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Is this CA’s “stand your ground” law?

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 7:59 pm
by Rooster ... ire-begins

Not sure if looters have to be physically on the property before these vigilantes are going to blast them to kingdom come or if the gun owners will just shoot them when they see them. This is a Millennial ‘s dilemmas, much like our’s back in the day with “their,” “they’re,” or “there.” Now with all the social media they use the question is is it “site,” “sight,” or “cite?”

It’s unfortunate that some people take advantage of others in a crisis. While the malibu fires have been burning, some locals have been fighting off and defending their property against the fires. There have been sightings of looters breaking in to homes. Well, if you are a looter, think twice if you are heading back into malibu. #DefendYourLand #2ndamendment ... Yzp35khKg0