The Big Pickle wrote:
Let's just say you have a daughter and you find out your daughter is taking a colored to prom.....
What do you do?
Me? I'd do what this courageous father did and disown the kunt!
I saw a dude in the bar the other day and his mom was with a colored.....
I said to the dude...."You need to tell your mom it's YOU or the MONKEY!"
White chicks think it's okay to do this shite...It's time to disown these kunts when they betray White humans!
First, reads fake. Those aren't the words of an adult father to his growing daughter. The father sounds immature, petulant, and like a stranger, not a family member.
If it is real, might be some parental substance abuse issues in the background? Folks with alcoholics or adult drug users in the family, back me up.
He doesn't sound like he was in a position to pay for her college , anyway. The fact the daughter doesn't gasp at that but shrugs it off, ignores it, is kind of proof?
And what kind of Dad says don't ever contact me again? He's not going to graduation ... he sounds like he doesn't live with his daugter and has no real influence on her life. He isn't there.
He doesn't want to be there for her, probably never did. He gives up too easily. Involved Angry Dad would talk shit about that dress and he raised her better than to go out dressed like that. Involved Dad at home already knows her boyfriends and has vetted her prom choice, whether he agrees or not.
Pickle, the guy in the texts is an absentee father. Don't know if he's white -- he could be Mexican -- but he's the type of dad you'd shit on if he were black. He deserves a smack your own moment.
Anyway, I thought you were zoo-curious.