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So by Jr.'s logic, his Dad was an "Idiot" savant!

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 5:48 pm
by Eddie Adams
Christ, ya whiney, baby, faggot! Like YOU had any chance of winning anyway!?

This whiney bitch is startin to annoy the hell out of me.

So, the "Idiot" is riding along and some buttfag decides to bumpdraft the HELL out of Wallace, causing him to get loose! - But it's JJ's fault for not getting the hell out of Jr.'s and Wallace's way!? He's not allowed to "BLOCK" like Sr. did 13 thousand times in his epoch career!?

What a fucking assmunch! - You guys claim this turd!? :lol:

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 6:12 pm
by BSmack

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 6:53 pm
by MuchoBulls
RACK Eddie and BSmack.

Jr. can bitch an moan all he wants, but he was the cause of that pile up on Sunday. It has to be tough for him knowing that DEI is now behind Hendrick and Roush on restrictor plate tracks.

Re: So by Jr.'s logic, his Dad was an "Idiot" sava

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 7:41 pm
by rozy
Eddie Adams wrote:Christ, ya whiney, baby, faggot! Like YOU had any chance of winning anyway!?

This whiney bitch is startin to annoy the hell out of me.

So, the "Idiot" is riding along and some buttfag decides to bumpdraft the HELL out of Wallace, causing him to get loose! - But it's JJ's fault for not getting the hell out of Jr.'s and Wallace's way!? He's not allowed to "BLOCK" like Sr. did 13 thousand times in his epoch career!?

What a fucking assmunch! - You guys claim this turd!? :lol:
Seriously, honestly and without question you are the stupidest idiot I have ever read on these boards.

Junior did nothing wrong in that accident.
Jimmie did nothing wrong in that accident and CERTAINLY was not trying to BLOCK, moron.

That accident was ALL restrictor plates. There was NO blame to be placed on ANY driver. Did you reat that MuchBullShit? NO blame. And congrats. You are in a thread basically agreeing with the biggest idiot board bitch around. Dumbass.

OH, and Babs, did I forget to tell you that you have the mental capacity of a rotten Macademia nut? If I did forget, please accept my apology and assurance that it won't happen again.

Bri, Jr. does need to shut up on this. Gordon did make him look bad on sunday. :lol:

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 12:03 am
by War Wagon
MuchoBulls wrote:RACK Eddie and BSmack.

Jr. can bitch an moan all he wants, but he was the cause of that pile up on Sunday. It has to be tough for him knowing that DEI is now behind Hendrick and Roush on restrictor plate tracks.
And it has to be tough for you, obviously not knowing a goddamn thing about that of which you speak, to go ahead and open your trap anyway and display such ignorance. I expect such bullshit from Babs, and Bsmack just likes trying to push buttons.

Jr. didn't cause that crash, you dumbfuck, and every word he said about Yimmy Yohnson is spot on. The #48 is appropriate for that car and driver, cause he's turning into exactly twice the bitch that his mentor and benefactor the #24 is. I didn't even think that was possible.

Rack Jr. for having the balls to tell it like it is.

Re: So by Jr.'s logic, his Dad was an "Idiot" sava

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 1:06 am
by Eddie Adams
rozy wrote:
Eddie Adams wrote:Christ, ya whiney, baby, faggot! Like YOU had any chance of winning anyway!?

This whiney bitch is startin to annoy the hell out of me.

So, the "Idiot" is riding along and some buttfag decides to bumpdraft the HELL out of Wallace, causing him to get loose! - But it's JJ's fault for not getting the hell out of Jr.'s and Wallace's way!? He's not allowed to "BLOCK" like Sr. did 13 thousand times in his epoch career!?

What a fucking assmunch! - You guys claim this turd!? :lol:


Fucking speed channel had the whole fucking replay today. That dumbass Jr. was the one who banged JJ! - you ass! They even showed Jr.'s in car camera view out the passenger side! HE was the one who got UP into JJ, as JJ passed him on the outside, high line. (BECAUSE) of the dumbfuck move he had just made. He started the whole damn thing!

Check the replays from in Jr.'s car of that last crash.

(Technically, M. Waltrip started the thing 100 yards earlier, by getting all swirly, and out of the gas, that caused a check up by most. I say MOST because your manseed crush, faggot Jr., was like his Dad - Ballz out, ramming his bumber home onto anyone who happened to be there. That's what caused (there's that word again, idiot) the accident.)

DEI sucks, and I personally am getting sick and tired of his fucking DAD in the booth making a fucking FOOL of himself rooting the dunce on! Can't the guy just remain professional? All he ever does is root A) Against Jeff, and B) FOR his little tike Micheal! - It's getting sickening to listen to!

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 1:19 am
by War Wagon
What color is the sky on the planet on which you live, and what is their drug of choice?

That was the most rambling, incoherent post I've ever had the misfortune of trying to de-cipher.

I'll leave it up just to demonstrate what a complete and total fucking idiot you truly are.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 2:31 am
by Atomic Punk
Now Waltrip caused it? Of that shit troll!

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 4:51 am
by Qbert
AHEM! Cough...ackkk....peeteewwwwiiieeee....

y'all have missed the part where BIFFLE called out Johnson far.

Johnson WRECKED'em again at the END too.

from what my drunken bleeding EYES have seen repeatedly...the 48 moved DOWN while the 8 was pushing M. Wallace.

Partisan FANS will see what they want to see...check out the same article at (too lazy to link it).

Biffle is calling out Johnson and Tony Stewart has called out Johnson...JR. is calling out Johnson.

butt...Gordon defended Johnson....:wink:

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 5:03 pm
by rozy
Will someone with an IQ over 50* please explain in detail exactly how JJ was at fault in the Big One? Or how Junior was at fault in the Big One? Or Michael Waltrip? Or Mike Wallace?

Please. Entertain me. Cause this is some seriously ridiculous shit being tossed around.

*Yes, Babs, that means you are excluded.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 4:46 am
by Qbert

the IQ level that you are tossing around is fairly special...considering that you've been reading this forum for awhile (before the Merger of the Boards).

Jr. was at fault because he was "bump-drafting" Mike Wallace going into Turn 1.

NASCAR mentioned in the driver's it on the Back stretch only-->otherwise, the practice would lead to trouble.

ok...HE did THAT.

BUT--->at the EXACT Time that was happenning....the #48 was making a DIVE to the LEFT into Turn 1.

#48 had moved OUT of the middle line...and MOVED to the LEFT--->into Wallace.

Its called IMPATIENCE!

way too many cars....running together for way too many maximum speed.

its EASY for you to argue that its "nobody's fault"....cause its TRUE that THEY are all in a PACK with the HAMMER Down...with no place to go.

Jr couldn't control his RUN on Wallace...#48 could've controlled his sharp move to the Left. #48 was in front of the #8 and beside Wallace at that time.

as i said above....we watch as FANS of certain drivers....

and has been posted on #48 has been getting some HEAT for actions in recent Races.

in all of the replays...i can't see a reason for the #48 to make that sharp of a Left move--->unless its just a Racin'DEAL where turbulence just MOVED the Car in that Manner...

btw...ALL of those drivers are BETTER than that.

a Racin'DEAL like that won't happen...because ALL of THEM are way too Consuious of the fact that they are on a Super Speedway.

l00ks like he fucked up.

all of US were NOT we cannot say for sure.

we just SEE what is presented to us.

my IQ feels lower

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 11:25 am
I just want Jimmie Johnson to get the same shit that the #20 was getting last year. DW was all over their being a "common denominator" in the early part of last season, and Tony Stewart took the shit sandwich served to him like a man. Look back at a lot of the on track problems this year, and their seems to be a new "common denominator." Sack up Johnson, you are pushing a little too hard this year.

As for 'Dega....NASCAR could solve the problem by taking the plates off, but "The Big One" means ratings and they aren't gonna fuck with that. What is more dangerous, a gigantic pack of cars at 190 mph or allowing the cars to string out at 230? Give me a short track any day of the week.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 12:29 pm
by rozy
Q, thanks for at least attempting to make some sense.

The bump draft HAPPENED in a straightaway, not a turn. Has Jr. been fined for the bump draft? No. And he won't be.

Jimmie right before the move to the RIGHT not LEFT into Wallace was in a straight line. So if he made a move prior to that it is irrelevant as right before the crash he was straight and had been for a good stretch.

Talladega is one of if not the most bumpy tracks in the series. Combine that with the enormous winds created by the huge pack of cars and it is easy to see why Jimmie's car could move a few inches to the right like that. Based on JJ's talent level it is FAR more believable that track and wind conditions caused that slight move to the right rather than driver error.

That accident was 100% the product of a series of simultaneous events indigenous to restrictor plate racing.

It happened. Noone was to blame. Not Jimmie, not Junior, and :lol: certainly not Wallace or Waltrip.

MRCTM, there is no way to compare Jimmie in any way to the shit Tony was doing early last year. None. Most of Tony's idiocy last year was the product of a highly passionate driver disgusted by his frustrations.

What does JJ have to be frustrated about? The Scoreboard this year is pretty dang clear:

[web] ... icial.html[/web]

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 1:16 pm
No doubt that JJ is on top of the world right now, but if the #20 or the #29 had drifted to the right last Sunday....Well let's just say that they would have done some time in the Nextel trailer. It's Jimmie Johnson's golden boy image that saved him from the crucifixion that Stewart or Harvick would have recieved by NASCAR and the media.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 2:02 pm
by MuchoBulls
War Wagon wrote:And it has to be tough for you, obviously not knowing a goddamn thing about that of which you speak, to go ahead and open your trap anyway and display such ignorance. I expect such bullshit from Babs, and Bsmack just likes trying to push buttons.

Jr. didn't cause that crash, you dumbfuck, and every word he said about Yimmy Yohnson is spot on. The #48 is appropriate for that car and driver, cause he's turning into exactly twice the bitch that his mentor and benefactor the #24 is. I didn't even think that was possible.

Rack Jr. for having the balls to tell it like it is.
So Jr. trying to find open room for his car, only to rub into the #4 car wasn't a cause of the crash? You go on and keep thinking that.

I do agree with you on #48. He is a much the pussy.

As far as the #24 goes, Jr. isn't half the driver that Jeff Gordon is.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 4:09 pm
by Eddie Adams
Atomic Punk wrote:Now Waltrip caused it? Of that shit troll!
The last crash, doofus. Where MW gets all loose, and checks way out of the gas. That caused a whole chainreaction, that had DALE slamming into JJ's drivers side, as JJ had the high lane, you idiots.

Why do I even bother with assholes who think their trolling is getting over?

And Mayfield needs to shut his Pie-hole too!
So some wonder if the attack on (Johnson) is nothing more than jealousy.

"It has always been clear that whoever the guy is on top of the flagpole, everybody is going for him,'' said Robbie Loomis, crew chief for Jeff Gordon, Johnson's car owner and teammate at Hendrick Motorsports. "Everybody is trying to get inside that team's head. But I promise you, it is going to take more than reading something in the paper to turn them upside down.''

McMurray understands why Johnson is being attacked for aggressive driving.

`"It seemed like when Dale Earnhardt used to be aggressive, there were a lot of cheers in the stands and everybody kind of said, `That's just the way he is!,' " McMurray said. "Some people can get away with that more than others and Jimmie is very aggressive.''

But Jeremy Mayfield, :roll: who overheard McMurray's comments, quickly cautioned that Johnson is no Earnhardt.

"You've got to be careful because if you call it aggressive driving, then Jimmie is going to think he's doing everything right,'' Mayfield said.
"That's not the Dale Earnhardt aggressive style. :lol:

"Earnhardt would just nudge you and put it where it was supposed to be. You didn't see him just wreck everybody all the time or whatever is going on now with Jimmie.'' :lol: :lol:
:lol: --- My GOD!

Johnson did block Stewart in the closing laps of the Daytona 500. And he did run up on Burton's bumper in Bristol, causing Burton to crash.

But in fairness to Johnson, he can't solely be blamed for Sunday's melee at Talladega. Yes, his car hit the side of Mike Wallace and the contact sent Wallace into the wall while collecting 24 other cars.

But Wallace would not have been alongside Johnson if he was not being pushed by Earnhardt Jr. at a spot on the race track where NASCAR had asked the drivers not to "bump draft.'' - Read that, assholes?! :mad:

"I don't see where any one person is at fault,'' Johnson said. "It's an unfortunate thing, but it's racing. It's just guys racing 2 inches apart, 200 miles an hour. Two inches isn't much. Once that's gone, you have a big wreck.''
I LOVE it. ^^ ^^ When a-holes like Jr. and his Dad even, used to spin and wreck and BLOCK all kinds of times, they'd say the exact same shit as JJ said. It shows how smart he is. He's just feedin their craws. :lol:

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 4:18 pm
by Eddie Adams
rozy wrote:Q, thanks for at least attempting to make some sense.

The bump draft HAPPENED in a straightaway, not a turn. Has Jr. been fined for the bump draft? No. And he won't be.

Jimmie right before the move to the RIGHT not LEFT into Wallace was in a straight line. So if he made a move prior to that it is irrelevant as right before the crash he was straight and had been for a good stretch.

Talladega is one of if not the most bumpy tracks in the series. Combine that with the enormous winds created by the huge pack of cars and it is easy to see why Jimmie's car could move a few inches to the right like that. Based on JJ's talent level it is FAR more believable that track and wind conditions caused that slight move to the right rather than driver error.

That accident was 100% the product of a series of simultaneous events indigenous to restrictor plate racing.

It happened. Noone was to blame. Not Jimmie, not Junior, and :lol: certainly not Wallace or Waltrip.

MRCTM, there is no way to compare Jimmie in any way to the shit Tony was doing early last year. None. Most of Tony's idiocy last year was the product of a highly passionate driver disgusted by his frustrations.

What does JJ have to be frustrated about? The Scoreboard this year is pretty dang clear.
^ ^ Finally! Acute, sensical, coherent and fair assesment, from an otherwise bastard troll who thinks his shit don't stink.

Why the Fuck can't you be more like this?! :?

JJ is bumping around a little more than his first few years. He's pissed about that points chase last year. His engine builder is dead. He's young. he has a damn fast car and crew. It all equals jealousy by the other FOLLOWERS. Namely DEI and all their ballsucking tv hosts and fans.


Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 5:10 pm
by Atomic Punk
Give me a fucking break shit troll. Look, we've banned your lame ass at TOT and since I'm no longer involved you have free access to sign up your mind numbing stupid shit trolls. (If any admin wants to PM me I'll tell you how to find all of his fucking stupid-assed trolls).

Waltrip didn't cause shit in any way you slice or dice it. I've seen the race replayed twice now along with the numerous replays of the 25 car incident previously dissectred.

I believe it was on Waltrip's Monday night show with Kenny Shrader and Kenny Wallace where they all said it looked like 4 simultaneous things happened at once.

Dale Jr. wasn't calling JJ an idiot without qualifying it while talking about the second wreck that took him out.

Babs is like having frado in here lying about shit that isn't interesting nor informative. What a fucking waste of bandwidth babs is. Get the fuck outta here!

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 6:18 pm
by War Wagon
MuchoBulls wrote:
So Jr. trying to find open room for his car, only to rub into the #4 car wasn't a cause of the crash? You go on and keep thinking that.
A cause? Yes, I suppose him being on his back bumper may have contributed, but I also contend that it was the contact from the #48's right rear quarter panel to the #4's left front fender (and this is for rozy as well) when JJ drifted waaay up the track coming out of the turn, that caused the #4 car to turn sideways, hit the wall, and take out half the field. That wreck never would've happened based solely on Jrs. bump drafting.

Hey, I'm just defending my boy here. I pretty much agree with rozy that it was simply a restrictor plate racing deal, and shit happens at 190 mph.

But when shit trolls like Babs, and shit drivers like JJ, want to point the finger at the #8 every time he farts sideways, I will speak up in his defense.

Then again, I'm just glad to see some traffic up in this bitch. We hadn't had anything worth arguing about up until now, and I dig the spirited, lively debate. The fact that we're still discussing this incident five days later speaks for itself.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 6:21 pm
by BSmack
War Wagon wrote:But when shit trolls like Babs, and shit drivers like JJ, want to point the finger at the #8 every time he farts sideways, I will speak up in his defense.
Jr. farts sideways?

What a fag.


Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 6:37 pm
by Atomic Punk
Babs, I just watched the 2nd accident replay right NOW! Waltrip had ZERO to do with that wreck. He didn't change speeds or position. You're right though.... he was about 100 yards ahead of the wreck you fucking piece of shit loser, lying mother fucker.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 6:47 pm
by rozy
War Wagon wrote:
MuchoBulls wrote:
So Jr. trying to find open room for his car, only to rub into the #4 car wasn't a cause of the crash? You go on and keep thinking that.
A cause? Yes, I suppose him being on his back bumper may have contributed, but I also contend that it was the contact from the #48's right rear quarter panel to the #4's left front fender (and this is for rozy as well) when JJ drifted waaay up the track coming out of the turn, that caused the #4 car to turn sideways, hit the wall, and take out half the field. That wreck never would've happened based solely on Jrs. bump drafting.

Hey, I'm just defending my boy here. I pretty much agree with rozy that it was simply a restrictor plate racing deal, and shit happens at 190 mph.

But when shit trolls like Babs, and shit drivers like JJ, want to point the finger at the #8 every time he farts sideways, I will speak up in his defense.

Then again, I'm just glad to see some traffic up in this bitch. We hadn't had anything worth arguing about up until now, and I dig the spirited, lively debate. The fact that we're still discussing this incident five days later speaks for itself.
I'll RACK that with one slight exemption. Jimmie didn't drift WAAAAY up the track. Your boy deserves to be defended here, but no more so than Jimmie does. Jimmie CAN shoulder some blame for the second accident. But the big one was all 'Dega.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 7:29 pm
by MuchoBulls
rozy wrote:Jimmie CAN shoulder some blame for the second accident. But the big one was all 'Dega.
He can shoulder most of the blame for the second one.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 10:33 pm
by Buried_Nick
Again, fans. The second one, which came with just a few laps left; was NOT caused by JJ. Waltrip got loose. He "woah-ed" up. THAT caused the backup/bumps, which caued the crash.

You idiots need to get a clue in here. JJ is TWICE the driver Silverspoon is.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:05 pm
by rozy
MSUFAN wrote:Again, fans. The second one, which came with just a few laps left; was NOT caused by JJ. Waltrip got loose. He "woah-ed" up. THAT caused the backup/bumps, which caued the crash.

You idiots need to get a clue in here. JJ is TWICE the driver Silverspoon is.
It took you 80% of a month to come up with that tripe?

If we give you half a decade can you learn to tie your shoes, count to 3, clean behind your ears, and pronounce "Coach K is My Daddy" in unbroken english?