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I supposed you brain-dead Flaming Lips fans

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 7:23 pm
by Dinsdale
Think the world of Mercury Rev?

Never heard them, I'm trying to find some samples so I can determine if I can sit through them tonight.

I'm considering checking out Helio Sequence tonight, which is who they're playing with. Always gotta support my Beaverton Homies.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 7:41 pm
by Dinsdale
Lotsa choices this week, checking the listings.

Not a huge Gang of Four fan, but they're playing the Crystal, which is always a good time. I think I'll check out the various Cinco de Mayo festivities instead.

Pigface and Nocturne? Hmm......Dante's is a hellacool club, too.

King Diamond........nyah.

Mudhoney and Napalm Beach? At the Mt. Tabor? I think I might have found a winner. The Mt. Tabor freaking rules. They don't seem to worry about that "overserving the patrons" rule. Across town, but Hawthorne is an awesome entertainment/clubbing district. Hardcore Bohemian/Hippyland out there. Anytime a club is sitting at the base of a volcano, you gotta love it. Odds of seeing two chicks doing it in the bar are pretty good in Hawthorne. Can't bitch about that.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 8:33 pm
by patsy stone
I have a Mercury Rev CD from years ago that I absolutely hated. I heard of them through friends and bought the CD on an impulse. My tastes have changed since then so if I play it now I may like it...

It was this album:

Not sure what their new stuff sounds like. I'd check out the show anyway. Ya never know.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 8:38 pm
by Dinsdale
Maybe.....I'd be going for Helio Sequence. Haven't been to the Alladin since they turned it into a concert hall. I seem to remember it was an adult theater at one time......I hope they washed some stuff.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 8:57 pm
by Moorese
Dinsdale wrote:I'd be going for Helio Sequence.
Good choice. Mercury Rev was originally on the bill with the Doves until dudes pipes failed, but I'd rather catch Helio Sequence. That being said, go with Mudhoney. You know it. I know it.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 9:10 pm
by Dinsdale
Under the genre description, the local rag lists Mudhoney as "flannel rock."


Might have to. As I said, great club. Really laid back, booze-a-flowin, easy hippy skanks, and across the street from the Space Room. Hard to go wrong with the Mt. Tabor. Probably the coolest non-Downtown joint. The RTT/TSB posters may recall my story of the Great Portland Snowball Riot of 2004, which me and mine started(act your age much?). That was at the Tabor.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 1:14 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
I'll issue M. Rev's Deserter's Songs with interest, but certainly not a huge fan.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 1:23 am
by scritti
looks like i'll have to download some traxs for that.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 3:45 am
by Donovan
Mercury Rev are ok. You might as well go see Gang Of Four. No doubt 90% of the audience will be "huge fans" who bought Entertainment! six months ago.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 3:48 am
by scritti
i have the brief history of the world-for the record.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 6:57 am
by King Crimson
Donovan wrote: You might as well go see Gang Of Four. No doubt 90% of the audience will be "huge fans" who bought Entertainment! six months ago.
no doubt.

"it's fucked up in the ether".

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 7:02 am
by King Crimson
couldn't help it. also noticed on the site you can get it as a ringtone. friend or foe? friend of mine has some old Gof4 live footage. it's unreal. this is my fave:

The problem of leisure
What to do for pleasure
Ideal love a new purchase
A market of the senses
Dream of the perfect life
Economic circumstances
The body is good business
Sell out, maintain the interest
Remember lot's wife
Renounce all sin and vice
Dream of the perfect life
This heaven gives me migraine
The problem of leisure
What to do for pleasure

Coercion of the senses
We are not so gullible
Our great expectations
A future for the good
Fornication makes you happy
No escape from society
Natural is not in it
Your relations are of power
We all have good intentions
But all with strings attached

Repackaged sex keeps your interest
Repackaged sex keeps your interest
Repackaged sex keeps your interest
Repackaged sex keeps your interest
Repackaged sex keeps your interest
Repackaged sex keeps your interest

The problem of leisure
What to do for pleasure
Ideal love a new purchase
A market of the senses
Dream of the perfect life
Economic circumstances
The body is good business
Sell outs [? out ?] maintain the interest
Remember lot's wife
Renounce all sin and vice
Dream of the perfect life
This heaven gives me migraine
This heaven gives me migraine
This heaven gives me migraine