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I'm breaking up with College Football

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 11:52 am
by SunCoastSooner
It's not me, it's you . . . I've never been less excited for the start of college football than this season.

All summer long I looked at our schedule, which is one of the better in the country ever season, and we have two meaningful games and one real traditional rivalry. We have to pretend Halloween University and their fewer than twenty wins in more than hundred meetings is legitimately worth our time giving a rat's ass about (as fans) just because of arbitrary borders created more than a century ago and complete and utter lack of other options. West Vagina is our conference foe . . . why the hell is West Vagina our foe instead of our brethren in Missouri (I fucking miss the Tiger-Sooner Peace Pipe), which is OU's longest natural rivalry (not anymore), or aTm whom we have history with even prior to the Big 12.

Spending six months on the SEC hype train to gain entry into the ESPiN/SEC postseason invitational has gotten old even more than it is inaccurate now.

College football is little more than the NFL second division and feeder league now. I stopped caring about the NFL in the late 90s. Had a lot to do with being on a college campus and it being the last days where college football still had traditions that meant more than the size of the check being written.

Re: I'm breaking up with College Football

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 12:55 pm
by Carson
I feel your pain.

College football is now no country for old men.

Sports in general is being revised to accommodate the borgified populace of the world.
