I do..I really do...er...
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 7:36 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
LTS TRN 2 wrote:. As for the framing and murder of Bin Laden, sure, there's lots of evidence for his involvement in 9/11, right?....er.....
Yes, some of it in recordings of his own admission. Why do you find it so difficult to believe in evidence?
"I believe the Tin-Foil Hat Wearers Club propaganda...I do..I really do..uff!"
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 8:19 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Categorical bullshit. The only question is--why would you believe it?
Here's the actual statement from Bin Laden in Sept of 2001.
So we're agreed that Seymour Hersch is full of shit, and that Obama is a hero?
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 8:48 pm
by LTS TRN 2
No, goobs, we all agree that the mainstream media is effectively muzzled, and that scared little folks like you are willing to believe the most ludicrous nonsense since the Warren Commission report. And that you've no good reason for being so cowardly.
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:08 pm
by Goober McTuber
Actually I think most of us here agree that you are a bat-shit crazy, certified loon.
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:51 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Actually you don't--and you actually know full well that 9/11 was obviously an inside job, and that Bin Laden was a patsy. If you actually believed any part of it, you would--at least to yourself--try and support any part of it. But you don't, you can't, and you're instead willing to behave like a petulant child.
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 4:12 am
by Dr_Phibes
All you had to do was keep your nose to the newswires as it was happening. Pakistani Press was saying troops had the place surrounded and civilians were encouraged to stay inside while the gunbattle went on. Also, cell phones in the area began not to work. It was all on the wires for everyone to see.
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 5:41 am
by LTS TRN 2
No, "phibes," all one had to do was watch the obvious controlled demolition of the three towers to know it was an obvious inside job. Bin Laden denied any involvement and there's never been a shred of evidence presented to connect him to the alleged "attack." None. Why is that, "phibes"? How could the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, Interpol, Scotland Yard, and yes, even the toxic and utterly criminal Mossad, not be able to offer any evidence whatsoever of Bin Laden's supposed connection with 9/11? Bin Laden was never even charged. Never indicted for 9/11. Are you of such shallow and fake sensibility that you can't begin to deal with this?
Hey, it's a New Pearl Harbor!!!
Hi, I'm still on the loose...
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 12:40 pm
by Goober McTuber
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Actually you don't--and you actually know full well that 9/11 was obviously an inside job, and that Bin Laden was a patsy. If you actually believed any part of it, you would--at least to yourself--try and support any part of it. But you don't, you can't, and you're instead willing to behave like a petulant child.
As far as I can tell, you're the only one on this board that believes ANY of the shit you spew. Come to think of it, you don't believe it either. Troll on, brother.
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 3:54 pm
by mvscal
Goober McTuber wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Actually you don't--and you actually know full well that 9/11 was obviously an inside job, and that Bin Laden was a patsy. If you actually believed any part of it, you would--at least to yourself--try and support any part of it. But you don't, you can't, and you're instead willing to behave like a petulant child.
As far as I can tell, you're the only one on this board that believes ANY of the shit you spew. Come to think of it, you don't believe it either. Troll on, brother.
Mewling Fail believes it.
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 7:48 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Goober McTuber wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Actually you don't--and you actually know full well that 9/11 was obviously an inside job, and that Bin Laden was a patsy. If you actually believed any part of it, you would--at least to yourself--try and support any part of it. But you don't, you can't, and you're instead willing to behave like a petulant child.
As far as I can tell, you're the only one on this board that believes ANY of the shit you spew. Come to think of it, you don't believe it either. Troll on, brother.
goobs, you've got it backwards. You're the one who has swallowed a massive "conspiracy" tale. A bizarre (and ludicrous) account of 19 hijackers with box-cutters easily circumventing the biggest and most sophisticated security system in the world. And that three steel-framed skyscrapers just dropped in perfect controlled demolition because of fires. And WTC wasn't even hit. Yes, you're pretending to believe this. Okay. Fine. But the onus is on you to provide some evidence that any of this amazing physics-defying event occurred as asserted in the official 9/11 report. Okay? It's not okay to simply drink the kool-aid and say you're signed on to the official story. It's not the bible, goobs.
Now, try to offer any support of any part of the official story. C'mon.
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:32 pm
by Goober McTuber
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Actually you don't--and you actually know full well that 9/11 was obviously an inside job, and that Bin Laden was a patsy. If you actually believed any part of it, you would--at least to yourself--try and support any part of it. But you don't, you can't, and you're instead willing to behave like a petulant child.
As far as I can tell, you're the only one on this board that believes ANY of the shit you spew. Come to think of it, you don't believe it either. Troll on, brother.
goobs, you've got it backwards. You're the one who has swallowed a massive "conspiracy" tale. A bizarre (and ludicrous) account of 19 hijackers with box-cutters easily circumventing the biggest and most sophisticated security system in the world. And that three steel-framed skyscrapers just dropped in perfect controlled demolition because of fires. And WTC wasn't even hit. Yes, you're pretending to believe this. Okay. Fine. But the onus is on you to provide some evidence that any of this amazing physics-defying event occurred as asserted in the official 9/11 report. Okay? It's not okay to simply drink the kool-aid and say you're signed on to the official story. It's not the bible, goobs.
Now, try to offer any support of any part of the official story. C'mon.
I do believe the bulk of the 9/11 report. Much easier to believe than the Bible, for God's sake. :wink:
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:55 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
LTS TRN 2 wrote:goobs, you've got it backwards. You're the one who has swallowed a massive "conspiracy" tale.
My god are you a tedious little cunt. How can you sit there with a straight face (I know you aren't btw) and accuse others of buying into conspiracy when you are the biggest tin-foil taint tickling 'tards around. You have provided zeor proof of any aspect to a conspiracy here. And no dummy, bad You Tube videos don't count.
A bizarre (and ludicrous) account of 19 hijackers with box-cutters easily circumventing the biggest and most sophisticated security system in the world.
Which is what happened. Prove it didn't. That onus is on you.
And that three steel-framed skyscrapers just dropped in perfect controlled demolition because of fires. And WTC wasn't even hit.
So was that a pair of holograms slamming into the building in front of hundreds of eye witnesses. Those same holograms which spewed out flaming debris from the opposite side of the exact spot where those "hologram" planes struck. Neat trick, care to explain how they did that? How does a hole implode from the outside of a building with no visible explosives...other than a PLANE, that is, causing it. Go ahead troll, give us a logical and rational reason.
We're waiting.
Yes, you're pretending to believe this. Okay. Fine. But the onus is on you to provide some evidence that any of this amazing physics-defying event occurred as asserted in the official 9/11 report. Okay? It's not okay to simply drink the kool-aid and say you're signed on to the official story. It's not the bible, goobs.
Now, try to offer any support of any part of the official story. C'mon.
Pretending? Awesome, coming from the queen of frauds.
Now, try to offer any support of any part of the unofficial story as described in Nuts 'r' Us.
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 9:07 pm
by Y2K
Jay just initiated sparks to shoot off TF2's shiny head.
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 9:13 pm
by LTS TRN 2
It's easy to disprove the palsied official report. Consider that the "pancake" theory of the two main towers' collapse was quietly discarded by the same folks who offered it. That's right, and you probably didn't even know that , did you?
Moreover, the collapse of WTC7, as per that absurd official theory, required over one hundred support columns all "melted" or broke at exactly the same time.
Further, multiple witnesses, including firefighters and police, reported explosions coming from the basement of all three towers.
And...the pentagon "757" just disappeared into a small hole without breaking windows.
Similarly in Pennsylvania, immediate witnesses said there was no evidence at all of an airplane crash.
And, the only evidence that any of the "19 hijackers" were on any of those planes is the miraculously recovered passport in the rubble of WTC.
Of course the WTC towers were struck. Your (fake) exasperation of "holograms" (as though this had been suggested), is a joke. However, you certainly are accurate in noting that the vast majority of the fuel on those planes (which certainly could have been remotely controlled drones) was spent in that tremendous fireball upon impact. There was nothing whatever to cause any such collapse of a steel-framed skyscraper. WTC was designed to withstand such an impact.
And the list goes on. Indeed, every single aspect falls apart upon examination.
So...what part can you defend? Why do you suppose the onus of proof is not upon those who are asserting the official story?
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 9:46 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 10:36 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Okay, your standard duck 'n cover playground cat-call..
But jay...have you realized that the so-called official story of the WTC collapses...doesn't even exist? That is, the various official bodies--the NIST, etc.--are all in open contradiction with each other, and no government agency has saw fit to question this blatant confusion? And of course the reason is obvious. There is no realistic explanation other than controlled demolition. Now..if you think you're "agreeing" with some particular official story, let's hear what that is. I mean, simply, what do you believe?
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 10:59 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
I believe what I saw on the day the event happened.
I know that two planes flew into the Towers and they collapsed as a direct result.
I believe you are desperate for attention and a little freaky.
I know that as always, this will end badly for you.
So as a way of consoling you, here...have a nut. You are one.
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 11:33 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
One last thing genius, what exactly is happening here.
Or here.
Go ahead and explain how those are anything but planes slamming into the Towers.
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 12:26 am
by LTS TRN 2
Settle down, sparky, you're just chasing one little mistake like a worked up puppy. I said that the three towers fell in controlled demolition--and I added that "WTC wasn't hit" Of course I meant WTC7 wasn't hit by anything to cause it collapse at all, let alone in perfect free-fall.
As for the plane slamming into the tower, yes we all saw it and no one is claiming it didn't slam into the WTC tower. (As to whether it really was the plane in question remains a mystery--just like the bulbous cylinder plainly visible on the bottom of the plane.) So?...That's not an answer as to what happened at all. The question is why would the tower simply collapse in perfect free fall in less than an hour? The huge fireball obviously consumed most of the fuel. And as I've pointed out, the "official" 9/11 Commission report is in fact in a state of open dispute, with multiple theories that are in direct contradiction to one another. In other words, there is no "official" story. So...c'mon, offer some plausible reason for the controlled demolition collapse of all three towers. What is it you actually believe happened--after the crash?
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 5:33 am
by Y2K
I meant WTC7 wasn't hit by anything to cause it collapse at all, let alone in perfect free-fall.
of course not..it wasn't hit by millions of tons of debris and the superstructure of two massive buildings in the same plaza...
not at all..
a bunch of tin foiled idiots set charges in there..
just because Building WTC 7 was so special..
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 5:51 am
by Y2K
WTC 7 must have been one special place for the US Government to drop it like a rock after it's failed attempt of destroying it by Arabs and gravity. It must have held the secrets of Roswell and all previous alien invasions. It had the truth about crop circles and the governments use of chemtrails to control our minds. This is where the plot to torpedo the Pentagon and falsify a fight over Pennsylvania with fake aircraft were hatched, WTC7 is where "the truth" was actually held. There was no other option than to destroy it ASAP. What better way than to stage a giant disaster before "the truth" came out and then blame it on some known terrorist who tried to get to it earlier.
It's right before your eyes you damned idiots
Wakey Wakey Bitches
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 6:54 am
by LTS TRN 2
Y2K wrote:
I meant WTC7 wasn't hit by anything to cause it collapse at all, let alone in perfect free-fall.
of course not..it wasn't hit by millions of tons of debris and the superstructure of two massive buildings in the same plaza...
not at all..
a bunch of tin foiled idiots set charges in there..
just because Building WTC 7 was so special..
First of all, who the fuck is "Y2K"? Which a-hole are you? "R-Jack" ?
Whatever, your suggestion of "millions of tons" of debris falling on WTC7 is idiotic. Several other buildings in the immediate vicinity were hit by far more damaging debris. None collapsed. The fact of WTC7 collapsing in perfect free fall is itself plain evidence of a controlled demolition.
Your ensuing gibberish seems to suggest there wasn't a plain reason to destroy that particular building as part of the New Pearl Harbor.
Look, the neocons had just stolen THREE TRILLION DOLLARS....okay? And ALL of the financial records and info were right there in WTC7.
Check out who was in there. But of course you already know all of this. You're a total fraud. How do you look in the mirror? Really. http://www.wtc7.net/background.html
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 8:14 am
by poptart
KC Scott wrote:Has paranoiatart weighed in on this yet?
Since you asked, I will.
On topics that are significant to the American people, the gov tells us lies.
Not lying about everything related to the topic, but lies, in varying degrees.
It goes without saying that they have lied to us about 9/11.
How much, I really don't know.
Did people in the U.S. gov know 9/11 was going to happen?
I think that's a possibility, but I've yet to see any hard proof of that.
Just innuendos.
Did Bush, Cheney, etc. know it was going to happen?
Again, I've yet to see any proof of that.
I assume not.
Were the towers brought down by planes?
It looked to me that planes crashed into them.
It also looked to me as if the building fell in a controlled demolition -- as Building 7 also looked.
I'm not a believer that the planes alone brought those three towers down that day.
Was the Pentagon hit by a plane?
Not 100% sure.
I've really hardly researched that.
Was the Patriot Act a bad idea, and Inappropriately named?
Is the NDAA a bad idea?
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 1:05 pm
by Goober McTuber
LTS TRN 2 wrote: However, you certainly are accurate in noting that the vast majority of the fuel on those planes (which certainly could have been remotely controlled drones)
poptart wrote:Were the towers brought down by planes?
It looked to me that planes crashed into them.
It also looked to me as if the building fell in a controlled demolition -- as Building 7 also looked.
I'm not a believer that the planes alone brought those three towers down that day.
Do you guys have matching tinfoil hats?
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 2:12 pm
by Y2K
controlled demolition
Boy those neocons are sure the crafty bunch, somehow they were able to sneak tens of thousands of pounds of shaped explosives,miles worth of detonator chord, drill thousands of holes into support beams, pack and connect said explosives on hundreds of floors to a control panel somewhere on not one but three buildings.
And nobody even noticed....nobody
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 2:26 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Y2K wrote:And nobody even noticed....nobody
No Y2K, somebody noticed. LunaticTardSuffering TerminalRectalNecrosis 2 noticed.
And he's still watching for those drones!
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 2:50 pm
by poptart
Y2K wrote:Boy those neocons are sure the crafty bunch, somehow they were able to sneak tens of thousands of pounds of shaped explosives,miles worth of detonator chord, drill thousands of holes into support beams, pack and connect said explosives on hundreds of floors to a control panel somewhere on not one but three buildings.
And nobody even noticed....nobody
poptart wrote:It also looked to me as if the building fell in a controlled demolition -- as Building 7 also looked.
I'm not a believer that the planes alone brought those three towers down that day.
That's the way it... looked.
If you're satisfied that 2 planes brought down (STRAIGHT DOWN) 3 towers totaling 267 floors, don't let me stop you from the view.
To date, I'm not that satisfied with the explanation.
Scott wrote:So it's possible people in the Govt might have known 9-11 was going to happen, but not POTUS & VP?
Who then?
I simply said I consider that a possibility.
What, do you dismiss that -- possibility -- out of hand?
If so, why?
Regarding your "30 Terrorist Plots Foiled" picture, I had to chuckle.
The truth is, the U.S. gov has failed to stop 50+ MILLION terror acts since Roe v. Wade.
But staying off that ugly tangent...
The U.S. is unfortunately responsible for much terror and mayhem around the globe.
They are a very large player in mayhem.
Along with doing much humanitarian good, the U.S. is unfortunately also a bully.
That is a sad truth.
The "30 terror plots foiled" thing is silly on it's face.
I'm not going to pursue this discussion because it's endless and we are at opposite ends as far as what U.S. gov and military role should be.
I think the U.S. should get it's military machine off lands where it ought not be, where it makes ENEMIES.
It should close it's borders and have a sensible immigration system.
It should take care of it's own people.
And stop slaughtering 50 million babies in a few decades.
Do this and you don't need to spy on your own people... and other things.
You and I both want the same thing.
Peace and prosperity.
We just see a different "short term" path forward toward that at this time.
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 2:52 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Papa Willie wrote:
Jay in Phoenix wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Stealing that one!
I watched a brief documentary about that kid. Sad story.
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 2:54 pm
by mvscal
LTS TRN 2 wrote:There is no realistic explanation other than controlled demolition.
It's only realistic to total morons. You obviously have absolutely no idea of what it takes to prepare a building for demolition. There is simply no way to conceal those preparations.
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 2:57 pm
by poptart
You may be aware that there are many engineers who scoff and laff at the idea that the three buildings fell that way because of planes and fire.
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 3:08 pm
by mvscal
Do they also believe that three buildings could be prepared for explosive demolition without anyone noticing?
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 3:25 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
And not just three ordinary buildings, but the Pentagon and two world famous sky scrapers. You probably couldn't toss a firecracker into a 7-11 without getting caught...but the controlled demolition of these three structures went off without a hitch.
Sounds legit.
Re: A New Conspiracy for LTS TRN Tool
Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 3:38 pm
by Goober McTuber
poptart wrote:The truth is, the U.S. gov has failed to stop 50+ MILLION terror acts since Roe v. Wade.
You need to see that as a positive. Those were 50+ MILLION potential paranoid conspiracy-freak retards.