Glimpse into a day in the life...

It's the 19th Anniversary for T1B - Fuckin' A

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Left Seater
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Glimpse into a day in the life...

Post by Left Seater »

Ran into Mike yesterday and it reminded me of a few of his videos that all of us know well.

Does the guy at the 1:13 mark play a better guitar than Nick?

Tell me the guy at the 1:28 mark doesn't clap like those monkeys with cymbals.

Here is another that is so right on. When planes are stuck there this parody has been played over the ATC channel. The tower guys get pissed, but we all laugh.

That shot of the Hyatt and he says it feels like a jail, is 100% accurate. So is the line about being # 23 for takeoff.
Moving Sale wrote:I really are a fucking POS.
Softball Bat wrote: I am the dumbest motherfucker ever to post on the board.
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