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No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 3:27 am
by Joe in PB
Since the Democrats have gone off the rails, Laura has been on point.

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 4:25 am
by Joe in PB
The real issue, which affects Democrats and Republicans on the take.

All those tariffs Trump has levied comes right out of Globalist's profits, so of course that is one more reason they'd like Trump gone.

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 4:31 am
by Joe in PB
An interesting take on London, which has succumbed to the Globalist agenda, ala Obamaisms. It has a lot of similarities to what we've seen in the US. Sad, but at least it is a bit humorous.

It's all about creating civil unrest world wide so the globalist (elite) can usher in their New World Order. An oppressive world that would be......

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 4:57 am
by Mikey
Seek professional help. Please.

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 5:07 am
by Softball Bat
Joe wrote:It's all about creating civil unrest world wide so the globalist (elite) can usher in their New World Order.


Good luck, Joe!

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 11:43 am
by Screw_Michigan
Joe Blow quoting one of Fox News' most vocal white supremacists. I'd like to think that is a coincidence.....

Maybe just a coincidence in gutter ignorance.

A thread better suited for

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 12:40 pm
by Goober McTuber

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 2:11 pm
by smackaholic
Screw_Michigan wrote:Joe Blow quoting one of Fox News' most vocal white supremacists. I'd like to think that is a coincidence.....

Maybe just a coincidence in gutter ignorance.

A thread better suited for
There's hours and hours of Laura Ingraham video. Can you give me an example of here being a white supremacist?

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 2:45 pm
by Screw_Michigan
When David Duke endorses your take, you know you're a white supremacist! ... t-rhetoric
These days, it’s difficult to discern where Trump’s ideology ends and Fox News’s begins. But there’s no mistaking that the president’s favorite talking heads have lately seemed to mirror his sentiments as expressed to The Sun. On Wednesday night, Fox host Laura Ingraham told the audience of her eponymous show, “The America we know and love doesn’t exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted on the American people, and they are changes that none of us ever voted for, and most of us don’t like. . . . Now, much of this is related to both illegal, and, in some cases, legal immigration that, of course, progressives love,” she went on, peppering her monologue with claims that “it’s not about race or ethnicity,” but sounding an alarm on how the country had “radically” changed thanks to immigration. “This is a national emergency and we must demand that Congress act now,” she concluded.

Like magic, white nationalists crawled out of the woodwork to cling to her hem. “One of the most important (truthful) monologues in the history of MSM,” wrote former Klan leader David Duke in a tweet that has since been deleted. Across the aisle, she was slammed for seeming to sympathize with racists—Media Matters, which originally tweeted the clip from Ingraham’s show, wrote that her “anti-immigrant rant” was “ripped from white supremacists.” On air Thursday night, Ingraham insisted that her views were being “distorted” by some, including a “racist freak whose name I won’t even mention.” “Despite what some may be contending, I made explicitly clear that my commentary had nothing to do with race or ethnicity,” she said, asserting that she’d simply been discussing necessary steps for “keeping America safe and her citizens safe and prosperous.”

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 3:11 pm
by Joe in PB
Wanting secure borders and law and order doesn't make one a white supremacist. You keep repeating that because that is all you have.

The media was one of the checks and balances when the Constitution was written. Keeping the public informed on what the politicians are or are not doing. That check & balance has now been eliminated, replaced by globalist propoganda.

We see it in all your posts here screwy, one sided stories filled with hate. Never have you acknowledged anything Trump has done as good.

Secure borders - bad
Deporting illegal aliens - bad
Law & order - bad
Police - bad
More jobs through corporate tax decrease - bad

Fortunately the American people see through the bullshit. Many of the same people who voted for Obama now are jumping ship.

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Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 5:35 pm
by Goober McTuber
Joe in PB wrote: Secure borders - bad
Deporting illegal aliens - bad
Law & order - bad
Police - bad
More jobs through corporate tax decrease - bad
Just to be clear, I don't think any of that is bad. Except for the last item which is creating enormous deficits courtesy of the party of small government.

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 5:45 pm
by Dinsdale
Joe in PB wrote: Law & order - bad

I dunno, it had its moments.



Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 6:39 pm
by Sirfindafold
Papa Willie wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:When David Duke endorses your take, you know you're a white supremacist! ... t-rhetoric
These days, it’s difficult to discern where Trump’s ideology ends and Fox News’s begins. But there’s no mistaking that the president’s favorite talking heads have lately seemed to mirror his sentiments as expressed to The Sun. On Wednesday night, Fox host Laura Ingraham told the audience of her eponymous show, “The America we know and love doesn’t exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted on the American people, and they are changes that none of us ever voted for, and most of us don’t like. . . . Now, much of this is related to both illegal, and, in some cases, legal immigration that, of course, progressives love,” she went on, peppering her monologue with claims that “it’s not about race or ethnicity,” but sounding an alarm on how the country had “radically” changed thanks to immigration. “This is a national emergency and we must demand that Congress act now,” she concluded.

Like magic, white nationalists crawled out of the woodwork to cling to her hem. “One of the most important (truthful) monologues in the history of MSM,” wrote former Klan leader David Duke in a tweet that has since been deleted. Across the aisle, she was slammed for seeming to sympathize with racists—Media Matters, which originally tweeted the clip from Ingraham’s show, wrote that her “anti-immigrant rant” was “ripped from white supremacists.” On air Thursday night, Ingraham insisted that her views were being “distorted” by some, including a “racist freak whose name I won’t even mention.” “Despite what some may be contending, I made explicitly clear that my commentary had nothing to do with race or ethnicity,” she said, asserting that she’d simply been discussing necessary steps for “keeping America safe and her citizens safe and prosperous.”
So by your logic, this makes you a Chicago thug/terrorist. Far out, man!
No, screwed is just a useful idiot. But we already knew that.

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 7:14 pm
by Goober McTuber
Better a useful idiot than a useless fucktard like Sirchugachoad.

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 2:50 am
by Joe in PB
Softball Bat wrote:
Joe wrote:It's all about creating civil unrest world wide so the globalist (elite) can usher in their New World Order.


Good luck, Joe!

Well now, looky what I found.

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 3:13 am
by Softball Bat
Joe, "Q" is bullshit for useful idiots to latch onto.

Useful idiots who think Trump is "playing 3-D chess," etc., and the "white hats" have a paln in p@lce to defeat the evil balck hats.
We just have to be patient and -----> wait for it.

There are 3,000 sealed indictments of wicked globalists, yada, yada, yada....


"Q" is a troll job.
Or something worse.

Donald is banker owned.
Digest that and then do your own thinking.

... if you can.

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 3:41 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
I know a country where the "No Borders" kooks can go protest...

A country that uses it's security service to shoot poor, brown people who are just looking for a way out of desperate living conditions.

A country with big, racist walls.

A country that tears mothers and fathers away from their children...that cages young, crying sons and daughters.

You must be right in the middle of packing your suitcases and bullhorns after reading this, I'm sure...


Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 4:45 am
by Joe in PB
Softball Bat wrote:Joe, "Q" is bullshit for useful idiots to latch onto.
One of the premises of the video is the media works with or are influenced by intelligence agencies. That doesn't seem so far fetched in my view. JFK was assassinated and Lee Harvey Oswald was sold by the media as the lone gunman within a single day. Then was assassinated himself, followed by a Warren commission smoke screen. Now 55 years later, the intelligence services and FBI can't release files relating to the assassination because of national security concerns? That reeks of conspiracy and continued cover up by the government. It doesn't appear Oswald acted alone.

Coup d'état






Trump is the REAL problem..........

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 5:08 am
by Softball Bat
Joe, you are halfway there.
Watch a couple of minutes of the video.

You go off the rails if you imagine that Trump is on your side, or if you believe he is in any way able to do anything to stop your enslavement.

Trump IS the swamp.

You better know that.

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 9:06 am
by Softball Bat

3:00 to 4:05...

Trump owed 4 billion dollars to his debtors, including that billion dollars for which he was personally responsible.

A. Pomerantz: Because he personally guaranteed so much debt, the leverage shifted dramatically over to the banks. Because it was no longer an issue of a bank and a piece of real estate. It was a bank and Donald Trump's actual survival.

Trump owed to 72 banks.

Why did the banks decide to keep Trump whole?

A. Pomerantz: We made the decision that he would be worth more alive to us than dead, dead meaning in bankruptcy. We don't want him to be in bankruptcy, we want him out in the world selling these assets for us. Trump is a great salesman, he added. We kept him alive to help us.

Donald Trump pledged allegiance long ago.

You've seen Don speak.
You've seen his hands.
He tells you time and again who he pledges allegiance to.


And the ever-present triangle.




He tells you.

This is your guy?

Good luck.

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:45 pm
by Left Seater
Screw_Michigan wrote:Joe Blow quoting one of Fox News' most vocal white supremacists. I'd like to think that is a coincidence.....

Maybe just a coincidence in gutter ignorance.

A thread better suited for
How about we just take a look at the DNC leadership. They clearly don't want any borders. It says so right there on the shirt.


And this guy just won his primary despite the domestic violence claims. This is the same guy who said Franken should step down due to his domestic violence claims, yet won't hold himself to the same standard.

On top of this we know Dems want to allow illegal aliens to vote and rank and file dems respond with "who cares."

Typical responses in this theard by the libs here. Just shoot and attack the messenger, not the actual message. Since that is the playbook, when do you start to shoot DNC leadership? Keith Ellison is the messenger now.

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 8:44 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
The Democratic Party took the mantle of "America's Union Busters" away from the GOP in the early 90's...or were you asleep for the entire Clinton administration?

They're gutting your pensions and relegating your children's futures to menial, service sector McJobs...
...and they're laughing all the way to their Caymans' safety deposit boxes while you all squabble over trannies watching your young daughters tinkle in the ladies room.

Wake the fuck up.

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:26 am
by Joe in PB
Softball Bat wrote:Joe...

This is your guy?
The problem is who else to vote for? A democratic party bent on destroying the country? I think not. Why are there not more good candidates? Because politics, in particular Capitol Hill, is filthier than any sewer.

Constitutional Amendments need to be made regarding congressional compensation and campaign contributions to drive out the gold diggers.

I don't particularly like Trump, was not happy he was the Republican candidate, hate he hasn't worked on the deficit, but at least he's a Nationalist as opposed to an anarchist.

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:48 am
by Joe in PB
Not the US or UK, but wouldn't you know it, the same problems with politicians. Hmmm I wonder why?

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:46 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Do you ever post videos from non whack job sources? OAN? What about NRATV?

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:50 pm
by Joe in PB
Main stream media doesn't cover these stories, I wonder why?

It wouldn't be their takes, like yours, are bought and paid for?

Sure it would.....

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Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 4:20 pm
by Joe in PB
More of the same concerning the Globalist agenda.

News is not free speech. It's the reporting of facts, all the facts, including facts on all political parties. As opposed to cherry picking, telling half, or not reporting a story to further political ends.

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Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:14 pm
by Left Seater
Screw_Michigan wrote:Do you ever post videos from non whack job sources? OAN? What about NRATV?
Doubling down on trying to discredit the messenger, instead of the message?

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:31 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Sorry, I don't watch videos from whack job "news" sources.

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:37 pm
by Screw_Michigan
I only consume news that comes from legitimate news organizations. Like the Wall Street Journal.

OAN--not a legitimate news organization.

Meltspray--not a legitimate poster.

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:38 pm
by Joe in PB
Screw_Michigan wrote:Sorry, I'm also scrared of "Russian bots". Before I know it the DNC will be replacing me and other propoganda writers with "them", and instead I'll be working overtime jizz mopping Capitol Hill.

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Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 8:14 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Keep dreaming, socialist government tit sucking hack.

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:47 pm
by Joe in PB
Screw_Michigan wrote:Keep dreaming, socialist government tit sucking hack.
Another post and another fail. The company I work for has international customers and a commercial branch. But hey, why let facts influence your takes?

When I think of government titty sucking Washington DC is at the top of the list, although I imagine you have something else to suckle.

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Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:59 pm
by Screw_Michigan
What pct of your company is government contracts vs commercial business? I'll wait.

Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:42 pm
by Joe in PB
It's a technology company with about a 50/50 split, but it varies from year to year. Also a majority of our military products are sold world wide, and no, they're not smart bombs or any type of weapon.

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Re: No Borders, No Walls, No USA at ALL!

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 4:22 pm
by Joe in PB
How long before automobile fire bombing starts in the US? Video of the perpetrators starts about 1:45. Their black garb looks familiar, or as Mikey would say, they look like the welcome wagon. Swedish politicians don't only have no solutions, they don't want any.