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Re: Yet another high point in the current Immigration polic

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 4:38 pm
by Rooster

And now we have Hillary telling television viewers that Trump is committing high treason by demanding we vet incoming immigrants, because the vetting turns them into terrorists. Apparently, if we ask too many questions about where their loyalties lie it causes these Muslim wannabe Americans to go all Alan Snackbar and start knifing, shooting, and blowing people up. And just who is to blame for this situation? Donald Trump, natch.


Re: Yet another high point in the current Immigration polic

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 8:04 pm
by Rooster
The Left's answer to everything is just like Christopher Walken's demand for more cowbell. ... nbc/n41046

Hillary and Obama's version of that sketch: "Guess what? I got Muslim fever, and the only prescription is more unvetted immigrants!"