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Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 11:28 pm
by Moving Sale
PMs are supposed to be private so do I get banned if I post an email from an admin threating to ban me he gets complaints?
Hypothetically of course :meds:

Re: PMs

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 11:33 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Why are you so angry Tiny Lawyer? Not enough black tube steak in your diet?

You know what posting pm's results go for it!!!

Re: PMs

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 11:39 pm
by Moving Sale
I was just wondering if it applied to official business from admins.
It sounds like you think it does.

Re: PMs

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 11:53 pm
by Dinsdale
I couldn't care less if you post it or not.

But I think the point is that you bring MUCH less to the table than even PiKKKle. Barely coherent variations of "balck cock" smashed out with horrific grammar, and no thought whatsoever put into trying to make a point, and no respect for anyone's time who has to try and sort through your drivel (which is the word you're looking for when you type "dribble")

There is that.

You possess much more intelligence and humor than you display here... why not remind everyone that is indeed the case?

Re: PMs

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 12:38 am
by Moving Sale
I would disagree that I don't bring much. I would agree that I am quick to jump in the gutter, but in my defense, I am rarely met with none-gutter responses. Take J's response to me in this thread as exhibit A. And take my measured response to your measured response as exhibt B. It's hard to stay on subject when so many responses are disjointed ad Hominems.

Re: PMs

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 12:54 am
by smackaholic
You know when you get banned here?

You get banned when the admins decide to ban you. This isn't some sort of democracy. They can ban you just for fun. What are you gonna do about it? Take them to interweb bb court?

I realize that a board does indeed, need its tards, but I think we can find someone to fill your tiny shoes.

Re: PMs

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 1:25 am
by Jay in Phoenix
Moving Sale wrote:I would disagree that I don't bring much. I would agree that I am quick to jump in the gutter, but in my defense, I am rarely met with none-gutter responses. Take J's response to me in this thread as exhibit A. And take my measured response to your measured response as exhibt B. It's hard to stay on subject when so many responses are disjointed ad Hominems.
And therein lies the rub, MS. As Dinsdale mentioned, almost all of your responses contain the same basic black cock refs in escalating and ridiculous order. A well reasoned response merits the same. Just playing by the rules you engage in Sale. Don't like it, don't play. Or at least, change your game.

Re: PMs

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 1:55 pm
by R-Jack
I figure if you post a pm and select all members, you're in the clear.

If not, you're too insufferable to not be banned for something down the line. May as well have some worthwhile pile on material come out of it.

Re: PMs

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 2:49 pm
by mvscal
Unless there is some personal information of the sender included in the PM, who gives a fuck?

Re: PMs

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 6:04 am
by poptart
MS wrote:an admin threating to ban me he gets complaints?
Seems you left a word(s) out of this sentence, but I get the drift.

The admin/gurl in question said he might ban you if people complain about you.

Such a comment is silly, and it reflects very poorly on him.
It reeks of desperation.
Just more power tripping.

This just in...

Many more people have stopped posting here because of admin behavior than because of MS posts.
