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Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 11:38 pm
by H4ever
Yeah.. because every time some politically ignorant 'neck in Missouri who just lost his factory job to outsourcing to China due to corporate greed sanctioned by the politicians who call themselves Republicans who were purchased by the same corporation(s), says " Obama is the reason 'Merica is going to hell AND I just lost my job.." that makes it gospel and completely encompasses a political party.
- Sincerely,
Registered Republican since 1988 who knows the party is shit and deserves to writhe around before it dies yet STILL can't stand an establishment politician, Wall-Street loving bitch like Hitlary who will most likely be our next POTUS.
Get off the partisan soap box and acknowledge both parties are corrupt and have been for years. America is the plutocracy's bitch. Probably why Trump and Sanders are getting so much run and continue to boggle the establishment's mind and keep them up at night thinking that maybe the average American is starting to catch on and may start objecting to the ass-fucking they've been subjected to.. for decades.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 11:42 pm
by Wolfman
I think someone posted in the wrong place.
Seems legit. A commie Nip. I wouldn't be surprised by a Google honorific for other totalitarianism promoters. Welcome to our world.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 11:43 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Well if we consider that indeed the U.S. government has been subjected to a coup--resulting in the unprecedented false flag operation that was the New Pearl Harbor--with the immediate effect of Permanent War and the Patriot Act, all acting in direct accordance with the Zionazi apartheid state, she's spot on. However, I certainly don't agree with her list of heroes.
As for SS casually accepting the official story of Bin Laden being somehow connected to 9/11, this is pathetic and unfortunately typical among the simple type of folk who move their lips while reading. In fact no evidence has ever been presented to even bring about an indictment of Bin Laden. None. And he categorically denied it--when taking credit would be the biggest recruiting effort ever.
When you start facing the basic fact that of course 9/11 was an inside job--and that all of the resulting carnage, murder, and misery has been a direct agenda of the neocon (dual citizen) traitors in the U.S. and Tel Aviv, you'll perhaps begin to start focusing your anger in the right direction.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 12:04 am
by Go Coogs'
Would you please shut the fuck up. Nobody likes you, LTS.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 12:24 am
by LTS TRN 2
Ya see, "coogs," yer in denial, and you're focusing your anger in the wrong direction. There's nothing I've stated that you can refute. Why are you willing to cower in lies and fetid fear-mongering?
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 12:47 am
by BSmack
Wolfman wrote:A commie Nip.
Probably good at building ships.
R. Waters
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 12:56 am
by R-Jack
BSmack wrote:Wolfman wrote:A commie Nip.
Probably good at building ships.
R. Waters
He could make one out of a watch.
R. White
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 2:33 am
by H4ever
88 wrote:H4ever wrote:Get off the partisan soap box and acknowledge both parties are corrupt and have been for years.
I acknowledge that heartily. You don't read much here, do you?
H4ever wrote:America is the plutocracy's bitch. Probably why Trump and Sanders are getting so much run and continue to boggle the establishment's mind and keep them up at night thinking that maybe the average American is starting to catch on and may start objecting to the ass-fucking they've been subjected to.. for decades.
Agreed. Mind e'splainin what your take has to do with the Google honoring a person who praises people who wage war against the United States?
You categorizing an entire party as lib-tards was what I took issue with. Just as when people lump me, as a registered Republican, with neo-cons and/or the Christers who have way more clout than their numbers.
While I agree that this chick is probably just another vacuous millennial with no life-experience or skin in the game, she does touch on some things we should all be concerned about. Namely the number of wars based on false and flimsy premises that had more to do with oil, the military industrial complex, and the select few who profit the most from it than national security. This insatiable machine will always need more profit. The controllers at the wheel high-five and celebrate every time a muzzie terrorist stirs up some more shit. You can almost hear the registers sound off, "Cha-Ching!" It almost makes you wonder how true it is that the Rockefellers finance both sides of every war. I find it refreshing that anti-establishment politicians are getting some run.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 3:18 am
by BSmack
H4ever wrote:While I agree that this chick is probably just another vacuous millennial with no life-experience or skin in the game...
She's a dead Japanese American woman who was old enough to have been in an internment prison during WWII. Total millennial.

Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 3:21 am
by Screw_Michigan
H4ever wrote:
You categorizing an entire party as lib-tards was what I took issue with. Just as when people lump me, as a registered Republican, with neo-cons and/or the Christers who have way more clout than their numbers.
While I agree that this chick is probably just another vacuous millennial with no life-experience or skin in the game, she does touch on some things we should all be concerned about. Namely the number of wars based on false and flimsy premises that had more to do with oil, the military industrial complex, and the select few who profit the most from it than national security. This insatiable machine will always need more profit. The controllers at the wheel high-five and celebrate every time a muzzie terrorist stirs up some more shit. You can almost hear the registers sound off, "Cha-Ching!" It almost makes you wonder how true it is that the Rockefellers finance both sides of every war. I find it refreshing that anti-establishment politicians are getting some run.
Rack you! Great blast.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 3:33 am
by Mikey
BTW...rack the Nipsey Russell reset.
Never new he was a commie though.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 4:03 am
by Dr_Phibes
She is notable as one of the few prominent non-black black separatists. Influenced by Marxism, Maoism, and the thoughts of Malcolm X, she was an advocate for many revolutionary movements.
She's just angry. She absorbed a hodge-podge of ideas and arguments from fifty different directions and it came out as alphabet soup. She's the original Naomi Klein.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 4:45 am
by Dr_Phibes
They're a massive company and they do business in every country they're able, under almost any poitical system. They adapt themselves to do business, when they get hamstrung by governments, they stay quiet and carry on. They reflect whatever ideas are popular in any givin place.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 5:53 am
by Carson
Rack Phibes.
Google here is much different than Google US.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 2:17 pm
by BSmack
You make it sound like the CEO of Google personally orders the daily Google display. Surely some factotum in the bowels of Google's Web dev division is responsible.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 8:17 pm
by BSmack
I bet if Google employees were suffering brain damage on a daily basis, the CEO would step in.
Apples and hand grenades 88.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 9:27 pm
by Rooster
My thought was when I saw that pic was that Google was celebrating some BLM oriental lesbian. She certainly looks the part with them slanty eyes, dew-rag, hipster glasses, agit-prop signs, and handheld microphone. I just wrote it off as more Lefty diversity propaganda pushing socialism and safe spaces for Muslim lovers. Turns out I wasn't too far off...
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 4:57 am
by LTS TRN 2
SS, is that witless posting of a grieving statue some kind of acknowledgement on your part of the essential war-mongering nature of the U.S. since WWII? Are you actually ready to face reality and begin to understand the real reason we ruthlessly and illegally invade and destroy nations? And why we've never won a war since WWII (and that was won by the Russkies)? What do you really know about the Dulles brothers?
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 11:40 am
by BSmack
So she said some shit when she was 80 about OBL. So what? She also wanted to turn the US into a Maoist shithole. Probably should concentrate on her life's work, not a moment in time.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 3:19 pm
by Rooster
Like the saying "One 'Ah, shit...' negates a thousand 'Atta boys'", one time of praising Obama Bin Laden negates a life's work. Little Commie Yoko Ono Coochieyama or whatever her name is chose the wrong guy-- which shows whose side she was on. Screw her and her life's work.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 3:53 pm
by BSmack
In your line of work that logic makes sense.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 11:04 pm
by Bucmonkey
Fucking crash and burn already...
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 1:32 am
by Rooster

Bucmonkey, your response is exactly why I have absolutely ZERO regard for the Left's sensibilities. I make the comment that a woman who praises a man who was responsible for the slaughter of over 3000 Americans has no work that has value to me. Not giving voice to such praise would not be a difficult decision even if you secretly enjoyed watching all those people die. So for me to say that her opinion erases whatever good she may have done or stood for is an easy moral choice to make-- perhaps something as easy as her choice to support OBL. Your response? You wish me to to crash and die a fiery death. No subtlety or nuance there. So based on my statement that Kochiyama's life's work is, in my opinion, now worthless, you make the moral choice to wish on me a painful death. No sense of scale for a mere opinion, you just desire death for someone having a contrary idea.
Too funny. But so telling.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 1:18 am
by Python
Rack Rooster.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 2:59 am
by LTS TRN 2
88 wrote:LTS TRN 2-
I don't mean to come between you and your worldview. You and the 6 or 7 other humans on this planet with similar views (and damaged brain stems) are free to advocate/pontificate/defecate whatever it is that makes your rocks go off. No moisture off my neuticles and all.
But praising a dude (OBL) who croaked 3000+ U.S. citizens is a bit off the reservation. Are you saying that OBL (who Yuri Kochiyama credits with the 9/11 attack on the WTC), should be praised?
And don't try to avoid the question by answering something else. Should OBL be praised?
Look, you moron, I've patiently pointed out several times that Bin Laden was never even officially charged with anything connected to 9/11. No indictment, no evidence ever presented. Do you understand this? There was no intention to catch him for the first 12 years or so, and when the decision was made to murder him (no trial, no due process), this was a matter of pure political expediency.
The purpose of the New Pearl Harbor was precisely to launch the never-ending--and completely illegal-- wars of aggression that have only grown, steadily. The current invasion of Europe by hordes of Muslim migrants is part of this utterly sinister agenda. Wake the fuck up.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 9:48 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Actually I think much more effort is required to continue to pretend one believe's a word of the official story blaming Bin Laden for 9/11. After all, there's never been any evidence. is supposed to believe the Bush administration? Obama? Hillary? the seething neocon (dual citizen) traitors? That seems an all-but Herculean task.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 8:53 pm
by LTS TRN 2
It appears he was keeping to himself, enjoying his own lifestyle. However, a disgusting gravy guzzling fetid blob of stupidity like yourself continues to squeeze your atrophied head like a zit, squirting little drips of foul ooze on the otherwise reasonable hygiene of this palsied forum. Aren't you long past the point where the paramedics roll up and haul you off with an extra large sheet over your carcass?
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 12:24 am
by Rooster
LTS, word on the street is that OBL was an undercover Zionist Bushie who got offed on a rogue CIA operation because he knew too much and was going to spill the beans on how the Twin Towers were really destroyed. Then our president, whose real name is Obama Bin Laden, had to publicly acknowledge the black op because his successor, Hillary Clinton, had taken dirty money from the Taliban who had sold opium to give OBL internet access so he could keep whacking his li'l Muhammed to kiddie pron. Hillary was the go-between for Osama/Obama, who actually are non-identical twins. Pop psychologists believe that the whole Twin Towers thing was a metaphorical stand-in for the Osama/Obama twin thing, thus OBL tried to kill off his narcissistic twin who managed to get into Harvard, while he only got an acceptance letter from Yale. OBL, who was erased from the Yale rolls, was a member of Skull and Bones, which is where he met Dubya who then recruited him as a secret agent for the Illuminati. Thus he became the fall guy for 9/11.
Got it? Now listen, people are going to try to discredit this story, but you and me, we know the Truth, don't we? I gotcher back, brother.
Re: What the fuck is Google doing?
Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 9:02 am
by LTS TRN 2
Gee, imagine a twiddling "rooster" fake name actually tapping out all of that silliness...
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