Re: Good ole' California lawyers.
Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 11:04 am
I guaran-damn-tee ya 90% of the population of California wasn't "Made in America".
KC Scott wrote:yea but there's some folks that always try to buy "Made in America" products" - just wondered what their take was
Or the price is "jacked up" is the cost of US labor? You know.....the whole reason things aren't made here.Papa Willie wrote: It's not so much a question of quality. "American-made" doesn't carry near the weight it used to. The problem, is that the propaganda we've endured only gives the reasoning to jack prices up.
You still don't get it, do you? California was basically the only state that was requiring a strict 100% "Made in USA" standard. From the article you posted:Papa Willie wrote:Again - this will be another reason for our prices to be "jacked up" on everything, regardless if it's warranted or not. Maybe you should be screaming bloody murder about it since it's your moronic state.R-Jack wrote:Or the price is "jacked up" is the cost of US labor? You know.....the whole reason things aren't made here.Papa Willie wrote: It's not so much a question of quality. "American-made" doesn't carry near the weight it used to. The problem, is that the propaganda we've endured only gives the reasoning to jack prices up.
I don't agree with the change, but California's standard is still stricter than the FTC's (and the rest of the country's) standard. If that's moronic, where does that put your state?All other states follow a standard laid down by the Federal Trade Commission. The agency defines products as being made in America if "all or virtually all" the parts were produced in the United States
In the past, California maintained a stricter — and, one might say, more honest — standard. To claim "made in America," 100% of a product manufactured in the state had to have been made in America.
You're doing it wrong.Mikey wrote:....I need something to read in the morning while on the shitter, and I just can't bring myself to take my iPhone in there. I'm afraid I might drop it in the soup.