You may or may not know that leftism is a disease.
It eats away at common sense.
Portland, Oregon.
The vast majority of California save for a few pockets of Republican districts.
Very few.
In fact, half of all registered voters in California want to leave the state!
New Orleans.
Wherever leftists are in charge,
You will have misery.
A beautiful American family was just ambushed on the highway in a Mexican border town.
The cartels are in control
Any American who considers taking a vacation in Mexico?
You're an idiot.
That family slaughtered by Mexican cartel thugs? Two twin baby girls were killed.
The American people are finally becoming aware that the left wing socialist party and the mainstream media that protects these socialists, ARE CORRUPT and incompatible with our Bill of rights and our liberty.
This next election cycle is HUGE.
If the democrat socialist party was still the party of JFK, I wouldn't be worried one bit.
But that party is long gone, dead and buried.
Make no mistake. The left wing socialist party is government control. They are incompatible with our Bill of rights.
The low IQ crowd will vote for whoever's got a D next to their name. Mitt Romney may be a sell out rhino. But if he got one thing correct, it was when he said that the democrats start out with a built in 48% of the electorate.
And according to the brilliant founding fathers? That 48% will continue to grow!
When the people find out that they can vote themselves "free money".
That will be the end of our constitutional republic.
God those guys were fuckin brilliant.
Re: Disease of leftism.
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:44 pm
by Kierland
Sound and fury.
Make shit up.
Start lots of threads.
Heat and light.
Flood the zone.
Re: Disease of leftism.
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 3:04 pm
by Ban Kierfag
Typical Non Gender Libtard Dumbokunt
It's pretty clear....Republicans are normal pretty people
dumbokunts are losers, welfare parasites, cokkkk sukkkking faggots
Re: Disease of leftism.
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 3:10 pm
by Kierland
Flood the zone.
Repeat the memes.
Lie lie lie.
Re: Disease of leftism.
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 4:16 pm
by Left Seater
Well consider me an idiot. The wife and I just got back from 5 days in San Jose Del Cabo.
Re: Disease of leftism.
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 4:20 pm
by Ban Kierfag
Left Seater wrote: ↑Tue Nov 05, 2019 4:16 pm
Well consider me an idiot. The wife and I just got back from 5 days in San Jose Del Cabo.
It was probably a targeted attack because the family of morons went down to Messico to fight crime and corruption.
Sometimes "religious do gooders" do the dumbest things. Like going to Congo to convert savages to civilized human beings.
DARWIN says "what?"
Re: Disease of leftism.
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 4:34 pm
by EAP
Left Seater wrote: ↑Tue Nov 05, 2019 4:16 pm
Well consider me an idiot. The wife and I just got back from 5 days in San Jose Del Cabo.
Thank god you made it back alive.
Next time? Think before you plan.
Left Seater wrote: ↑Tue Nov 05, 2019 4:16 pm
Well consider me an idiot. The wife and I just got back from 5 days in San Jose Del Cabo.
Thank god you made it back alive.
Next time? Think before you plan.
When I lived in Newport Beach CA, I would hear so many horror stories about people driving down to Messico and the police would stop them for no reason and once they were discovered to be Americans the messican police would demand everything they own to avoid going to jail. If you are American....FLY to messico and stay in the safe resort areas. DO NOT venture out to the remote unsafe areas run by the cartels.
Great Decision making is the best way to avoid being a Darwin Award Winner.
Re: Disease of leftism.
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 4:48 pm
by EAP
Kierland wrote: ↑Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:44 pm
Sound and fury.
Make shit up.
Start lots of threads.
Heat and light.
Flood the zone.
Make shit up?
Care to elaborate?
Re: Disease of leftism.
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 5:02 pm
by Kierland
Left Seater wrote: ↑Tue Nov 05, 2019 4:16 pm
Well consider me an idiot. The wife and I just got back from 5 days in San Jose Del Cabo.
First class right?
Because you don’t fit in a coach seat.
Left Seater wrote: ↑Tue Nov 05, 2019 4:16 pm
Well consider me an idiot. The wife and I just got back from 5 days in San Jose Del Cabo.
First class right?
Because you don’t fit in a coach seat.
This isn’t spam.
Re: Disease of leftism.
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 6:02 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
EAP wrote: ↑Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:42 pm
You may or may not know that leftism is a disease.
It eats away at common sense.
Portland, Oregon.
The vast majority of California save for a few pockets of Republican districts.
Very few.
In fact, half of all registered voters in California want to leave the state!
New Orleans.
Wherever leftists are in charge,
You will have misery.
A beautiful American family was just ambushed on the highway in a Mexican border town.
The cartels are in control
Any American who considers taking a vacation in Mexico?
You're an idiot.
That family slaughtered by Mexican cartel thugs? Two twin baby girls were killed.
The American people are finally becoming aware that the left wing socialist party and the mainstream media that protects these socialists, ARE CORRUPT and incompatible with our Bill of rights and our liberty.
This next election cycle is HUGE.
If the democrat socialist party was still the party of JFK, I wouldn't be worried one bit.
But that party is long gone, dead and buried.
Make no mistake. The left wing socialist party is government control. They are incompatible with our Bill of rights.
The low IQ crowd will vote for whoever's got a D next to their name. Mitt Romney may be a sell out rhino. But if he got one thing correct, it was when he said that the democrats start out with a built in 48% of the electorate.
And according to the brilliant founding fathers? That 48% will continue to grow!
When the people find out that they can vote themselves "free money".
That will be the end of our constitutional republic.
God those guys were fuckin brilliant.
Yeah man, fer sure. Nothing grinds my gears more than all the idiots who don't think exactly the way I do. Fuck those people.
EAP wrote: ↑Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:42 pm
You may or may not know that leftism is a disease.
It eats away at common sense.
Portland, Oregon.
The vast majority of California save for a few pockets of Republican districts.
Very few.
In fact, half of all registered voters in California want to leave the state!
New Orleans.
Wherever leftists are in charge,
You will have misery.
A beautiful American family was just ambushed on the highway in a Mexican border town.
The cartels are in control
Any American who considers taking a vacation in Mexico?
You're an idiot.
That family slaughtered by Mexican cartel thugs? Two twin baby girls were killed.
The American people are finally becoming aware that the left wing socialist party and the mainstream media that protects these socialists, ARE CORRUPT and incompatible with our Bill of rights and our liberty.
This next election cycle is HUGE.
If the democrat socialist party was still the party of JFK, I wouldn't be worried one bit.
But that party is long gone, dead and buried.
Make no mistake. The left wing socialist party is government control. They are incompatible with our Bill of rights.
The low IQ crowd will vote for whoever's got a D next to their name. Mitt Romney may be a sell out rhino. But if he got one thing correct, it was when he said that the democrats start out with a built in 48% of the electorate.
And according to the brilliant founding fathers? That 48% will continue to grow!
When the people find out that they can vote themselves "free money".
That will be the end of our constitutional republic.
God those guys were fuckin brilliant.
Yeah man, fer sure. Nothing grinds my gears more than all the idiots who don't think exactly the way I do. Fuck those people.
Here's the thing.
Trump is the one president who will reach across the aisle and negotiate.
The left just wants his ass.
They want blood.
First they got rid of sessions.
Then they tried to get rid of Barr.
Sessions was easy.
Barr is GOD.
You forget, I'm a Reagan conservative. I love reaching across the aisle. It's in my DNA.
YOUR assumption of me couldn't be more wrong. My post was observations about where the left wants to take the country.
Sure I'm against the direction of one world order and government control socialism. It's against the constitution and our liberty.
I'm more than happy to have clear and. Concise open dialogue.
The free exchange of ideas is ingrained in my DNA.
But trample on the bill of rights and we got problems.
Re: Disease of leftism.
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 7:24 pm
by Screw_Michigan
EAP wrote: ↑Tue Nov 05, 2019 7:17 pm
Trump is the one president who will reach across the aisle and negotiate.
EAP wrote: ↑Tue Nov 05, 2019 7:17 pm
I'm a Reagan conservative.
6. Posting & Forums. The mods and Admin will exercise their wide discretion to delete what they don't want to see posted.
Trashing a good thread with shit posts is a cause for deletion. Someone who repeatedly does that will likely lose the ability to post in that forum. If you don't like it, leave. It is that simple.
How many times can a ren fairy post the same thing before it's SPAM? :xxxl: :xxxl: :xxxl:
BAN FiatLux
Re: Disease of leftism.
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 7:43 pm
by Kierland
STFU you stupid troll.
Flood the zone.
Bump the threads.
Trust the process.
EAP wrote: ↑Tue Nov 05, 2019 9:52 pm
Holly Golightly is the board goddess.
Back when America was Great!
Trump is trying to Make America Great Again!
We're after the same rainbows huckleberry friend.
Moon river.
Re: Disease of leftism.
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 11:20 pm
by EAP
Jsc810 wrote: ↑Tue Nov 05, 2019 11:02 pm
The movie was released in 1961, so that's when America was great. I've been wondering when America was great and when it wasn't (according to the coprophagists known as trump supporters).
Well now, let's see, in 1961 the top marginal tax rate was 91% on income above $200,000 if you were a single filer, or above $300,000 if you were the head of household, or above $400,000 if you were married filing jointly.
I'll leave it to others to figure the exact math, but I suspect if we had that today then we could easily afford health care for everyone, and substantially increase education funding from pre-k thru college, and fund a massive reinvestment in our nation's infrastructure, and still have money left over for other good stuff.
Great idea, Stanley, let's do it.
Where do I begin?
Back then, our schools were ranked near the top.
Today we are at the bottom.
We manufactured stuff.
Today China sends us poison laced baby toys.
The cost of living was heavenly.
Today you barely make ends meet.
Back then, the party of JFK said
"Ask not what your country can do for you"
Today, Obama made it,
Yes, ask what your country can give to you
Because you are entitled.
That's the stain of Obama.
Back then
Everybody pulled their weight.
Today, Obama made it a welfare state.
Back then there were 2 genders.
Today we got 57 genders and they are on 357 kinds of drugs.
Today you've got the left wing government control socialists.
And they are the death of liberty and our bill of rights.
I can go on and on
But I'm about to bite into a 32 ounce "bone in" ribeye.
The MAGA steak.
Re: Disease of leftism.
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 11:25 pm
by Screw_Michigan
EAP wrote: ↑Tue Nov 05, 2019 11:20 pm
Back then, our schools were ranked near the top.
EAP wrote: ↑Tue Nov 05, 2019 11:20 pm
Back then, our schools were ranked near the top.
They were segregated, you god forsaken asswipe.
Tell the board something we don't know genius.
MAGA was a slogan used by Bill Clinton in 92.
Did you have a problem with it then?
MAGA means. Great today, minus the shit from before.
Can your low IQ fuckin pea brain understand that?
There was no perfection anywhere.
That's your delusional thinking.
ALL of the world was far from perfect.
You got damn leftist.
Everyone knows this country has big fuckin skeletons in it's closet.
Our past is littered with them
Every country is included.
MAGA means great in the future minus all the shit skeletons.
If you can't grasp that, you are a simple minded brainwashed sheep.
Oh, one more thing.
The skeletons in our closet were YOUR DEMOCRATS.
YOUR party was the party of slave owners.
My party was always the party of freedom.
My party championed civil rights.
The Republicans are the party that freed the slaves.
The problem with you is that you've been lied to your entire life by leftist professors. And now you're completely clueless and a cocksocket puppet for the government control socialists.
Good luck.
Re: Disease of leftism.
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 12:59 am
by EAP
schmick wrote: ↑Wed Nov 06, 2019 12:51 am
Leftist scum do things for 2 reasons. 1 is to control you, the other is to steal your money. That's the only thing dimocrats do
You are 100% correct sir.
It's an honor to make your acquaintance.
Re: Disease of leftism.
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 2:19 am
by Derron
Completely unreadable.
Re: Disease of leftism.
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 2:23 am
by Kierland
Derron wrote: ↑Wed Nov 06, 2019 2:19 am
Completely unreadable.
Left Seater wrote: ↑Tue Nov 05, 2019 4:16 pm
Well consider me an idiot. The wife and I just got back from 5 days in San Jose Del Cabo.
Thank god you made it back alive.
Next time? Think before you plan.
When I lived in Newport Beach CA, I would hear so many horror stories about people driving down to Messico and the police would stop them for no reason and once they were discovered to be Americans the messican police would demand everything they own to avoid going to jail. If you are American....FLY to messico and stay in the safe resort areas. DO NOT venture out to the remote unsafe areas run by the cartels.
Great Decision making is the best way to avoid being a Darwin Award Winner.
It is a resort. It'a not the real Mexico. It's Disney Mexico. Sanitized and safe. He's smart enough not to be the gringo who wanders outside the set perimeters at the set times on the set roads. Exotica is a state of mind.
Good for him. Nothing wrong with earned trips. Much more traditionally satisfactory than instagram traveling/yachting.
Left Seater flies planes, so he is also probably a smuggler or involved with smugglers. The less you know.
But whatevs. A PET doesn't hurt anybody. The more the better.
EAP wrote: ↑Tue Nov 05, 2019 11:20 pm
Back then, our schools were ranked near the top.
They were segregated, you god forsaken asswipe.
Tell the board something we don't know genius.
That's not Screw's point. I'm not the one to best point out the problem with lauding the 1961 school system at the same time as crowing about being the party to free the slaves.... and the best historian across four boards here is unfortunately smoking the same shit you do, so they won't be of help.
Suffice to say, though, Screw and JSC will both have your balls in a vise for this one.
I wouldn't be surprised if even Big O -- nah, he doesn't mudfight.
Re: Disease of leftism.
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 9:11 am
by Kierland
GOP keeps Virginia house AND Kentucky governorship!
Suck on that libtards!
Holly’s Pikkkle EatsAPenis
Re: Disease of leftism.
Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 6:31 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Left Seater wrote: ↑Tue Nov 05, 2019 4:16 pm
Well consider me an idiot. The wife and I just got back from 5 days in San Jose Del Cabo.
I've been to CDMX to and really enjoyed it. Wouldn't want to screw around in Mexico outside the big cities or even at the resort towns. But CDMX is fine for the most part.
Mexico for the last few years has had a big problem with tainted booze at the resort towns with some very scary consequences.