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The Super Bowl... North Bay v. South Bay

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:12 am
by FiatLux
Most of you tards will NEVER understand the dynamics of the San Francisco Bay Area.

North Bay ( 49er and Cal territory) v. South Bay (they don't have a team other than furd) that's why both Brady and Goff grew up as Cal and 49er fans.

Brady wanted to go to Cal... but, didn't get an offer (typiCal, fucking themselves) and went to Michigan.

It has to be killing Goff... that he is about to give the team he hated the most growing up as a Niner fan (lambs) a Super Bowl win.

That's like growing up an Allbarn fan...and playing for Bama and bringing them a MNC.

And here we go !


Call it.

I, myself, already knows who will win this game.

Re: The Super Bowl... North Bay v. South Bay

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:46 am
by Rooster
FiatLux wrote:Most of you tards will NEVER understand the dynamics of the San Francisco Bay.
That’s because most of us here aren’t into bathhouse etiquette and the do’s and don’t’s of gay dynamics.

Re: The Super Bowl... North Bay v. South Bay

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:47 am
by L45B
Brady was a good player at Michigan but not sure anyone at the time would have picked him to be an all-time great, which he is now.

Kyle Boller was a pretty solid QB for Cal back then. I just don’t remember the rest of the team being any good. Not much has changed over twenty years.

Re: The Super Bowl... North Bay v. South Bay

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 4:06 pm
by Mikey
Dynamics of the Bay Area. Right. You certainly get it.

Remind me again...where do the 49ers play?