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Whatever they're paying those TSA fukkers....

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 9:33 pm
by smackaholic ain't enough.

Working at Logan today, doing PMs (preventive maintenance) on trace detection machines in the bag rooms. A bag room is this dungeon like place down in the bowels of the airport where your checked luggage goes before it gets on the plane. In the bag room a TSA officer rifles through it if something looks suspicious on the xray.

Anyhoo, I am in there doing a PM when one of the TSOs looks at everyone with a less than cheerful look and announces, here comes the Dubai flight. The rest of the TSOs just groan.

When a flight comes into the country, after customs clears it, it has to get cleared by TSA if it is going on to a domestic flight. This stuff was going to dearbornistan errrrrr detroit.

And in come the bags. You can fukking smell them coming. Dude walks past me with a particularly pungent one and plops it up on the stainless steel examing table. I imagine it smells better in shutyomouth's colon than it does in that room when he opens it. When he gets done with it, he closes it up and pulls it off the table.

It left a lovely light brown skidmark. :shock:

Luggage should not leave fukking skidmarks.

Re: Whatever they're paying those TSA fukkers....

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 11:49 am
by Rooster
Bear in mind that they-- Middle Easterners --do not use toilet paper, but their left hand to wipe their ass. It's one of the reasons that they do not eat with their left. It's also a reason why so many Arabs wear heavy cologne. After all, it's rather difficult to get the stank off yourself once you're finished flicking the dingleberries off the chocolate starfish.

Re: Whatever they're paying those TSA fukkers....

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 11:19 am
by poptart
smackaholic wrote:And in come the bags. You can fukking smell them coming. Dude walks past me with a particularly pungent one and plops it up on the stainless steel examing table. I imagine it smells better in shutyomouth's colon than it does in that room when he opens it. When he gets done with it, he closes it up and pulls it off the table.

It left a lovely light brown skidmark. :shock:

Luggage should not leave fukking skidmarks.