Dinsdale wrote:[
WTF happened to my city?
Well, it has been headed down the shithole for some time now, and the election of Corrupt Kate will certainly add to that. The Metro bond for 600 million to build "affordable" housing where Metro takes 5% off the top, it will be prevailing wage work and they will still pay the service development charges of $ 33,000 per unit.
Of greater concern is the fact that the Demorats now have a super majority in both the house and Senate, and will have the ability to pass tax increases and any piece of Legislation without a single Republican vote. Oregon now has effectively enacted one party rule which will no doubt bring gun confiscation and regulation, additional taxes to try and stem the growth of the 25 billion dollar unfunded liability in the PERS system, whcih ensures Mike Bellotti's retirement checks keep coming.
The Demorats got over and ass fucked this entire state, with the voters in Portland saying fuck you to everybody in the state. One can only hope that the 9.0 Cascadian hits and wipes out Portland and all the hipster fucks living there.