Ted Cruz pwns Deadspin
Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 10:46 pm
https://mobile.twitter.com/tedcruz/stat ... wsrc%5Etfw
Apparently Cruz has been organizing an informal basketball game in an effort to bridge previous hurt feelings and Deadspin, a Gawker off-shoot, disputed it. Cruz's team came back with a pic of Grayson Allen shooting a free throw and asking, "What do I win?" The likeness is remarkable.
From there Deadspin insulted Cruz by telling him to go eat shit, to which Cruz got in a second shot by tweeting an Anchorman vid.
The twitter universe has been proclaiming bode for Cruz ever since.
Apparently Cruz has been organizing an informal basketball game in an effort to bridge previous hurt feelings and Deadspin, a Gawker off-shoot, disputed it. Cruz's team came back with a pic of Grayson Allen shooting a free throw and asking, "What do I win?" The likeness is remarkable.
From there Deadspin insulted Cruz by telling him to go eat shit, to which Cruz got in a second shot by tweeting an Anchorman vid.
The twitter universe has been proclaiming bode for Cruz ever since.