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Re: Mgo, What's Up With East Lansing?

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 12:35 pm
by Innocent Bystander
There's always more to the story. This one is all over the place.

-- Organic farm
-- They're Catholic
-- They refused to host a lesbian wedding on their farm in 2014
-- The father posted about same sex marriage on the farmers market website in August 2016.
-- The City said they didnt want him there due to facebook complaints but he showed up anyway and the city didnt refuse him a place?
-- The father made another Facebook post a couple months later on the farmers market webpage about same-sex marriage
-- The citys view is that everyone needs to comply with their anti discrimination policies, not just within east lansing jurisdiction but in a farms general business practices
-- The farms counter argument is that they are located outside east lansing and should not be required to comply just because they do business within east lansing
-- the farm also specifically stated they do follow policy because current employees are LGBT

None of this makes sense.

My personal opinion is that, as Catholics, they're religiously confused in the first place, which would explain their practice of hiring LGBT but not serving LGBT. Thats like the non-black owned Cotton Club hiring the whitest looking Negroes but refusing to serve Negroes.

Do they also not service divorced persons or protestants when they host weddings?

Why wouldnt a company comply with the laws of the jurisdiction they do business within? Can Company A refuse to comply with Jurisdiction B laws because their headquarters are in Jurisdiction C, legally? Or is that standard?

Re: Mgo, What's Up With East Lansing?

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 1:06 pm
by Goober McTuber
Nobody cares.

Re: Mgo, What's Up With East Lansing?

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 1:40 pm
by Innocent Bystander
Goober McTuber wrote:Nobody cares.
The lawsuit against East Lansing does.

Precedent outside Michigan for religious protections does as well.

My issue is, can religious protections be applied cafeteria style? If my religion requires I not serve gluten or dairy, but I do serve gluten while refusing to serve dairy, is that really protected?

As for the farm, some trans trolls should test them, for the lulz.

Re: Mgo, What's Up With East Lansing?

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 10:34 pm
by Bucmonkey
The horror...

Re: Mgo, What's Up With East Lansing?

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 2:20 pm
by smackaholic
I'm with 88. What someone believes or even posts on fb is irrelevant. Government needs to just but the fukk out. Assholes are free to conduct business. Period. When government gets in the business of deciding who is naughty and nice and hands out business permits using this info, it will go badly.

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