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Fire of 1900 Big Game...

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 6:35 am
by FiatLux
Ran into engineer (Cal guy) researching the 14th and Folsom site. In his research he found this article. He remarked that this history seems to have been buried.


For the fans packing San Francisco’s Recreation Park on Thanksgiving Day in 1897

With no stadium seats available, hundreds of fans clambered onto a rickety rooftop nearby. What happened next became the worst accident ever at a U.S. sporting event.




Not necessarily buried, but lost in the aftermath of the 1906 quake and fire; a much bigger story. But if you've dug into Big Game history, you'll run across it. ... 4db0c3f646

Re: Fire of 1900 Big Game...

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 10:11 am
by Rooster
Wait, wait-- lemme guess. The Jooooos caused it just like 9/11, right?

Re: Fire of 1900 Big Game...

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 7:03 am
by FiatLux
Rooster wrote:Wait, wait-- lemme guess. The Jooooos caused it just like 9/11, right?

Actually, 121 years later... its still the most tragic sporting EVENT in American HISTORY.

Too bad this board isn't about sports anymore... and the posters have the attention span of mvscals.

I'd post a pic of a HOT chick like Elizabeth Hurley... but, it would probably get ignored and I'd be accused of being the last heterosexual still posting on the board.

Rack me !

Re: Fire of 1900 Big Game...

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 1:49 pm
by Goober McTuber
FiatLux wrote:I'd be accused of being the last heterosexual still posting on the board.
Not bloody likely.