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Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 7:25 pm
by Screw_Michigan
...on Dec 26.
This asswipe wouldn't know the meaning of sacrifice if it teabagged him.
Fuck him and everyone here who voted for him.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 7:27 pm
by Wolfman
That's the Christmas spirit.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 7:53 pm
by Omaha Man
Greatest President Ever!
Greater than Washington!
Greater than Lincoln!
Greater than Kennedy!
Greater than Reagan!
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 8:02 pm
by Sirfindafold
screwey = shit troll
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 12:27 am
by Mikey
Prolly wore his authentic George Patton outfit.

Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 3:38 am
by Derron
Screwed the Shit Troll wrote:...on Dec 26.
This asswipe wouldn't know the meaning of sacrifice if it teabagged him.
Fuck him and everyone here who voted for him.
So I imagine that the POTUS took a dump, maybe two today while visiting the troops.
Do you have any comments or opinions on that ??
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 3:51 am
by Joe in PB
Derron wrote:So I imagine that the POTUS took a dump, maybe two today while visiting the troops.
Do you have any comments or opinions on that ??
Yes, of course he did so in a Men's room instead of a unisex bathroom. He's homophobic.
Screwed in the head
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 5:27 am
by Derron
Screw_Michigan wrote:
Fuck him and everyone here who voted for him.
Jsc810 wrote:
Fuck him and everyone who continues to support him.
Screwed by Republican Elephants on the left here and jerkoff810 on the right, trying to get their smack coordinated

Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 5:56 pm
by Mikey
President Donald Trump told American troops in Iraq that he had given them a 10 percent raise, and that it was their first pay hike in a decade — but he didn't, and it wasn't.
"You just got one of the biggest pay raises you've ever received," Trump said in remarks at al-Asad Airbase during his surprise trip to Iraq on Wednesday, drawing cheers from the troops. "You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years — more than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one." ... se-n952336
Every part of that claim was a bald faced lie. The guy really is a massive POS.
But that's actually OK. After all, nobody really expects him to tell the truth. Ever.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 8:02 pm
by Goober McTuber
Mikey wrote:President Donald Trump told American troops in Iraq that he had given them a 10 percent raise, and that it was their first pay hike in a decade — but he didn't, and it wasn't.
"You just got one of the biggest pay raises you've ever received," Trump said in remarks at al-Asad Airbase during his surprise trip to Iraq on Wednesday, drawing cheers from the troops. "You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years — more than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one." ... se-n952336
Every part of that claim was a bald faced lie. The guy really is a massive POS.
But that's actually OK. After all, nobody really expects him to tell the truth. Ever.
Nice Trump Derangement Syndrome
T1B Trump Ballwashers Brigade
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 9:35 pm
by Goober McTuber
Mikey wrote:President Donald Trump told American troops in Iraq that he had given them a 10 percent raise, and that it was their first pay hike in a decade — but he didn't, and it wasn't.
"You just got one of the biggest pay raises you've ever received," Trump said in remarks at al-Asad Airbase during his surprise trip to Iraq on Wednesday, drawing cheers from the troops. "You haven’t gotten one in more than 10 years — more than 10 years. And we got you a big one. I got you a big one." ... se-n952336
Every part of that claim was a bald faced lie. The guy really is a massive POS.
But that's actually OK. After all, nobody really expects him to tell the truth. Ever.
No comment on this Joe? Dohron? Melty? Sirfuckafist? Stanley Q. Pickkkle?
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 10:01 pm
by Bucmonkey
Bone Spurs in Chief visiting the an active war zone? What massive balls, a great leader he is...
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 3:09 am
by Diego in Seattle
A violation of the UCMJ.
Cadet Bone Spurs should have known better.
And on top of all that the guy who whined that kneeling during the National Anthem was disrespectful of military personnel tweeted a video that revealed the location of Seal Team 5. What a total assclown of a CinC!
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 4:25 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Diego in Seattle wrote:Bone Spurs
Bucmonkey wrote:Bone Spurs that a "thing" now?
I would imagine that phrase to have more gravitas had Trump been starting more bullshit imperialist wars,
rather than getting out of them.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:12 pm
by Mikey
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:33 pm
by Softball Bat
Donald wets the bed every time he goes out of the country.
Blatantly lying in the face of the military -- and then using that setting to carry on about "not being suckers" any more.
Total clown show.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:49 pm
by Carson
Hey Whiffleball Bat,
Do you prefer your dog smoked over pecan or hickory wood?
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 1:54 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Softball Bat wrote:Donald wets the bed every time he goes out of the country.
Blatantly lying in the face of the military -- and then using that setting to carry on about "not being suckers" any more.
Total clown show.
Former commander of the NATO International Security Assistance Force and U.S. Forces - Afghanistan (USFOR-A) Gen John Kelly was on All Things Considered yesterday and was asked if he agreed with Trump's take that the US was being played for suckers in foreign policy before Trump took over and his response was ""
A reminder that Kelly is someone who has sacrificed more in one day than Trump has in his entire life. And Carson will continue to be there, with his Trump kneepads on, kneeling with his tongue extended, ready to serve our fake president.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 2:02 pm
by Carson
Poking at another poster = licking Trump's balls?
No wonder you suck at this and journalism.
Go get some more Rogaine.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 7:48 pm
by Rooster
Diego in Seattle wrote:
A violation of the UCMJ.
Cadet Bone Spurs should have known better.
Actually, it’s not. No surprise that your first inclination is to get someone in the military in trouble.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 8:13 pm
by Goober McTuber
Rooster wrote:Diego in Seattle wrote:
A violation of the UCMJ.
Cadet Bone Spurs should have known better.
Actually, it’s not. No surprise that your first inclination is to get someone in the military in trouble.
It was also the first inclination of many mainstream news sources. Because it If those guys got in any trouble over this, it wasn't due to a Screwball post at T1B.
How do you feel about our president lying to our servicemen about the raises he gave them??
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 9:45 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Sorry to ruffle the feathers of you liberal interventionists, White Helmets and R2P'ers.
Don't worry, you'll get your "humanitarian operation" soon enough. You can't put these things off forever...without consequences...

Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2018 10:17 pm
by Mikey
Goober McTuber wrote:Rooster wrote:Diego in Seattle wrote:
A violation of the UCMJ.
Cadet Bone Spurs should have known better.
Actually, it’s not. No surprise that your first inclination is to get someone in the military in trouble.
It was also the first inclination of many mainstream news sources. Because it If those guys got in any trouble over this, it wasn't due to a Screwball post at T1B.
How do you feel about our president lying to our servicemen about the raises he gave them??
Might as well give up on that. You won’t hear a peep from Rooster, Duhron or Melty about that incident, unless it’s either some kind of whataboutism or a claim that it never happened.
You can be sure that if Melty could figure a way of turning it around, no matter how ridiculous, he would have jumped on it by now.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 12:44 am
by Mikey
The annual military pay increase is tied to the Consumer Price Index, dumbass, not to whatever the President thinks it should be.
Keep on melting though, it’s kind of cute.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 1:11 am
by Diego in Seattle
Papa Willie wrote:Mikey wrote:
Might as well give up on that. You won’t hear a peep from Rooster, Duhron or Melty about that incident, unless it’s either some kind of whataboutism or a claim that it never happened.
You can be sure that if Melty could figure a way of turning it around, no matter how ridiculous, he would have jumped on it by now.
Quit being such an inbred knigger, Mikey.
1. I think it's pretty fucking stupid of Trump to go and say dumb shit like that - when he had no clue.
2. It WAS the biggest raise they've had in a long time:
The basic pay raises since 2007:
1 January 2007: 2.2%
1 April 2007: 0.5%
1 January 2008: 3.5%
1 January 2009: 3.9%
1 January 2010: 3.4%
1 January 2011: 1.4%
1 January 2012: 1.6%
1 January 2013: 1.7%
1 January 2014: 1.0%
1 January 2015: 1.0%
1 January 2016: 1.3%
1 January 2017: 2.1%
1 January 2018: 2.4%
It's kind of cute how the outgoing President bumps things up. Obama did pretty good in his first year of overseeing it with 3.4%, and then quickly turned it down to not shit...
But yeah, Mikey - I'm completely fine with saying Trump was being a stupid fuck in this case. How many times have we seen you or nursing home guy say that your Democrat gods have fucked up? None that I can recall...
And how much did Trump say he was raising their pay?
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 5:07 am
by Diego in Seattle
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 6:38 am
by Rooster
Mikey wrote:Rooster wrote:Diego in Seattle wrote:
A violation of the UCMJ.
Cadet Bone Spurs should have known better.
How do you feel about our president lying to our servicemen about the raises he gave them??
Might as well give up on that. You won’t hear a peep from Rooster, Duhron or Melty about that incident, unless it’s either some kind of whataboutism or a claim that it never happened.
This is a topic that I am quite passionate about for a variety of reasons, one being that I believe that our nation's youth is worthy of a paycheck that reflects the sacrifice that the job can require. Unlike teachers or other such professions, military service requires a certain degree of willingness to sublimate your individuality, your personal freedoms, and your own volition for an organization and an idea-- all at a time in their lives when others are kicking over the traces at university or home.
It's a low paying job that offers few financial incentives and often tremendous risks, so, yeah, regular and sizable increases in pay are always welcome no matter how they arrive.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 8:36 am
by Mikey
So you’re good with the 10% raise?
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 2:51 pm
by smackaholic
Trump made a stupid statement. He took a sort of truth (shitty raises for nearly a decade) and turned it into a fukking dumb one.
Politicians have a habit of doing this. TGOF is especially gifted in this area.
But, this really doesn't change anything.
He did not say "vote for me and I'll give the military a 10% raise.
How do you think this stupid fib stacks up against "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period. ?
Or how about the bit about the Libya clusterfukk being blamed on a shit youtube video that no one saw?
How about "the police acted stupidly"? When anyone with 3 functioning braincells knew the cops were doing their fukking job. This particular one was damaging as it was not only a lie, but a lie meant to fan the flames of racial tension. Trump's stupid statement was stupid, but pretty much harmless.
So yeah. TGOF is a "liar", but his harmless lies pale in comparison to the shit that Barry and Shillary pulled off. And let's not even get started with this ridiculous witchhunt that Trump has been the target of which is based on nothing but lies.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 3:37 pm
by Mikey
It wasn’t “stupid.” It was a bald faced lie. Like about 99% of the crap that escapes his oral sphincter.
But keep tying yourself in knots trying defend the monumental jerkoff. It makes great message board fodder.
Come to think of it I’m not really sure which is worse. 99% bald faced lies or 100% stupidity. Or a mix.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 3:41 pm
by Screw_Michigan
I liked my doctor and I kept my doctor. Am I missing anything?
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 3:45 pm
by smackaholic
Yup. It was a lie. It was stupid.
It was a stupid bald-face lie!!!!
It was not as bad as "If you like your doctor...."
And it wasn't done to hide bungling the fukk out of a situation that caused Americans to die horribly and needlessly.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 3:47 pm
by smackaholic
Screw_Michigan wrote:I liked my doctor and I kept my doctor. Am I missing anything?
Are you in the military?
Did Trump lie to you about the size of your raise?
Congrats on another BBOY trophy.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 4:19 pm
by Carson
Hair...don't forget hair.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 4:29 pm
by Mikey
smackaholic wrote:
How do you think this stupid fib stacks up against "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period. ?
Whether stupid or a bald faced lie, that was pretty...stupid. But was it bad enough to justify every one of the daily stupid bald faced lies emanating from your Dear Leader’s pie hole? You certainly seem to think that it gives Trump carte blanche to say whatever he wants whenever he wants with no questions asked.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 5:50 pm
by smackaholic
I admit it. The D really does say plenty of dumb shit. Hell, he can even make Crazy Uncle Joe look bad at times. But he isn't dumb. He wouldn't be where he is if he were. What he is, is a guy with absolutely no filter. And to be honest, I kind of prefer that over the teleprompter monkeys who won't utter a syllable without first running it past handlers and polling groups.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 6:43 pm
by Goober McTuber
Mikey wrote:The annual military pay increase is tied to the Consumer Price Index, dumbass, not to whatever the President thinks it should be.
Keep on melting though, it’s kind of cute.
Melty's melts never get old.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 6:45 pm
by Goober McTuber
smackaholic wrote:I admit it. The D really does say plenty of dumb shit. Hell, he can even make Crazy Uncle Joe look bad at times. But he isn't dumb. He wouldn't be where he is if he were. What he is, is a guy with absolutely no conscience or moral compass.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 12:20 am
by Softball Bat
smackaholic wrote:And let's not even get started with this ridiculous witchhunt that Trump has been the target of which is based on nothing but lies.
You are straight up delusional.
M. Flynn: Pleaded guilty in December 2017 to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia during Trump’s presidential transition and agreed to cooperate with Mueller.
M. Cohen: Was sentenced to three years in prison for crimes including orchestrating hush-money payments to women in violation of campaign laws before the 2016 election, and he promised to keep cooperating with the U.S. government against his former boss.
P. Manafort: Agreed to cooperate with Mueller in a plea deal announced in September. U.S. prosecutors on Nov. 26 accused him of breaching his deal by lying to investigators.
Rick Gates: Pleaded guilty in February 2018 to conspiracy against the United States and lying to investigators.
K. Kilmnik: Charged with tampering with witnesses about their past lobbying for Ukraine’s former pro-Russian government.
G. Papadopoulos: Sentenced in September to 14 days in prison after pleading guilty in October 2017 to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russian officials, including a professor who told him the Russians had “dirt” on Trump’s Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton.
S. Patten: Pleaded guilty in August 2018 to unregistered lobbying for a pro-Kremlin political party in Ukraine. He agreed to cooperate with investigators.
R. Pinedo: Pleaded guilty to identity fraud in a case related to the Mueller probe for helping Russian conspirators launder money, purchase Facebook ads and pay for supplies. He was sentenced in October 2018 to a year of incarceration and allowed to serve half of it at home.
Russian Officers: Twelve Russian intelligence officers were indicted by a federal grand jury on July 13, accused of hacking Democratic Party computer networks in 2016.
Russian Nationals, Entities: Thirteen Russians and three Russian entities were indicted in Mueller’s investigation in February 2018, accused of tampering in the 2016 election to support Trump.
A. Van der Zwaan: Pleaded guilty in February to lying to Mueller’s investigators about contacts with a Trump campaign official. He was sentenced in April to 30 days in prison and fined $20,000.
What is wrong with you?
Trump is fuct.
Slam it into your skull.
Re: Trump makes Christmas visit to troops
Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 12:33 am
by Screw_Michigan
Softball Bat wrote:
M. Flynn: Pleaded guilty in December 2017 to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia during Trump’s presidential transition and agreed to cooperate with Mueller.
You forgot the part about Flynn acting as a foreign agent for another nation, telling the Trump administration, and Trump shrugging it off.