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2016 NFL Pick 'Em (Week 1)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:35 am
by Shoalzie
New Rules
*Each player begins with 2000 points. If you join the game after Week 1, you still start with 2000 points.

*Just like the traditional Pick 'Em game, you're just picking winners. The new part of the game is the use of the money line to make each pick worth a certain amount of points.

*Points are earned with a correct selection. A loss can mean negative points based on the money line price for the team selected. (See Scoring Examples below)

*Player can't bet more points than what they have from the previous week. You do not have to pick all 16 games each week.

*The player with the most points earned after Week 17, is the winner. A player must pick a minimum of 10 games over the entire season to be eligible for the league title.

Scoring Examples
Carolina (-170) at Denver (+150)

All underdogs (for example, Denver) is a 100 point bet. If Denver wins, a correct pick is worth 150 points.
The favorite (Carolina) is a 170 point bet. If Carolina wins, a correct pick is worth 100 points.

The greater the plus, the greater the underdog. The lower the minus, the greater the favorite.

N.Y. Giants (-110) at Dallas (-110)

This is a virtual pick 'em game meaning there's no favorite. Either team is a 110 point bet with a correct pick worth 100 points.
Thanks and good luck!

- - - - -

*Money line is from Westgate Superbook via at the time of posting*

Week 1 Schedule (16 games)
Thursday, September 8
Carolina (-170) at Denver (+150)

Sunday, September 11
Tampa Bay (+135) at Atlanta (-155)
Minnesota (-125) at Tennessee (+105)
Cleveland (+180) at Philadelphia (-210)
Cincinnati (-140) at N.Y. Jets (+120)
Oakland (+100) at New Orleans (-120)
San Diego (+270) at Kansas City (-330)
Buffalo (+150) at Baltimore (-170)
Chicago (+240) at Houston (-280)
Green Bay (-240) at Jacksonville (+200)
Miami (+425) at Seattle (-550)
N.Y. Giants (-110) at Dallas (-110)
Detroit (+170) at Indianapolis (-190)
New England (+220) at Arizona (-260)

Monday, September 12
Pittsburgh (-170) at Washington (+150)
Los Angeles (-140) at San Francisco (+120)

Re: 2016 NFL Pick 'Em (Week 1)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:39 am
by Shoalzie
Tampa Bay (+135)
Cincinnati (-140)
Houston (-280)
Seattle (-550)
Indianapolis (-190)
Pittsburgh (-170)

Re: 2016 NFL Pick 'Em (Week 1)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:29 pm
by Bucmonkey
Carolina (-170)
Tampa Bay (+135)
Oakland (+100)
N.Y. Giants (-110)

Re: 2016 NFL Pick 'Em (Week 1)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 11:25 am
by Shoalzie
Just give it a try...that's all I'm asking.

It's different but if the old way was working, then did we have only 3 players at the end of the season? If this flops, I'll scrap the game and you guys can do what you want with it. The college pick 'em game seems to be the only game that has survived through the years.