I actually watched one of these things for a change. General impressions in no particular order:
1. The Donald. Kept it real despite a rather vicious hatchet job by the moderating panel. It was a very transparent attempt to run him into the wall. He kept his feet and got off the only laugh out loud line of the evening.
Megyn Kelly: "You've called women fat pigs, dogs, slobs, disgusting animals. Your Twitter account has several --"
Trump (interrupting): "Only Rosie O'Donnell."
Probably the only one up there not lying through his teeth.
2. JEB Bush. He was there. Pretended to be in favor of border security. Not in the least bit impressive. Horrifying to think that Chimpy is the smart one.
3. Marco Rubio. He probably helped himself. Not a bad showing.
4. Kristie Kreme. Fat, petulant and wrong is no way to go through life, son. He's a grease fire and quite done as a serious candidate.
5. John Kasich. Who?
6. Ben Carson. Not ready for primetime. Did not directly answer a single question. Go home and run for your local school board or something. I suppose he would make a good surgeon general. At least he would be talking about things he understands.
7. Scott Walker.
"Derp." - mvscal's OL. I can't say that I disagree with her either. He looks mentally retarded and it was very distracting.
8. Ted Cruz. See Rubio. I thought his closing remarks were weak sauce, though.
9. Rand Paul. A pissy little fruit. While I didn't necessarily disagree with what he was saying, his slapfight with fatboy didn't do him any favors.
10. Mike Huckabee. IMO, the biggest surprise of the evening. He was smooth and on point. He looked a little like Nixon which was kinda weird. He's the first public figure I've heard to make the 5th amendment argument against abortion which I have been using for years. I think he helped himself a great deal.